Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Just who is the Shekina?

I know I'm suppose 2 get 2 part 2. I was trying 2 do just bullet points. If it's my 4 I automatically go back over the 4 and what happened in my number before. Each time it's deeper another connection. Another experience. Another injustice. 
Then last night with Michael watching movies, the titles and names. If a saying or vs comes around. I write it down and look it up.
I wrote out a list of connections.
More titles. Then I think I'm done. More will pop in my head, likely dream's. The vivid ones I never. 4 got like my watchers in the night. Seeing a woman knocking on the car door window. Discovering she was real. 
I got the name Shekina on the angel cards. Her twin flame Holy Spirit. I can't believe that's a part of who I am. I came across her name toward end of bible. I don't know where exactly or if I read it.
Last night it dawned on me I still don't know anything about her. I input her name and I'm scrolling thru different bible text. Sumthing about God. Dammit I have 2 look it up again. C more stuff. Is this ever going to end. 
Perhaps that's why I came across her name. Don't know which bible or if they are spelled differently in bible and angel cards.


 I am so sick of this. I got it long ago balance and justice. I asked so I'm a little Toa. The yin yang. One of Gwen's expressions. Put it up his yin yang. Trident and Wrigley? Asswipe's birthdate and numbers? Hey U gave him this number. God never said, just how the beast would B marked. Christopher, they don't like him. 2 birds flew up when I asked why? Then I hear the other clue, Assassins' Creed, the apple and religion? Christopher Columbus was the religion that wanted the essence of the apple. The Serpent in the garden. Another part when the serpent married his first love it will B Armageddon. That black heart is incapable of love. Love, it was all about money guilt and blame. Then just one of my ten twelves from the start his birthdate? 10/12. Balance. There really was not ever balanced from the start, no Yin and yang in any of it. I mean come on Aleister Alexander Crowley's birthday. Same birthday as Greg. The birthdate along with his 666's, not a good sign.

I have Faith. I mean how can I not? I literally live with one of the dumbest arc angels. Michael the arc angel is being blocked by a little demon boy. It doesn't matter how much I have connected the dots? In one ear and out the other. I can tell him proof, over the head. Another fly by. 

I never realized what it means 2 B the God Daughter of all. Thy Kingdom Cum thy will B done. On earth as it is in heaven. Heaven on earth baby. thru out history and time it is said Armageddon and oh what a revelation this journey has been, walking back thru my history past, present, future. I assure U, I've been thoroughly screwed, inside and out. I am who I am, I like myself and my family tree line just fine. 

He made everything so hard. The cheapest quality. After me driving with around 1970, a very dangerous truck. He would not acknowledge. It wasn't logical to be pregnant with the 2nd child and still have no thot, what am I going to drive with 2 car seats? I put my duty in and 3 years later saying U just had to have that truck. I didn't get paid and no credit for a God Damned thing. No acknowledgement just a wave of a hand and oh she'll be fine. No empathy or thot for her well-being. I gave him a journal in Sunnyvale and asked him to write down his emotion's no matter what they are when our friend Wes lost his leg. A healthy way to purge your emotions. To get them out become aware and move to the next step, the next emotion. 

He is emotionless at the cruel things he said and did. My tone. for one, Am I worthy to eat a large fry, to even pay for a large fry? Telling a woman who either hands it over or shares without thought. This is his way of telling me I don't share, I'm being shellfish, and I am unworthy to pay for or eat. Looking back, they're right it was always some kind of accusation, the undertones of blame. How many times did I did my usual slow turn of the head when he said something off the wall, shocking? The common denominator is saying out loud that I blame him for the pain. Blaim and pain

They have been thru every car that has been sold out under me. From a teenager to him and another did too. He wanted my car, and it was cooler than his and he drove the hell out of it. I'm still angry that it's me. I know U think it's God, and it it's cool to do what I have to do? Clean this rock, clean this house. Oh yes, I have to do my part. That if I don't show up by his side other than just the guy's. He was angry if I didn't go. he demanded, not one please or thank U from him for anything 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

What, I'm Actually Representing God? Just Let Me Die, It's 2 Much

When I'm yours Bruno Mars
The song came on. 8m thinking about the North, South, East and West.
I C myself being pull3d in all directions. 
Take Me 2 The Church by Hozier
I love this song this is how I feel. 
This rock is my church. I give my life to save my children. I will hurt, I will suffer 4 my children. I always will provide 4 U. Love is evolution and growth. By now I realize I'm not just the sun son I'm here actually representing God. The invisible man is right.

