Friday, December 14, 2018

Stairway 2 Heaven

I pledge allegiance 2 the flag of the United States Of America. To the republic 4 which it stands. One nation under God indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Any one got a problem with my God? Anyone got a problem with my God that stands for freedom? Anybody got a problem with my God that stands for Justice, Liberty for all? Anyone from another nation another mother land want to come live in my land of freedom and not take a stand for my flag? All IC is others trying to wipe out my God and turn this mother land of red white and blue into gray. Hey my God freed the Israelite's didn't S/he? That was allot of energy wouldn't U say? I mean your mother got credit for 4. Thank U very much for that. 

Hebrews 11:1-3
Now Faith is assurance of things hoped for, Proof of things not seen. By Faith, we understand that the universe has been framed by the Word of God, so that what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible. U might want to think about that, things not seen and that entity.

Read John The Baptist and JC

Down In A Hole/Alice In Chains
Tweet! Tweet! Trump am I the new red, white and blue? Am I the new day? Am I the New Dawn? Am I that nigger loving Pagan Jew whore from Babylon you've all been waiting for? The Joker , the fool, the ares , the ram, god's little lamb. Yup that's right things are about to get Israel up in the house. Here's some food for thought. How did you congress, you elite and entitled feed God's flock? From what I hear Mother Nature and the sun can't feed her children anymore. Is that right? Weren't you told not to sale out the garden to the entity? You know Corporate America and U Big brother. Wasn't it the true intent of the masonry not to let the elite and entitled get a hold of mankind? Didn't you have a being here named Thor for 3 years to get you to stop doing business this way? Death and taxes for whom? Not these people down here. Hell U can't even pay your own debt but U can certainly accumulate it. 

Rape Me/Nirvana
From what IC Corporate America and U big brother is playing God now. Since when is it their job to feed God's flock in this organic trinity that you allowed the wrong 01 in? Now we literally have our own Tron. Compression, suppression, oppression, depression and recession. A bank machine. Oh yeah that's right you didn't feed God's flock. You followed the wrong profit and U fed the wrong stock. From what I can C you valued that machine more than you did mankind and mother natures circle of life meant to feed all of humanity not just a few. That's right why do you need to go live somewhere else if God created this planet, this universe, her animal kingdom that surrounds this rock to feed her children? Why would God ever want you to destroy the very foundation she created to give her children everlasting life and love?

What I've Done/Linkin Park
Why are you and other countries so curious about that little red rock, 2C if we as human beings can live there? I mean even Ancient Alien's, figured out that that little red rock and life are right here. Even Japan are waiting for that grey lil monkey to come back home for this mothers family tree line. Before I go any further do you remember what happened to the Arc Of the Covenant when someone tried to steal it, or the shield or the oracle from the 1600's when the Celts tried to steal her? They all died. Now ask yourself does it really matter if it was technology, the alien's or God'?Not one freckle. Not one dot not one hair their chinny chin chins or my family will just take this house down in one clean swoop and U won't get a chance for redemption. One move and U will have picked a door.

When I'm Gone/3Doors Down
Not one move, not one God Damned move any of you. We are going to talk about how we came to all be standing here today? CIA Christ I Angel, the angel of death and light. Your the drug dealers the 1980's, crack cocaine. It depends what side of love U stand on. We are gonna talk about just why my family is here to take this rock back from the entity. Now I want you to think about that. Their is more than one entity out there. What a mother fucking hot mess you have created down here. Hells kitchen doesn't even begin to explain just what it is I'm looking at. U as man and machine have done a fine job recreating the Leper Colony. IC a monopoly going on down here using humanities body parts as food for the fodder to feed your machine. IC we have a justified system based on institutions and whose gonna pay for someone else's bill, especially for someone else's education today. Weren't we supposed to have a fair justice system based on Truth? I guess this little mother earned her Doctor of Chiropractic degree through Osmosis. I mean if Leonardo can learn from mother nature in all her dimensions why can't I or do I need a pedigree for that?I owe U sitting up there nothing and neither does Gods flock. Not on my rock U don't industrialize your people. U don't poison them and sell them out.

