Wednesday, October 26, 2016

All of Me

I am sad. I am bewildered. I am horrified as I learn just who I am. My sister it seems is ahead of her time. She once called me, I was at the end of my pregnancy. She was screaming that all I do is run away. I remember looking around my living room and thinking, I got married moved to Sunnyvale for three years, came back bought a house in North Bend right after. I truly did not see that as running away. I left for a lil while and I returned.
As I sit crying, Where do you go when your God's daughter? Their is nowhere to hide and no one to call? My tears are not for fears for myself. It is others. My family. I want to explain but no one will let me speak. Oh Oh Oh the education I have gotten. What do I call my children's father? My X, who is my children's father who is a mentally ill sociopath who can't feel empathy. How can you feel love when you have no empathy? So yes he has a demon on his head. Just like the ones behind the curtain. I said earlier they cannot feel love. Then I discover their is a tenth planet called planet X.
Mar's my planet I notice is deplete of water and resources. I have discovered the annunaki, the gold from back in Egyptian time. That RH-blood. Not happy. That iron and copper. Not happy to learn I am the mother of all mothers and that the Illuminati who are controlling all of my planets resources using my Government who claims to represent God as their marionette puppets. Yes I know how it feels. You've been played, serving the wrong power or not how can you choose money over mankind? Using religion fear and money to control Gods flock. All to help these two take down the strongest nation all to take over this planet it's resources and mankind. You poison people for profit so five months of our tax dollars go in this entity this corporation behind the curtain.
They are cowards. Anything done behind your back to take down mankind as a whole is a coward and no they do not represent God. God is about love and humanity. I know why when Moses had that face off with the pharaoh with the staffs and well let's just say they lost. Even though God took the oldest sons he knew they were going home to heaven. What makes you think a celestial being like my Father doesn't see what is going on? Look all around you at the storms, the people dying, hurting and hungry, suffering in every nation because of these two brothers? My father does not hate, he is about love and justice to protect his wife and his planet for his children. You are God's flock, not theirs.
Pretty evil right to hold out a nice hand of gesture smile in your face, teach you all sorts of good things all so you become dependent, on the money and the system? Who blocks our good technology? Who blocks our good resources? Who charges a arm and a leg for the most basic human rights? From what I see by this system, both of them they create these barriers for food and help. They are already turning our children into slaves by controlling our schools, how we discipline and raise them, how we teach them. OMG! Everything they gave touched they have poisoned. They created the stigmata. The stigma on everything good in every country. Our spirituality, our medicine our food, our water, the technology. They create the poison. They are in control of your medicine. Your technology and create the labels on how you feel and how you love. Who you can love. Even by skin color and religion it creates separation. All across these borders. They create the fear and the war. They make our stocks by controlling the stock, controlling the people. They do not care about you, but I do. I don't want to hear black lives matter. I want to hear all lives matter.
Not happy to figure that I'm the aunt that has come back to fight this bitch. When I watched Revelation's and it got broken down about the first five stages then stage six, God's wrath. I know who I am. I don't give a fuck if I have their blood, they are not welcome on my rock. In any way shape or form anymore. I see the poison in the bibles the different one's not knowing if it's angel or E.T. Pretty angry about that. So much confusion because we are made to look in one area only and not outside the box. They control the media and they keep the blinders on you. They keep you hurting and stupid.
For Christ Sake, I am not the false prophet. When I saw and heard the reference about the sheep, goats and lamb, the ten horns, the seven lion heads. Then the eleventh horn. This lil mother and those ten daughters are mine you son of a bitch. I do not fear you. My body is just a shell of my true self. I My true heart. The love I carry inside me for my rock. My nation, All nations are mine, This is my ring of fire, my flower my seed, my rock. Take your fucking Gold and get the fuck off my rock. Who needs the fountain of youth when you got God? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. God is the healer, the one true healer. Heaven is about truth they know saw and love. Not condemnation and hell fire. Yes God has double duty up there to, you know the alien thing. The planet and the universe.
When I saw in The Kingsman, the cell phone signal that caused us to kill each other off, who controls our technology, even our social sights? Can't sign up for anything without a phone now a days. Who are they gonna call when this goes down? Yes it is true, I already wrote that, what does a demon do? He kills you spiritually and physically. Demons need a host. Kill the host or the host kills you. Look at the Truth inside your heart. Your heart is your soul and it belongs to my family. So yes, I will gladly bleed for my father. When I saw how those disciples didn't re-cant what they saw with their own eyes, what they heard with their own ears, and they still spoke the truth they did not re-cant.
Am I crazy or is this faith?
In my life I started with now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to take.
Then the Lords Prayer
Then the Serenity Prayer. Acceptance, Courage, and Wisdom to know the difference. With each step I take
I don't know that Druids opening prayer so I will say my own,
From the North South East and West this rock is mine
His flock is my flock
From all in between, up above and below this rock is mine
This is my house,
This is my daddies house
This is my families sun in heaven and of this earth
This is my families moon in heaven and of this earth
These are my families twinkling stars
Get the fuck off my rock
My family was here first
My families here to stay

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