Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Can't U C? TMTB

 Flock me. I mastill so pissed it's me. 2 find out all those jokes I made? Yeah right it's all about me? It turns out I know so much shit on why heaven on earth is going to happen? I know the why's and what alien entities are on our side. Isn't knowledgekey and wisdom is power. Don't U agree?

God grant me the serenity 2 accept the things I cannot change

The courage 2 change the things I can

The wisdom 2 know the difference

at he end of every prayer I added

Thy Will not my own

Go with God

Now the Big Dog in the sky.

I've learned so much Truth

It makes me cry

My tears R for your fears

Not my own

I know who I am

thoroughly scrooged 

in this asshole family tree line



and God cums up behind

Oh shite look out.

2 my girls, I'm a scribe

a profit

I wrote it long ago

We 3 R the Perfect Storm

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