Why Don't You Get A Job/The Offspring's
Perhaps I'm Jobe here to set a new presidence on freedom. Do any of U up there want to tell me since when can't a native woman not make an agreement with her higher power and go on a vision quest to find myself again? To be a vessel for my family tree line. Especially standing on native land. Oh yeah U sold out my garden to the two of U and I recon U own it all. Yeah that's right Trump I'm the bitch that stuck my staff in the ground, piled it with garbage laying around, and I stuck a bloody black bird carcass on top. I started screaming get the fuck off my rock. After I went and sat on the well. Interesting the location, from Mt. Sinia to U in that Washington the breaking of those ten commandment's, to those seven deadly sins to me here in this Washington, Mt. Si. The mountain with the broken heart. After the discrimination IC I'm calling those native treaties back into play. Their ain't no freedom up in this house.

Bullet With Butterfly wings
So Congress and U past president's since when is it ever a good idea to poison mother natures seed?
Why do U think U R worthy of a retirement, as U sit in your river of denial. Why do U think U should have food on your table? Why do U think your so important to have a roof over your head. Only the meek shall inherit the earth not the elite. Not in my house U don't. If the people U serve don't have it neither do U. Is that clear. 
If U can't take your time to hear what I have to say and the unconventional ways my family walked me through to the light? Than I shall not invest my time into U either. I'm going to drop U low in order to kick U high in my judgment of U and your bad behavior this justified system we report to now. This machine with no heart and how we came to be here today than jump ship. One tiny dot or hair on their chinny chin chin, I will huff, I will puff and I will burn this house down. My children have their mothers heart. It's called Love.

Behind Those Eye's/3Doors Down.
1. First they asked may we cum into you? I missed the word we but hey what am I going to do it's family. I agreed to be a vessel for my family tree line.
2. To put your back pack on and have Faith to live come what may everyday.
3. To have Faith to go through any open door.
4. To accept anything freely given.  (to wear certain articles of clothing when asked)
5. To just walk through your system, your cement paradise to hell.
6. Oh and I had to agree to look crazy.  Which isn't so hard for this little mother to do right Gregory Allan and Mary Cochran Stone. The bruising on my for head? What's your Achelous heel boy? Truth. What about 30 with U Gregory Allan years I lived in shackles, and well U Mary Cochran stone what 19 years now?  It turns out our names birth dates and birth signs are universally given. I promise you this little mother wants the Gregorian to fall out of the sky. The set up these 2 did in a 90 day period? He's the Loco not me. He's a sociopath, who can barely eek out a tear. He's a sado machisi tHe's the masochism, he threw me around like a rag doll kitty cat. I got to earn my keep. No Gregory No narcissism there. What a charming little serpent U were straight from the garden.Talk about a broken picker.

Since when is it a crime

Wagon Wheel Darius Rucker
Pope Gregory that turned Mary Madgelane into myth. Made her a whore not JC's soul mate. Made JC a virgin. Cut out half the heart from the start IC. Look Catholic church you made him a saint. No I have nothing to ever thank U for. From the burning of the Bruno, to my knights of the Templar whom are back for the rose. U know what they say every rose has it's thorns. U do not own the keys to get through heaven's gates. Stop using Mother Mary's name as penance on sin. U R not the most pious lot on my rock, not by a long shot I'm the Rose. I'm the queen of those 7 bishops, I'm the cardinal. Hey lil boy get up under my cassock serve me you serve God. U think U of all religions own the keys to heaven's gates? No you as man don't own those keys ever. Not your place, not your space anymore. If U really were doing your job why am I looking at a troll demon sitting on a woman's head. Her head slithered like a snake, because of all your billy boat gruff''s sitting along these highways, collecting more taxes.

