Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thy Will Not Be Mine Go With God, by God. written by God.

U Were Mine by the Dixie Chick's
Once upon a time. No white knights in shining armor 9nly black. Sleeping Beauty? Only black Knight's. I'm jaded I've discovered no fairy tale endings. No love, no light. What I told Greg in my first few weeks. With my right hand in the air telling him nothing grows without love and l8ght crying as I speak my heart.
For me to discover who I really am? Why I had 2 go thru extreme punishment and hate behind the scenes. The worst of the worst. I married Mr. 666 the original Beast you've heard and not knowing expiercing yourself all along. The destination, the anger and hate behind so hurt and angry nowhere 2 turn 2. U R guilty B4 proven 8nnocent.
We R the collateral. Our bodies, our Justice system protecting our civil rights our civil liberties. I followed the Adam's and the Johns from the start. First family. The Anne's, the Mary's and the Wendy's. In life what happened with people 8n my life with name and location from here first. The experience, the conversation then. 
The other things I heard. Obelisk, Ariel, house home animals. The music by Pat Benetar. Fireworks that night. My best friend Cyn the mother hen not wanting 2 let me go back 2 the rock. I felt like I was walking with a staff. A policeman another profile 2 stop me 4 walking. Sitting quietly connecting crying praying and/or writing with the beat and topic of the music. A staff, those closest in this life scared and angry. A journey no bother 2 others. No questions, no conversation from me unless at a counter and purchasing with EBT or cash on this lot. Unless spoken 2 first. 
I walk I dance, most important the 2 prayers in my life were The Lord's Prayer and Serenity Prayer. From beginning 2 end.

 At the end of both I said "Thy Will, Not Mine, Go with God." 

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