Thursday, February 3, 2022

The House That Built Me

I came here 2 be a mother 2 my children. U Satan will not take it from me. I know who I am and who made me who I am.
When We Were Young by Adelle
Greg, I have no forgiveness for U. No love for U. Every pregnancy wondering if I have enough energy 2 feed my children, my dog's not 2 neglect them. I hated when people literally nelected what took them to the next step of love, to build care and grow. I couldn't. It was a fight a battle. Everyone taking me. My energy. I kept associating love and energy with Kai and B4 Alex all * felt was energy with her. I kept wondering do I have enuf energy, enuf love 2 feed her love. 2 feed her food. 2 hearing her wake me up like Alex. So happy, so cute and helpless. Later not crying they grow. As soon as they C U. They are jumping, smiling and laughing. Their Lil duck but's. Their 2 front toofies. Jumping smiling and happy. The one that loves U and depends on U. What is so sad is mother's waking up angry when they C that face blaming the baby and child. Starts out angry. If U can't look at he/she and melt your heart frustration and anger. U have no business having a child. 
Perfect by Ed Sheeran.
It seems no 1 is perfect in this life. Not even God. Not walking thru no justice anywhere. Our constitution free speech turns in2 what in this land of freedom? Somone discovers one-part 9f one thing, what does my own country do? Label him a conspiracy theorist, he's crazy. Big brother goes after the little guy.
We are ostracized. Destroy our reputation. Our education, our truth of 1 part of the equation. Our government hides it. I walked thru it. First character, reputation, our education even. They our government limited our education. We are not smart enuf unless we pay 4 vour education. U big brother have collected on everything. This is why I heard prohibition. Not just alcohol. Not just drugs. U this system are our drug mules. All these affiliates to confuse U. More places to report. More middlemen to supply jobs. More slavery 4 less thru out history. Everyone from Justice 2 freedom in all walks of life. No 1 is free as long as I think this land of freedom is free. I have discovered I have people doing anything 2 get here. We have no freedom or Justice. We have no truth anywhere. 4 what? More money. No 💜. Thank U big brother 4 nothing. We wonder why U in any Government expect me 2 trust U or my flock.? Flock U. Get the flock of my rock. 8 have discovered after looking up Shekina I am the Mother of this Nether nether land. I am the 01. I am God. I am the energy
The atom. The creation. I don't like anything I'm seeing with man. Wel it's all about me after all. No mother. No food. No love.
No love no life. U as man wouldn't even exist. I as man and law white to black or woman to man. No soul, no heart, no eternal life.
No spirit. No love no life.
No one wouldn't exist without me the creation of everything
The creation of whose own making? 
Reep what U sew? Only on this rock, 

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