Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I about exploded when the disabilty agent called me wanting me to C a therapist bcuz of the lables and abuse of the system? IC we discriminate against praying in every which way. RU fucking nuts? She goes well it says here Bipolar and schizophrenic. I did lose it. I lost it. That poor girl. The courts and Dr. Ibrim wouldn't listen 2 Micheal when he said she doesn't go up, Actually she's pretty mellow. This system wouldn't listen 2 the 1 person I live with. Your so fucking dead. No I'm not talking about the doctors. They would be better therapist if they had Truth. They'd B better therapist if they walk thru it. If they were able to feel and really C evolution. It turn's out God and my family treeline 

It's Time/Imagine Dragons

HAVE ANSWERED every prayer afterall. Author, photographer, poet, songwriter, and well with there help I have solved the biggest crime ever. Wait until humanity learns how the historians in our government, including the Freemasons, tied in2 religion thru God and all these past wars?

Good old Ben Franklin. That kite with the key and our 9 lives being up? Abraham Lincioln, Mary Todd and their sons name Todd. Number 13, and abolish slavery. The Gateway Todd road crosses with Washington and Lincoln. George Washington and the apple tree. Truth or lie? Then Ben and John Adam's unconstitutuional what U have done. Well let's not forget the prophet who comes B4 That mentally ill man sitting in the woods. Not sure what quote this is, what did u expect to C of a man who lives in the woods? I knew that first night with all his rocks recreating and telling me what's going on in the universe. He slept on the curb my first night. Waited 4 me to walk out. I slept on my own like 4 night's then I slept on a white vinyl sign on the otherisde of a bush from Gary. 

It was quite the education to watch a mentally ill man go off in all those dimensions, knowing he's doing something of significance and he doesn't know. What he does know or remember he won't speak. Only 2 me. Please leave him alone.

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