Monday, July 4, 2022

This Is Just All Bad Timing

 I've been thinking about my body and there  is no way that my body can wait for my first appointment with this referal, It's 2 months away, plus twice a week for a year. I didn't get the tremors as bad this time, like the weakness and shakiness. I now have a commode, a walker, and a wheel chair to get me through some of these stages, I'm worse not getting better. Even when I have a good day or week, I'm weaker. I don't last long. Do you even know how long it takes me to put in just this paragraph.

I am swollen under tongue, Plus a red line, My mouth hurts roof to throat. My gum's are receding. Just the jaw pain going in to my ears, My whole neck muscles hurt. The pain in my chest. It's gotten worse. The weird shit in my brain popping and around eyes. It's even hard to tell now which migraine. It's like everything all the way down to feet. The timing, how many flocking doctors, specialist and neurologist. 

about 7 years ago I had a clogged duct, Last time at dentist I got a referal to go to another specialist, sitting in dentist chair I tell him about it, now I'm hearing I have to go to a doctor. Another flocking appointment I have to schedule and go to. I hate calling Hopelink, If I remember to. So far it's the better transportation. 

Last time my body did this Michael is holding me up to get to bathroom. I'm weak, the tremors, dizziness or equilibrium. I looked up at Michael and said U don't know how much this hurt's me. I'm supposed to be taking a stand in this video, low and behold I can't stand. I wondering why are U putting me through this. Now I faint, fall, paralysis. This morning I'm thinking I can type. My fingers are twitching and to weak to vent on this blog. Already.

This is no quality of life at all. My tongue and mouth are really concerning me. It was Spring 2016 that I had the stomach and intestinal infection. How long I had it before getting treated. Only 1 doctor out of all this time new to ask me that obscure question. It has just been one thing after another physically. oh yeah I'm making this up. Fuck that, no way would I even no to make this up. 

I have much more to break down and try to even write, printing this blog and photos, Yet I really need to do this video. I was speaking yesterday, I said come on this is ridiculous, give me a fucking break. No answer coming back this time. I'm dizzy just trying to write this. 

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