Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Man Again God?

I was sitting in my tent and it finally dawned on me  what this is all about? Lets just say I got this sinking feeling then along with that sunrise
so did my rage.
God you set me up?
You made me look like a fool
All for a man?
All for a man, God?
A Mother Flocking man God?
Again God?
You put me through hell
All for a man?
You mother flocking bet I'm pissed off.
Oh I'm raging
My fire is raging inside of me
You flocking bet I want answers
If I'm the God Daughter
I'm here for a reason
Why God? Why all the pain God?
Why all the burdens God?
Where's the Love God?
All I'm feeling is pain God
If I'm your daughter for this long
Where's my beef cake?
Wheres my healing touch?
You make me look like the fool
All for a man again God?
It's always all about Him God
I don't care if I'm my mother's daughter
The April Fool's Child
I don't care if I'm the Joker
This families last laugh
This families only hope
I want to know again God
Why I'm left to carry the load?
I want to know why I'm out here
All alone, towing the line?
Again God always searching some body else's soul
What about mine God?
When are you going to feed my soul?
When are we going to get to my pain?
When am I going to get the healing touch?
When Does someone else get to feel my pain?
So I ask again God
Where's the love?
You set me up
You show me my family line
All murdered generations back
You clear a pathway right for my children
You made quite the bee line
Yeah I'm pissed off
I never wanted any of this
I didn't want no man
I dont want to be no princes bride
I don't want to be any queen of no land
I don't want to be queen of no rock
I ain't never had no desire for no crown
Yes God, you bet this pisses me off
This royalty shit is a pain in my ass, not yours
The Joker
The Queen of Hearts
The Fool
You bet I'm pissed off
You set me up God Dammit
And I want to club somebody
If I'm the Ace of spades
If I'm the diamond in the rough
Where's my rough rider God?
Just where the flock is my white knight?
Where's my thunder?
Where's my lightening rod?
Where's my raging storm?
Lets get this ground to quaking
Now stop dangling that carrot
Im tired of being the work mule
Carrying the load
Towing this families line
Out here all alone
Even when I'm with someone else
I'm alone, you know that
Where's my love God?
Wheres my light God?
Where the flock is my heart you show me?
Now you want a extension
No God I have to say, still feeling only pain
No God I'm not feeling no Love
Not even a clear view of Mt. Rainier
Not from my perspective anyways
So yeah you can say God
I'm flocking pissed off at you
Wheres the love God?
Who's gonna feel my pain God?
Who's gonna take on my rage God?
I don't want to feel someone else's soul God.
I wanna feel the Love
I wanna feel the Light
You got me talking about
Where's all the Love God?

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