Tuesday, November 17, 2020

God Is The Conductor

I can't believe I figured out about the Conductor in my dreams and the fun park? Using our energy 2 run this fun park? Kiley, the Matrix age 4? When Keanu Reeves squatted down legs wide and waved his opponent forward. Kai did the move, opened her hand and she had 2 double AA batteries. I asked what's this? She said U know Mommy they run on batteries? I look at her, she was 3 when she watched it. That is what U got out of it? The Truth.

I keep going back to the black shadow standing at chakra 2. Doing something with his fingers I didn't know what he was doing. Looked like surgery. I did the inhale and screeching backing away. For once in my life IC it. I realized I also did this twice the night B4 but I kept turning quickly behind me. This isn't my black shadow. This was about 2 months ago. I also wonder just who and how long this has been happening? I also wonder just where are my watchers, my protectors? I figured they must of wanted me 2C this.

Then the Alien in daylight puts a red towel on her head. Got herself noticed. I got 2 the door and saw her go from bathroom 2 bedroom. For once they speak. Not sign language or a clue. Why didn't she just show herself? I mean I know, so why hide? Then I keep looking at the movie Signs? The aliens the entities couldn't get thru a door if it was locked? It didn't fit with what I knew thus far. Still not believing they had more for me 2 figure out. More 2 tell me. More answers 2 to the Truth. After working with the 3 6 and 9 I didn't know what these numbers meant? Or even where 2 look? I grabbed the book  Angels 101. I used it as my guide. I kept hearing Ariel, house, home, and animal's. Which turned in2 her father Posidon with  the Trident. The red rock. Red rock road. Red stairs going in2 the blue skies. Stairway 2 Heaven and Mars.

The night I was 86ed out of Country Pride at 3 16 a.m. I walked 2 the energy panel in back. I put my right hand on the door and I heard brother, code's, & doors.

 Looking at Kyle, why such heavy shoulders if it's just a lil monkey on his back? B4 I even opened the car door I got a flash of him with a purple triangle over his head. Royalty. A royal trinity. Energy was my answer. Hearing E=MC2.  

On my last day at that truck stop for the summer. Sept. 14th. My first home the gateway. Back home I go. The first 2 pick up the phone. I put my foot on the curb at the Pride and Gull. Lightning bolt between shoulder blades. Every 1/4 way another lightning bolt would strike. Then at the end lightning bolt over left eye at the end of the block a black Nike sandal. Then I discovered there actually was a queen named Nike. I wonder if she's the 1whom lightning bolted me? They giveth they taketh. They gave me my pain back and then sum. With these beings that just show up. Traveler's from a different time. Very old souls whom lived B4 and now. The aliens entities do the same thing. Then the Angels. They are all beings. They are all spiritual beings. They're just standing there if that's where they want 2B. They don't knock. They don't schedule appointments. I keep going back 2 energy from beginning 2 end. I've said God the Creation is energy. The Atom, the Adam and the atom bomb. The big bang. The 3 6s & 9s. It was something about Universal energy. The way I hold my fingers on my face. I knew it then Nikoli Tesla, power of the 3 6s and 9s.  The Conductor? The Conductor does what? Not just Conductor of music or a train but energy. Now I can't help but 2 think this isn't going 2B A small lightning bolt that I feel. No it's going 2B huge. I Conduct energy. I can't believe I got that answer. What more do I need 2 know?

 I finally figured out just why Ann and Mary's above me? I'm the Messiah. Gary gave me a coat in the beginning. Zero King on the label. He's inside me. Duality. The Bride/groom. The prophet that comes B4? What did U expect 2C? John the baptist is back. I'm Mother Nature's daughter aka. another Mary up above me. I'm the Messiah and the Conductor. I'm energy. Even I hate the Truth sometimes. Especially when it really starts 2 sink in. I guess I'm the lightening bolt 4 this planet. To think I told Jesus Christ don't touch me. I don't want your power. He's the son of God. I'm the sun of God.

To thine own self be True.

Thy will, not mine. Go with God.

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