You Don't Know How It Feels/tom Petty
How about those sin taxes? That's a revenue U can't let go. That's why you wouldn't do anything about them. Jeff's story age 8 standing in a loft in Texas at a tobacco farm, he had a out of body experience he saw his father running with him in his arms, and Jeff said I woke up and my father no longer owned the tobacco farm his uncle now owned it. So big tobacco, I ain't your tobacco hoe no more. Do I make myself clear.

OMGOD! my music went religious
In Christ Alone With The Solid Rock
We are going to talk about this racism. We are going to talk about God and the Truth about God. We are going to talk about that Texas T and that oil pipe line going through my Lakota tribe. Thot we were done with this kind of encroachment? Still U just come in and take. Just like my other brothers in life, can't say the word no without being jailed and told not to speak. We are going to talk energy God and that big bang theory of creation. We are going to talk about this revolving industry going in my landfills to support the rich and the elite. The wrong stock u fed not Gods flock. No siree Bob not God's flock did U serve or protect. U murder U lie to hide Truth. Thou does not covet and well U just let Big brother covet didn't U? All to feed all these middle men to create the world economy. We are going to talk about Ben Franklin that Kite and key.

Walk This Way/Aerosmith
The Malakites. We are going to talk about Luna the moon. Do U know another name for Luna? It's Sin. Just call me Syn. My first broom a dirt devil and well now I'm just the sweeper of the stars. I need U to listen to my words. This mother believes the more the merrier. I believe in second chances unlike this system that doesn't C abuse or neglect of your mothers tree of life? I want U to keep coming back. Just like all those Gods and entities that surround this rock, God's legion of angels. They do cum in all shapes and forms. Since when is it a mental illness to C your creators wings of his flock, not yours. No U just want to label from that scarlet letter A to I. Mental illness and drop your insurance Why do U big brother get to profit off of humanities suffering and pain? Why do U get to write the rules and block evolution all to feed a matrix. Why do U get to label people as apple and pear, why do U get to label as a colt. Yet I as a native woman can't C the beasties in others? Why do U, as man and a pharmaceutical, your HIPPA in 1996 is the plague that Pestilence is back for. Bill and Hillarly Clinton. Aren't U lawyers? U knew what you were selling out when U passed that bill. The Devils Advocates sitting right up there. SIngning a way a human beings rights for my own spirituality and emotions. You've heard of that horsemen. I got 3 more. Ignorance will no longer be a good excuse for your bad behavior.

On My Sleeve/Creed
(My heart was a hair band with a heart. I wore it when I went to the church of angel's)
Insurance health and car
Banks and loans
This revolving technology going in my landfills These electronic friends and family plan, is not our friend it's chaos
This revolving water bottle industry going in my landfills
Food, stoufers, education ,family and happiness my knee hit 666 on the remote, they lie.
Taxes we don't even need to file because U the IRS does know already, yet U allowed this middle man industry in everything.

Witchy Woman/Eagles
weed vs acid and PCP our government
CIA and drugs the 80's
Molina the doctors that didn't repent U went after and rewrote the rules on addiction,
These mistreatment centers doesn't add up
Tradition 6 AA releasing it and turning it over to our  government
U brought NSAIDS to the back and pulled Sudafed up front
Walmart and Bush Sr, gave him a freedom award. My burning Bush family up there? I thot U were a Godly man Bush Jr? Those twin towers. Did I here U say their would be no consequences to any decisions U have made? U know who had it the closest up there? Your brother Jeb, he's right their ain't no heart up in that house. I call bullshit. The Zeitgist, your own people are standing there screaming and yelling, and U guys didn't even acknowledge leaving out that chemical that dropped those building straight down. U just ignore your own people and keep passing laws. to industrialize the human race.

Take a Look At Me Now/PC

Have U Ever Seen The Rain/CCR

When U Say Nothing At All/AK

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