Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Ritual

July 4th 2015
They asked if they could come inside me? I said yes.
The agreement
1. To have faith to go through any open door.
2. To accept anything freely given (at times clothing)
3. To have faith to live come what may everyday.
4. To be willing to look crazy.
Gregory Allan Pfiffner and Mary Cochran Stone, that's not to hard for me to do is it? Not after the character assassination you to did on this mothers character. All to cover a white collar crime that you two committed 20 years ago. No to move forward we have to go back. Weren't we always supposed to have a fair justice system based on Truth? No you allowed these two people to file an unwarranted restraining order on this woman because they literally took everything out of her name. Her three businesses and four bank accounts. This woman already lived in chains in her marriage. She just like Leonardo Davinci on Davinci Demons had to fight for the right to speak against their accusations. Do you know the reputation you gave this woman in her children's school and the way she was treated after words all because you didn't set up a fair truthful justice system.

It cost these two 65 dollars to file that restraining order. Yet you ignored it in divorce court and made it all about insurance and whose gonna pay for his school loan. The character assassination went on for years after that.

I sat there for hours after I made this agreement my eyes closed a smile on my face just saying mmm hmm. Mmm hmm. I sat for hours until I realized my body aches from not moving for so long. I pulled out of it. I saw myself bowing to a woman in yellow and saying namiste. I stood up and Michael grabbed me and picked me up. I was weak and tired. As he was carrying me I whispered to Michael, "what's namiste?" I saw big white angel wings as he was carrying me to my bed. He said "an agreement." I thought to myself "great another agreement." For the next couple of day's I went through rituals, of I recon the fertility goddess.

I wouldn't sleep in the house. I wanted to still keep an eye on Katie and Michael. I just didn't want Michael near us. Close enough to keep my eye on. His behavior was nothing of the Michael I knew. The next morning I woke up. I placed four colored jars around the fire pit V had made a couple years before. I brought out my coconut oil and a bottle of water.

I was asked to lie back in a zero gravity chair, on a zero gravity lot. I had to picture a red stone on my 2nd chakra and picture blood flowing into the earth. As I was doing this I got taken to a scene where Greg's hands were in chains behind him. He was down on his knee's with his head on the ground. I could feel energy all around us, like we weren't alone. I was screaming at God "don't take his life. Don't do this to my children. He will get it, he will get it this time God." I kept feeling like my right foot wanted to kick him in the ribs. I held back I didn't know what it was about. As I was going through this scenario, I could feel something slide out of the base of my ribs at the lower right. I could feel ,hear and see my body slam down hard. When I came out I had tears streming down my eye's. It never dawned on me that I was standing in front of God for sometime. I just kept wondering from this point on, "what's up with this garden?"

Then I got taken into a scene with this huge black shadow in the shape of man. It's not the first time I had seen this black shadow. For some reason I wasn't afraid, I was angry. I threw all my anger, hate and rage into this black shadow. This is where I exhausted myself and fell down onto my stomach face down on the ground. I got up on all fours and I looked to my right and I said, "that's it isn't it, you buried me under all this pain to hide me from the Truth. I slammed out of it.

Sitting on the edge of this fire pit was a piece of wood. It looked like a big fish with a small bottom lip. Later I saw a picture of the fish on Ancient Aliens. I sent that photo to Kyle. It was smoking. I twirled it over my head in circles and then I inhaled it. I stepped off to the side to the East of the fire pit. As I was standing I had to bare down and picture blood flowing from between my legs down into the earth.

I then walked off into a clearing in the forest, (the whole time I walked through these woods in the next weak or so I had on my lil red suede elf slippers with a sole. I recon the native way of those red ruby slippers that Dorothy was fighting for.) I carried with me a key with the number four on it. I was taken to a great big white tee pee that was sitting on the other side of the river. All these years of living in this valley and I never knew it was there. Then I walked to a storage unit with the key in my hand staring at door number four. I was wondering what the number four represented. Later I figured out it was those horses I heard run up behind me my first night on the property.

It was twilight, I had my back to the woods and I was just about to the house when I heard horses run up behind me and stop. I turned and when I looked there was nothing there. I tip toed quickly into the house. I went to the garage where I saw V's sleeping bag on the floor. V's garage was very organized. Like she was set up for a war to go down. I realized then why she wanted us to come stay with her. She was afraid of her house. She had mentioned something about trolls being under her house. V does not scare easily. I made the agreement then to find out what is scaring V. The tenant before shot herself in the head in Phil's old room. No, I have no idea why I didn't have fear. After being taken back through my dreams and later after a narration I had done on all the injustice, I realized about 8 months later that I spent 5 day's in that valley shadow of death. This is how my family protects me, they don't let me know until well after what I had gone through. By then I had no reason to have fear by the time they tell me it was far behind me.

I had shortly after this they let me know it had something to do with my diet, and the way I eat. I go through stages and I only eat when hungry, usually what I'm craving. I hiked through trails for the next week or so. They were showing me around the woods and what they wanted me to learn and see about my environment. About this mountain with a broken heart.

I'm not sure what came first with Michael? If he handed me his eye glass case with his meth pipe. It was to Michael from Erb. He said it's like it saying to him that I can't have him only he can. Not Erb but this dragon that was sitting on his head. I grabbed it out os his hand and I said "yes Michael, that's just the point.

We had two other scene's well three with each other. The next was when Michael was standing outside. I couldn't get him to move. He had this stance that I had seen before with another man in my dreams. I was about to see it one other time with someone else on this journey.

I had my arms out to the side yelling at Michael, "what is wrong with you Michael? I could alway's move you Michael. Why Can't I move you?" He just stood there unmovable by emotions. This had never happened to us before. Michael and I were best friends for five years before we started living together.

As I'm looking at Michael I kept hearing the words, " Lakota and Dakota." I knew I had heard those words before just not sure where from. I could see standing inside Michael 3 beings. The words did not add up to what I was seeing standing inside him. I could clearly see 2 Egyptian figures. The one on the right clearly a woman and she had her right hand palm up pointing to the West. The male figure was on the left doing the same pose with the left hand. I could clearly see a little boy standing inside Michael. He had a short shag haircut. A long sleeve red T-shirt and he had dark circles under his eyes.

I figured out two things later on. First I had forced Michael to meet me at a restaurant, this was after I stepped out the door. It was during the first four day's of me putting that back pack on my back. Michael told me that this boy has a name? His parent's called him Myron. I sat there for a moment stunned. I said "you mean to tell me this little boy has been inside you all these years? Your parent's could see him inside you and they actually named him. That is one strong little boy if I couldn't move him.

It took me about six months or more to figure out that little boy is my brother. I kept getting the number 10 off of this boy. At the time I hadn't connected the number with Lyle's 7 and 3. I still at the time hadn't clued in to much that this had something to do with my daughters. Right after I made this agreement, I had a picture of my 2 daughters.

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