She will bB a 🌹. I want 2 run. I want 2 hide. it's just me and me alone. I stand alone. Human ♥️ Vs. God's love who C's it all. I am human and I hurt. I'm tired. I still need U 2 trust in me and further more trust in him. If anyone has lived my life, like others looking 4 family. Looking 4 hope. looking 4 Love, I am here. Here is where I am. This rocks Queen of heart's stands alone in the land of kings. waiting for my heart. 8f it cums back 2 U it's yours.

The House That Built Me

I came here 2 be a mother 2 my children. U Satan will not take it from me. I know who I am and who made me who I am.
When We Were Young by Adelle
Greg, I have no forgiveness for U. No love for U. Every pregnancy wondering if I have enough energy 2 feed my children, my dog's not 2 neglect them. I hated when people literally nelected what took them to the next step of love, to build care and grow. I couldn't. It was a fight a battle. Everyone taking me. My energy. I kept associating love and energy with Kai and B4 Alex all * felt was energy with her. I kept wondering do I have enuf energy, enuf love 2 feed her love. 2 feed her food. 2 hearing her wake me up like Alex. So happy, so cute and helpless. Later not crying they grow. As soon as they C U. They are jumping, smiling and laughing. Their Lil duck but's. Their 2 front toofies. Jumping smiling and happy. The one that loves U and depends on U. What is so sad is mother's waking up angry when they C that face blaming the baby and child. Starts out angry. If U can't look at he/she and melt your heart frustration and anger. U have no business having a child. 
Perfect by Ed Sheeran.
It seems no 1 is perfect in this life. Not even God. Not walking thru no justice anywhere. Our constitution free speech turns in2 what in this land of freedom? Somone discovers one-part 9f one thing, what does my own country do? Label him a conspiracy theorist, he's crazy. Big brother goes after the little guy.
We are ostracized. Destroy our reputation. Our education, our truth of 1 part of the equation. Our government hides it. I walked thru it. First character, reputation, our education even. They our government limited our education. We are not smart enuf unless we pay 4 vour education. U big brother have collected on everything. This is why I heard prohibition. Not just alcohol. Not just drugs. U this system are our drug mules. All these affiliates to confuse U. More places to report. More middlemen to supply jobs. More slavery 4 less thru out history. Everyone from Justice 2 freedom in all walks of life. No 1 is free as long as I think this land of freedom is free. I have discovered I have people doing anything 2 get here. We have no freedom or Justice. We have no truth anywhere. 4 what? More money. No 💜. Thank U big brother 4 nothing. We wonder why U in any Government expect me 2 trust U or my flock.? Flock U. Get the flock of my rock. 8 have discovered after looking up Shekina I am the Mother of this Nether nether land. I am the 01. I am God. I am the energy
The atom. The creation. I don't like anything I'm seeing with man. Wel it's all about me after all. No mother. No food. No love.
No love no life. U as man wouldn't even exist. I as man and law white to black or woman to man. No soul, no heart, no eternal life.
No spirit. No love no life.
No one wouldn't exist without me the creation of everything
The creation of whose own making? 
Reep what U sew? Only on this rock, 

Thy Will Not Be Mine Go With God, by God. written by God.

