Monday, December 24, 2018

Easter Island

For Crying Out Loud/Meat Loaf  12/24/2018
I was wondering what was up with Easter Island? Finally figured it out? Back to the Sentinel I go. It turns out those rocks are called the Sentinel. How many times has The Sentinel come up in my life? In the fifth grade, I had sat and watched a scary movie called The Sentinel. A woman rented an apartment. She did not know all her neighbors were dead. They could not leave that place. Then the black beings came walking though her walls. That was when the grays started standing in my room. I had just gotten a red bible with my name printed in Gold. I opened it to Revelations and those four horsemen. I threw the book and I said not my God. My God would never do a thing like that. I had just learned to say in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you. Now I'm here to say yes God would. Yes he would protect his rock, his flock, his rose, the essence of the apple and the heart beat of this rock. The hand that feeds all life. This circle of life. The animal kingdom, the heavens that surround it and on this rock, is your mothers garden. It is her family farm. Meant to feed all her children. All her beasties from below and on this ground. Under the waters, and in those blue skies. Luna the moon, or is she called Sin? This Cinderella mother is the sweeper of the stars. The Gifted, the name of the institution that they are locking up the higher beings in? The Sentinel. If U don't think I don't see the silencing of my little lambs sitting in those institutions? Think again. You western medicine and big brother don't want mother natures little beasties to connect to the light. To our ancestors going all the way back, or is it Jacob's Ladder? Stairway To Heaven?
The Boys Of Summer/DH
Back to that number four. First I heard the horses run up behind me. When I turned around there was nothing there. I hadn't even made this agreement yet. Later I learned of the four horsemen. Then it was about the four fathers. Then those names turned religious on me. I was carrying key number four for a day. Like I've said b4 being taken to a big white tee pee. Standing in front of a door number 4. Today December 24th 2018, I just realized it was forty years ago today that my brother was in a car wreck. Just after he escaped from juvie. He called to come home for Christmas. My mother said, No! I wish you'd just go off and die somewhere. Well he did. It was Christmas morning we got a call. We packed up and went to Eastern Washington.
Sweet Home Alabama/LS
My mother wouldn't let my sister in to see him. She told her no he looks like a vampire. Since when did this woman protect us and our feelings? It turns out because of who he really was inside, that's why he looked like a vampire? He was love that was never fed love. Just hate and blame. Back to the lock up he goes. Where someone else holds those keys to his kingdom. No one ever came to tell me my brother died. It seems my whole life was like that. The invisible child. I didn't cry until my father walked into the funeral doors. I've thought about that? The need to cry on someone's shoulders when things get to be to much? I recon it was 2016. I felt like that at times with Kyle. Just climb up him and cry. Funny I don't feel that way anymore. The need to cry on anyone's shoulder? It just doesn't exist for me anymore. I believe I have figured out how picture's are disappearing out of my phone? We wonder why I don't have Trust? It doesn't matter in my life, damned if I do and damned if I don't. My whole God Damned life. What does that make me? The Queen Of The Damned. That's who. Well I will be God Damned.
Every Rose Has It's Thorn/Poison
Funny, this is exactly what I've been thinking come judgment day.
It's All Coming Back To Me/Meat Loaf

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