Wednesday, April 20, 2022

We Belong

 We Belong/PB

She's write how fitting that V of peace from just one of my granddaddy's hand signals B4 I left all the way back to the V in the last painting of the Last Supper. C ing that V in her name, 2 hands in the air then the letter Y standing with two hands in the air. There R two thru out history. I'm a little Tao the yin the yang balance. I keep going back on and off to what I said the last time in Cowlitz county. When I put my right hand on my heart and said to Michael crying  "these people R hungry for food, they R hungry for love. On a walk I went on with V our topics? One being when she's thanking me for feeding Michael. Common denominator or clue? Food and love. What does a mother feed U from the very start, we feed food and love. These 2 do go hand in hand. Also kept hearing 2 mothers. Anne and Mary Consecutively. Then Wendy. The storm.

Harden My Heart/ Quarterflash

How I've been listening to and hearing the insanity all of my life. Zion, my mother, a schizophrenic or a seer. Whom just happens to be so mentally ill she has a scientific and a spiritual label. I wasn't thinking of V and her agreement when I was on her lot making mine 2. How I've been saying their have always been 2 thru out history and time and God is energy. Crystal clear energy. Standing in front of God the first thru fourth time, I did not see, but everything permeated me. He shot straight for the heart, my answer my children. For my children. U know the who's. U knew what was going 2 cum for my children. Not where, when and why.

 As for 2, First it was V, then it was Gary. He's a good man. The only one who treated me as an equal and didn't hit on me. In any one of his characters that he represented. What a gift to watch participate all the while feeling safe sleeping in the facinity. If he was going 2B gone during the night he let me know. 

To me he represented of John the baprist, his tragic death I later found out (history channel). What he would be today being whom he really is a prophet and a seer. The curse of our system, creating all these grey areas, in that HIPPA. I'm not allowed to C. 2C in others heart's. To hear what they R saying when no one else hears or sees bcuz U put laws and guilt, that label and pharmaceuticals

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