Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Curse Of Oak Island

There Was This Girl/RG
I have learned some knew stuff watching these documentaries. Thankfully so. One is called The Curse Of Oak Island. I've seen these advertisements for this show but what caught my eye long ago was the shape of the island. It was the elephant. The two animals that showed up right away on this journey was the wolf and the elephant. I have explained the wolf in the past and the elephant in my past writings. What also caught my attention was the name of the island oak. Oak is my mothers wood. I have learned recently that my tree is the willow tree.

No I didn't really watch this show. What is pissing me off when I did watch it was once again all the destruction to discover something. I heard a commercial on the television mentioning Oak island and the Knights Of The Templar. I tuned in. What caught my attention was what they really are searching for? The Arc Of The Covenant. What shocked me however was I didn't know the location? The location, Nova Scotia. I asked Michael last night after he got home, "where is this at?" His answer, Canada. My head dropped. That explained so much? The next red mittens I received, are red, black and white with a big Canadian leaf on the back of them. I had already figured out one part of the colors red, black and white? Druids. I mean I know I'm the red, white and blue flag of freedom for mankind, yet I am of all color.

Tears In Heaven/EC
I found it interesting that I believe in Canada they are called ambassadors is that he is one of the first government officials to speak blatantly about alien's being prominent here on this rock. What else is interesting is that a lot of the alien Netflix shows comes out of Canada. Canada has freedom. Canada has closer to what our healthcare should be like. Then the dreams I had in Canada? I loved finding out who that native man was that I met up with at the end of my dream? This man I didn't need this clearing to show me the end of my dream to let me know that I meet up with people at the end, like a video game getting directions or being told something pertinent to tell you your next destination. I have always wondered whom he was and when I picked up the oracle cards and I saw his name, White Eagle. I was like yes! That's a find.

Under My Wheels/Bonzos
I could kind of remember that I was meeting up with people. I'd wake up asking myself sometimes did I just meet up with a man at the end of that dream? Yeah when JC showed up in September of 2016 I knew instantly who he was. I have discovered I have more than one big daddy issue. Now it's take your pick. You want JC, Osiris or Zeus? Yeah, it's still kind of shocking but it was an awesome discovery.

Every Little Thing/CP
I have been watching a documentary on the FBI their role and history with the past presidents. What made me happy was seeing people in this system whom do have ethics. Yes, I did see it on Zeitgeist when I saw that one representative screaming and yelling about the twin towers. How our government just turned a blind eye and conveniently left things out of the report. For example the chemical on it. How we did have knowledge of it before. I watched another documentary on the fall of the banking system in 2008. I was so happy to hear Bush say, so let them fall. It's not our issue. Once again I noticed we always have one person or a group of people protecting this entity. We keep protecting this machine called world economy, and like I said in the beginning let the money go.

What A Friend/JL
Yes all these God's that we have allowed this system, the elite and entitled turn them into myth. I can't wait to say they do exist. To give humanity back hope and truth one last time. To let them see what God and family tree line really run this rock. Not man and machine that's for sure. Look what we have done. I have to say we have taken a step back, actually one huge leap back from evolution all to go in my landfills, and cemeteries to feed a machine and not man. I got a refresher on Valiant Thor, he was 1957 to 1960. He wanted those war heads gone out of Russia and the U.S. My seeing a big fist over that swastika. Then listening to these documentaries people in our own government fear they are still here for a take over and our governement they feel isn't doing enough. Now I have ISIS and North Korea. No we haven't stepped forward for the good of this rock meant to feed all of Gods flock or ego in man, big brother still in the treatment of our women, but religion. No we have not advanced.

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