Thursday, February 3, 2022

Faithfully, Faith, Fate, Fated, Karma and Justice

What a journey. What a long Haul. Being compassionate. Giving people the benefit of the doubt with emotions and a bad day. 
Doubt by Dove
Being short and cruel. Punishing others, takin, taking taking. Guilting U . Making me pay every step of the way. 
5 main people in my life. Taking advantage of my love. Same with my sister every step of the way.
Go Easy by Adelle 
Where do U turn 2 the Justice System? U big brother?  I always wished I had a big brother. I always wished I had a father 2 guide
 Help me thru this pain. I remembered, what Elaine said about the poem. Footprints in the sand. 8 gave it 2 her when I came acrossed it later. She didn't remember saying that. Guess I rem8ndered  her or made her forget.
Mercy by Brett Young.
C how music makes me connect the dots. Mercury. The rainbow and apple. Then the big eye in the sky Issac Newton. Only 2 discover. I have a brother. A Father. A Husband and a Mother after all. Sisters and a brother thru out history and time. Who carried me. Not one of U. U blamed, the jealousy and hate on me.  Sum 1 always making me pay there or here no1 looks or hears. Just scream my name and take my love 4 granted. Blame 3bety where not any speaking defending. No truth. No
Your Song by Elton John
The blame started age 6. Grandma Catherine Anne. I recon it got me prepared 4 my future. I was used 2 it by then. Just walking away and crossing that bridge. Here I am, walking away in peace, I paid for compassion. No onevever let me make that choice about my life my 2xperience of what I'm lived thru, I waited in chains in your justified system.
A 1000 years by CP
Doing the right thing. Do what my lawyer told me 2 do, just 4 back up, protection. None of it existed. Covered my ass as I was told. Hoping 2 get time away 2 find me.
2 late 2 apologize by 1 Republic the magic number is 7, the magic number of the universe.
 My strength of who I used 2 B B4 Greg. If I get some therapy in the mean time. All the better. The discovery. The pros the cons no balance.  The manager let him 8n. My counselor's said not to. It's what I said first. The manager let my abuser, neglector, slavery U have no idea. He made me and his family made me pay. My own mother, I paid. Not allowed 2 speak, defend or have a emotion. 
My Immortal by Everessence
I sat in your justified system. Your boxes. Your mistreatment centers, your jails, your blanket justice system making my flock pay pay pay in every which way, u sign away my rights. I either agree or I'm mentally ill. A conspiracy theorist
 Your science doesn't rule me, my heart, my flock, children or family. They were born with a soul. They never belonged 2 U 4 a reason. 
Don't speak by No Doubt
U can't speak or defend unless it fits in your blanket laws. U own my body my spirit my God.  None of U do. Abuse of power and righteousness every where I turn. Karma and Justice. U big brother are a good of example 9f bad behavior and the trickle down effect of bad behavior. This is a bad example of decomacrcy and abuse of power. U used God's name, playing God. Thinking it goes money, social apoearances and society. Sposed 2 go God family then work. The mask U wear in society. $ doesn't make this world turn. God is energy and he does.
Bleeding Love by LL
The bleeding heart flowers that blocked the door from opening. 
God does, the angel's. The true Conductor who knows the Truth. 

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