Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Arc Of The Covenent

The Arc Of The Covenant
Crib Kent, Renton and Kelso Longview
A toad, then in my bed at left shoulder.
Age 3
A bird close by including a man named Birdie. A black shadow that would disappear whenever I'd turn to look at it head on. 
Age 5
Anubis at window
Lakota on my bed, left hand toward me,
a wolf in my closet. He'd sit there with his elbows on his knees.
The last couple times that I saw him he had little red girls in red dresses with red bows
climbing all over him. At this time in my life I started dragging bags of rocks under my bed.
age 8, Ross street. Kelso Washington
A cowboy whittling wood. He'd stand leaning on my closet wall just across from my bedroom door.
I'd get up at night and my window faced the South, I'd sit up at night and watch a rainbow egg up to my left floating in the air.
Age 9 Renton Washington
4th grade black shadow.
Age 10 Renton Washington
After my brothers death this is when the grays started appearing in my room. They'd crouch behind the furniture. I'd watch them move from location to location. I felt like they wanted to stake me in the chest. They'd shake my bed if I fell asleep. If I moved to the living room they followed. This is when I got my first bible. A red bible with gold print with my name in gold.
The first story I opened to was Revelations the four horsemen. I threw it. I said "not my God. My God would never do that. Well it turns out oh yes he would. When it turns out to protecting his rock his flock.
We moved up to Honey Dew Estates off of Union and Sunset.
6th grade
This is where I liearned from a sitter that I would sit up and have whole conversations. I remember clearly lying down and sleeping. My grandmother told me my uncle Ted sleep walked as a child.
7th grade on.
I wasn't sure what was happening but I knew whenever I'd wake up at night that I had the feeling that something just happened. I started sleeping with a light bulb plugged into my wall. One night Gwen spent the night. I remember waking up twice feeling like something had happened. I asked her and she said she woke up twice too. She said the second time she saw the tidy bowl man go down my heater vent.
One night I heard paper shuffling. I turned on my bedside lamp. I had just cleaned my room and I knew their wasn't anything on the floor. I crawled to the foot of my bed I looked down and a couple hours later I was sitting up in my bed looking at the clock. I have no memory of what happened in those couple of hours time.
As an adult it was at the beginning of my marriage to Greg. I was sleeping downstairs in Greg's old room. I had to nightmares. The first was Queenie the cat was in my room, I awoke with a startle backing away from her screeching inhaling trying to scream. The second was an overweight woman was sitting at a dining table eating, she comes crashing threw the ceiling down on me. I started flailing around.
Toward the end of my marriage I kept having two dreams. One was where I was falling down on the ground. I couldn't get up. I was surrounded by people and no one noticed. It was like I wasn't even there. The second my teeth kept shattering and falling out of my head.

I knew during my marriage that my dreams were starting again. I'd awake with my heart racing feeling scared. I could feel Greg's hand prints on my arms. When I'd look over I'd see Greg's back to me. I'd wonder how a husband could just turn his back on his wife and fall back to sleep so fast?

Fall City 2012
The first to show up in my room was a woman dressed in purple from the 60's, right hand in the air, a purple book and rosary in left hand. The clock said in red through her 3:16 a.m.
The second a gray. I didn't need to turn around or open my eyes. I said ICU. ICU standing there. I rebuked him in the name of Jesus Christ.
Then a second, the same thing. I said ICU. ICU standing there. I went to rebuke him and he threw a blanket on my head.

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