U Were Mine by the Dixie Chick's
Once upon a time. No white knights in shining armor 9nly black. Sleeping Beauty? Only black Knight's. I'm jaded I've discovered no fairy tale endings. No love, no light. What I told Greg in my first few weeks. With my right hand in the air telling him nothing grows without love and l8ght crying as I speak my heart.
For me to discover who I really am? Why I had 2 go thru extreme punishment and hate behind the scenes. The worst of the worst. I married Mr. 666 the original Beast you've heard and not knowing expiercing yourself all along. The destination, the anger and hate behind so hurt and angry nowhere 2 turn 2. U R guilty B4 proven 8nnocent.
We R the collateral. Our bodies, our Justice system protecting our civil rights our civil liberties. I followed the Adam's and the Johns from the start. First family. The Anne's, the Mary's and the Wendy's. In life what happened with people 8n my life with name and location from here first. The experience, the conversation then. 
The other things I heard. Obelisk, Ariel, house home animals. The music by Pat Benetar. Fireworks that night. My best friend Cyn the mother hen not wanting 2 let me go back 2 the rock. I felt like I was walking with a staff. A policeman another profile 2 stop me 4 walking. Sitting quietly connecting crying praying and/or writing with the beat and topic of the music. A staff, those closest in this life scared and angry. A journey no bother 2 others. No questions, no conversation from me unless at a counter and purchasing with EBT or cash on this lot. Unless spoken 2 first. 
I walk I dance, most important the 2 prayers in my life were The Lord's Prayer and Serenity Prayer. From beginning 2 end.

 At the end of both I said "Thy Will, Not Mine, Go with God." 

Faithfully, Faith, Fate, Fated, Karma and Justice

What a journey. What a long Haul. Being compassionate. Giving people the benefit of the doubt with emotions and a bad day. 
Doubt by Dove
Being short and cruel. Punishing others, takin, taking taking. Guilting U . Making me pay every step of the way. 
5 main people in my life. Taking advantage of my love. Same with my sister every step of the way.
Go Easy by Adelle 
Where do U turn 2 the Justice System? U big brother?  I always wished I had a big brother. I always wished I had a father 2 guide
 Help me thru this pain. I remembered, what Elaine said about the poem. Footprints in the sand. 8 gave it 2 her when I came acrossed it later. She didn't remember saying that. Guess I rem8ndered  her or made her forget.
Mercy by Brett Young.
C how music makes me connect the dots. Mercury. The rainbow and apple. Then the big eye in the sky Issac Newton. Only 2 discover. I have a brother. A Father. A Husband and a Mother after all. Sisters and a brother thru out history and time. Who carried me. Not one of U. U blamed, the jealousy and hate on me.  Sum 1 always making me pay there or here no1 looks or hears. Just scream my name and take my love 4 granted. Blame 3bety where not any speaking defending. No truth. No
Your Song by Elton John
The blame started age 6. Grandma Catherine Anne. I recon it got me prepared 4 my future. I was used 2 it by then. Just walking away and crossing that bridge. Here I am, walking away in peace, I paid for compassion. No onevever let me make that choice about my life my 2xperience of what I'm lived thru, I waited in chains in your justified system.
A 1000 years by CP
Doing the right thing. Do what my lawyer told me 2 do, just 4 back up, protection. None of it existed. Covered my ass as I was told. Hoping 2 get time away 2 find me.
2 late 2 apologize by 1 Republic the magic number is 7, the magic number of the universe.
 My strength of who I used 2 B B4 Greg. If I get some therapy in the mean time. All the better. The discovery. The pros the cons no balance.  The manager let him 8n. My counselor's said not to. It's what I said first. The manager let my abuser, neglector, slavery U have no idea. He made me and his family made me pay. My own mother, I paid. Not allowed 2 speak, defend or have a emotion. 
My Immortal by Everessence
I sat in your justified system. Your boxes. Your mistreatment centers, your jails, your blanket justice system making my flock pay pay pay in every which way, u sign away my rights. I either agree or I'm mentally ill. A conspiracy theorist
 Your science doesn't rule me, my heart, my flock, children or family. They were born with a soul. They never belonged 2 U 4 a reason. 
Don't speak by No Doubt
U can't speak or defend unless it fits in your blanket laws. U own my body my spirit my God.  None of U do. Abuse of power and righteousness every where I turn. Karma and Justice. U big brother are a good of example 9f bad behavior and the trickle down effect of bad behavior. This is a bad example of decomacrcy and abuse of power. U used God's name, playing God. Thinking it goes money, social apoearances and society. Sposed 2 go God family then work. The mask U wear in society. $ doesn't make this world turn. God is energy and he does.
Bleeding Love by LL
The bleeding heart flowers that blocked the door from opening. 
God does, the angel's. The true Conductor who knows the Truth. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

List of stuff I still need to type Part 1 of 2 on next page

I feel 2 slow. To far behind brain wise. Memories and connecting more dots. Fuck I hate this shite sumtimes. Yesterday I had to stop my hands were twitching and not hitting the right letters. I still have stuff to get 2. Like every time I was with Jesus Christ? I'm talking about visions. Actual conversations and time with Him. It's sinking in further why he didn't look the same as his photos throughout history, culture and different sects of religion. 

