Tuesday, February 1, 2022

List of stuff I still need to type Part 1 of 2 on next page

I feel 2 slow. To far behind brain wise. Memories and connecting more dots. Fuck I hate this shite sumtimes. Yesterday I had to stop my hands were twitching and not hitting the right letters. I still have stuff to get 2. Like every time I was with Jesus Christ? I'm talking about visions. Actual conversations and time with Him. It's sinking in further why he didn't look the same as his photos throughout history, culture and different sects of religion. 

What is stranger is I actually can tell U what God looks like in human form, in my dreams and visions. What has sunk in is the vision on 10/31/2016? I was talking 2 Him got flashed in 2 3 dreams really quick. Hitting Him crying, pulling and screaming like so many times on this journey. I know I told this one. His arms crossed as usual and the dark blue T-shirt. He looks at me like come on Colleen, and says I'm right here with you, I'm God. 

I wanted to write out all dream's so U didn't have to look thru all this. I haven't finished going back to the beginning because I realize with everything so connected it's easy to get off track. I wanted to just write after carrying a key number 4 to V's mailbox and hiked thru the trail in my red slippers. Haven't earned the ruby one's yet. I took it to a huge white Teepee. I believe I made the agreement that night.

The morning after I put coconut oil and water in the circle with four colored jars. I put the jars in a square around the circle of the fire pit.  Laid back in Zero ground chair that I sat in when I made my four agreements' the night B4. Feeling energy go both ways. 1 line of energy going in from the ground in 2 my fingertips and feet. Feeding me love and giving me energy.  

Sitting with a grin on my face going mmmhhmmm, I kept doing that, eyes closed. Then I believe a Hindu woman that I met at the Gateway, she had me step on the egg that I brought and held. I stepped on it, It was an exact replica of my head with the eyes blacked out. She said he has convinced everyone you are crazy. I looked at her and went duh! 

This is exactly what this system has done. They are shutting you down emotionally. The legalization to allow the schools to take over our rites as parent's and U passing laws leaving me to have no rights to ask questions about what they are doing and why. All I heard was the system says or are procedures here are. Nothing adds up. It This includes counseling our children during a divorce and doing it again without permission. 
Back to after I made 4 agreements'
I got up from chair and Michael carried me to bed. I saw huge white wings on his back and asked him what namaste meant. I bowed to her and said Namaste. He said an agreement.
The same woman my mother sent me to that last summer as a family during Mary and Greg's 90-day plan to set her up. My sister called her a witch and U know I have learned that seer's your Truth seekers have been accused of witchcraft. The witches hammer a man can accuse any free-thinking woman of witchcraft. Even the midwives, especially if something happened to the baby.

They gathered herb's 4 medicine and seasoning on food. They were burned at the stake and threw the fags on the fire 4 kinneling. 
I have over 4000 photos 2 print as well as Kiley and Alex's. I'd like to get Kyles and Michaels printed as well. 
Screw the deleted photos and messages. I still have to print this book. It's been like over a year I think since I printed this blog. Saving it on a flash drive or disc, I don't know if they will have the software to run a computer to print from.
Another list is all the different beings standing in my room during childhood. We moved about every year. I have since learned when my watchers switched. The answer I have learned is it's the counties and cities. My father's, grandmother and aunt Judy's county was Adams County on Jupiter Street.

OMGOD! I just figured some other connection out, finally. I wondered what this street name meant in this. Jupiter is Kyle's planet in astrology. My family street name growing up and I found it I don't know if it's Kyle's relative or his wife who passed away. He didn't know either.

The King planet the 12th house. I'm Mars the first planet. The first house.
Another discovery I really want to ask my sister. What place in Oregon did we go to visit Jim the molester's sister? Roseberg, Oregon. I kept hearing the name Bell and at the time met another mentally ill person. 
At the time I was thinking 2 things, The names of the four schools right around me when in High School. 
The 2nd seeing Bell on Beauty and the Beast and the rose. It was the one that wasn't a cartoon. The mother/wife died some time ago. The father went to her bed and picked up a red rose. Then I hear she died of the plague. I wonder with all I know just what my story will be in the end? 
Please let's just get to the end, so me and others can heal. Learn the Truth and move forward.

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