Monday, November 7, 2016

Brotherly EVOL


Satan my brother it’s your long lost sister. Well one of them anyways. I wish I could say from a different Mother. I wish I could say from a different Father but we both know I can’t, because well that just wouldn’t be the truth now would it brother?

You’ve been a very bad boy. With all the deceptions, illusions and lies. You think I can’t see your poisonous seeds in every cookie jar? Every book of light where people turn to for hope in all those religious books. Oh yeah that’s right you were there right from the start weren’t you? That poisonous apple or the quince or it’s even been called the pomegranate. For now I will talk about that poisonous apple you tricked Eve into taking a bite of that poisonous apple of lies you fed that innocent child. The Naïve one. I wonder just what it is you placed besides the blame Adam spewed out of fear upon Eve’s shoulder’s? Your own sister you led astray.

You placed the blame and out of that the men’s ego grew didn’t it Satan? You liked that didn’t you brother? So the women for generations have been taking the blame and pain isn’t that right brother? Yeah that’s right brother I have learned a lot in the last eleven months. I have learned allot about my family and sister and brotherhood.. Upstairs and downstairs brother, you Son of a bitch. I have learned just who it is I am after all. You can say brother I have been schooled alright. The old fashioned way I have been schooled. No one walked beside me but my family. You can’t see them but I assure you they are there.

IC how you have turned our love into EVIL. IC how you have turned our lives into evil. As you pit brother against sister. I figured out that black square I saw on that cooks line. I knew it was foreign and it did not belong there. That’s right brother I turned that black square into a heart long ago. I chose a heart because of the V pointing up to the heavens. With a sharp point pointing to this ground. It took me awhile to figure out just who that black heart belongs to. I was wondering if it represents my black heart? Is it Greg’s the father of my children? Is it the other father or the other fathers? Just who does it belong to? Then it hit me asshole. That black heart belongs to you, doesn’t it brother? The poison you placed in mankind’s heart oh so long ago.. You keep his flock hurting and blinded to love don’t you brother?

You like all this panic and fear don’t you brother? Amongst Mother’s land, amongst religions, and nations. All these labels and lies you placed on peoples heads. Yeah brother I have figured out all this mental illness the cause and effects of your hands in the mental health field. Come on brother you know that schizophrenics see things in other dimensions and it is you who gets them stuck there. All this Bio Polar diagnosis. The extreme highs and lows. It’s the spiral I see in people brother. The panic and fear of that label you placed on people’s heads. They are just re-acting to Mother Nature aren’t they brother? It’s the energy right. We are way off balance. You like that don’t you brother.

I have learned that because of you our parents note I say parent’s are going to come down and do a lil blessing of there own. They are going to do their own baptism all over this planet. His mighty fist is going to come down with a boom and mother nature and God our father are going to wash the poison of all your illusions and lies all over this planet out once and for all. I didn’t start this brother but I’m going to finish it. Oh brother I have learned to view things from different perspectives. I have been taught to see things from the bigger picture. You know brother if I see this you know they are watching you. Actually both of you. I have figured out you aren’t the only one. Not by a long shot.

Brother doesn’t lie with brother has nothing to do with sex does it brother? It’s another poisonous seed you planted in order to turn Mother Natures and God’s children against each other. Like they would ever let man decide who loves who. I mean come on brother we are all his children and hers right? The plant’s, the animals, the sea life and river life. All throughout Mother Nature we breed. We make love and at times we make children. You do know spiritually brother when you were made mother nature wasn’t lying on her back? I mean come on brother where do you think all these holy spirits really came from? I especially love the part where mankind, you know the pious ones who set the standards so high to even say our brother JC was a virgin. Come on brother you know as well as I do that Our Father would not have his only begotten son come down here and not experience the pit falls of love and loss. That would be Mary Magdalene who sat at his feet while pregnant with his only child.

Was it one or two. Hard to say after all we just keep coming back don’t we? This time it’s going to be different from all the rest of the times they came down here and hit this planet and started over. Oh yeah that’s right your plan well both of your plan all along was to burn out mother nature so she can’t feed her children. His flock. You think by taking out his flock that you are going to take out the father right? Oh you to have been at this a long long time. That is why IC demon trolls sitting on peoples heads. All the way back then during the times of fairies and trolls. You love that all these stories were separated out. You like it when people only know one thing right brother? You like it when people won’t look outside the box, don’t you brother? Oh the things I have learned about al those boxes IC brother is pretty astounding. You placed rules and rituals in religion didn’t you brother? Under the guise of commitment and dedication while we burn ourselves out meeting all these confusing demands. Some you have really burned out. You made them feel it was ABOUT THE PRAYER AND RITUAL INSTEAD OF THE EMOTION, DIDN’T YOU BROTHER?

You alone with this lie has created so much animosity amongst man and woman. You have made things simmering and brewing. These people on this planet and all those spirits and guides IC are just steaming and stewing upstairs all the way through heavens gates. You placed rituals and rules on God’s love didn’t you? You created separation of the people God’s children fighting over the centuries of God’s and Mother Natures children and his flock you burn out and you make them feel weak and less than don’t you brother? You don’t really give a fuck about religion do you brother? I mean do you really think man, where religion came from with the help of you, is going to get to decide who gets into heavens gates? You like all this separation don’t you brother?

I have learned allot about cause and effect of actions and energy brother. Never really thought about it before but like I said I have seen so much in the last eleven months it is just amazing the things I know.

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