What is stranger is I actually can tell U what God looks like in human form, in my dreams and visions. What has sunk in is the vision on 10/31/2016? I was talking 2 Him got flashed in 2 3 dreams really quick. Hitting Him crying, pulling and screaming like so many times on this journey. I know I told this one. His arms crossed as usual and the dark blue T-shirt. He looks at me like come on Colleen, and says I'm right here with you, I'm God. 

I wanted to write out all dream's so U didn't have to look thru all this. I haven't finished going back to the beginning because I realize with everything so connected it's easy to get off track. I wanted to just write after carrying a key number 4 to V's mailbox and hiked thru the trail in my red slippers. Haven't earned the ruby one's yet. I took it to a huge white Teepee. I believe I made the agreement that night.

The morning after I put coconut oil and water in the circle with four colored jars. I put the jars in a square around the circle of the fire pit.  Laid back in Zero ground chair that I sat in when I made my four agreements' the night B4. Feeling energy go both ways. 1 line of energy going in from the ground in 2 my fingertips and feet. Feeding me love and giving me energy.  

Sitting with a grin on my face going mmmhhmmm, I kept doing that, eyes closed. Then I believe a Hindu woman that I met at the Gateway, she had me step on the egg that I brought and held. I stepped on it, It was an exact replica of my head with the eyes blacked out. She said he has convinced everyone you are crazy. I looked at her and went duh! 

This is exactly what this system has done. They are shutting you down emotionally. The legalization to allow the schools to take over our rites as parent's and U passing laws leaving me to have no rights to ask questions about what they are doing and why. All I heard was the system says or are procedures here are. Nothing adds up. It This includes counseling our children during a divorce and doing it again without permission. 
Back to after I made 4 agreements'
I got up from chair and Michael carried me to bed. I saw huge white wings on his back and asked him what namaste meant. I bowed to her and said Namaste. He said an agreement.
The same woman my mother sent me to that last summer as a family during Mary and Greg's 90-day plan to set her up. My sister called her a witch and U know I have learned that seer's your Truth seekers have been accused of witchcraft. The witches hammer a man can accuse any free-thinking woman of witchcraft. Even the midwives, especially if something happened to the baby.

They gathered herb's 4 medicine and seasoning on food. They were burned at the stake and threw the fags on the fire 4 kinneling. 
I have over 4000 photos 2 print as well as Kiley and Alex's. I'd like to get Kyles and Michaels printed as well. 
Screw the deleted photos and messages. I still have to print this book. It's been like over a year I think since I printed this blog. Saving it on a flash drive or disc, I don't know if they will have the software to run a computer to print from.
Another list is all the different beings standing in my room during childhood. We moved about every year. I have since learned when my watchers switched. The answer I have learned is it's the counties and cities. My father's, grandmother and aunt Judy's county was Adams County on Jupiter Street.

OMGOD! I just figured some other connection out, finally. I wondered what this street name meant in this. Jupiter is Kyle's planet in astrology. My family street name growing up and I found it I don't know if it's Kyle's relative or his wife who passed away. He didn't know either.

The King planet the 12th house. I'm Mars the first planet. The first house.
Another discovery I really want to ask my sister. What place in Oregon did we go to visit Jim the molester's sister? Roseberg, Oregon. I kept hearing the name Bell and at the time met another mentally ill person. 
At the time I was thinking 2 things, The names of the four schools right around me when in High School. 
The 2nd seeing Bell on Beauty and the Beast and the rose. It was the one that wasn't a cartoon. The mother/wife died some time ago. The father went to her bed and picked up a red rose. Then I hear she died of the plague. I wonder with all I know just what my story will be in the end? 
Please let's just get to the end, so me and others can heal. Learn the Truth and move forward.