Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Rose

I now know why this song cuts so deep. I know why the rose is red and bloody. Just one bloody tear drop can be so heavy. Now I wonder how do you give God back his bloody tear drop. Always wondered why I never could donate one tiny drop. That families red stain.  Each time my iron to deplete. Always wondered why that is. One of mine passes out it drains her of her essence her energy. One quart she is sapped. The other universal.
Anna's come back around only its Anastasia. Isn't she lost or is she found. Maybe it is just folklore. An old wives tail.
Kennedy curse. My families curse. Two uncles down. My uncle John. My uncle Bobby. Two brothers shot dead. Rose frontal lobatamy. Sins of thy fathers ego. Uncle Ted black swill curse. Michael and rape. John and Carolyn go down in a plane. Is that my J? Is that my C? My JC who went down in a plane for me? How long has it been now?
Trying to make someone they are not. Looking back way back to those Egyptian tomb and others i have now discovered my family tree. One common denominator? All murdered throughout time. Slavery to this system goes way back in my family. Now the first family? Please Scotty beam me up.
Conversing with that Big Dog today told me I don't need a lawyer to represent me. For I have God.
When you ask how I'm doing? Well this bloody tear drop got heavy.
Sitting in that Gold field crying my mothers tears. I just let them flow. I stopped. Looked to my left. I said Oh shit! What about God? If I have had to feel my sisters pain. My brothers pain. My mothers pain too. You bet your ass I asked Oh shit! What about God? How am I going to feel God's pain. In his words only. Brutal. Horrifying brutal truth no matter how gentle. My Fathers Truth hurts. Truth is Our Mother Our Father are deeply saddened inside. This pain i dont want to feel. You bow to a entity you feed it but you cant honor the morher? You cant do your job and serve a nation for your true mother and true father? This mother has a heartbeat and feels love. This planets heart beats red. It burns with hot lava. Ring of fire burns then comes the rain.
His justice for those who did not serve there nations by feeding there people. Should know to honor Gods Name to serve any nation you do not serve religion. You serve God by serving mother nature and her children. Instead you chose to poison his family his rock all to enslave our nation for profit and gain on mankind.
I thought my sister and brothers justice was brutal. Well just wait till you feel God's. You might have a clearing upstairs but its gonna hurt right here. Yeah conversations wirh God. What can I say Trurh hurts on both sides of this family tree. You poison one leaf you poison them all.
You poison that washington with all your greed. You poison my washington my family tree. My spine you coiled like a snake. You feed that corporation that entity there you grew it here.
Clash of the Titans coming on. The end of the Quaran
The end to Revelations. Is my families revolution. You wanted a solution. Two days two nights we shut this system down.

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