Friday, April 8, 2022

Beings Standing In My Room

First Home/The gateway in the land of king's as a newborn, then where I was born from about 1 to 2 years old. I was born in the land of kings.

Monticello Apartment's. My grandparent's managed them. The color Pepto Bismo pink. I lived here from 2 to 4 years old. Cowlitz County.  

A toad in my crib

A birdie close by from age 2 to 4. He lived at the Monticello Apartment's. 4 more throughout life. 

A 15 year old in Adams County, had crush on my boyfriend. Name Birdie.

A inmate from Alcatraz, who went off when I asked him about reestablishing himself in society. He went off.

Then the last two were lawyers. One was disbarred right after my divorce was finalized. 

A Mr. Bird who told me 2 let the rape go with a company that kept calling the police the last one accused me of being a prostitute and I needed to be on that land. I was at the counter asking about protocol. Walked out going to my white sign in the woods. A man comes up 2 me that I had a conversation with 2 evenings B4 and he said she just called the police and said your a prostitute on the lot. Then a cop drives by. I ducked under a semi and crawled in that guys semi. I know better. I worked there. That agreement and Faith to go thru any open door or invited to cross.

I wanted nothing from this business. I knew the agreement I made. I was told from a medium that the slime on me is from my female ancestors. My daughter worked on that lot. Like rape hasn't come up in my life. Not me personally. They wanted me to walk thru the system and King Counties abuse of power with that HIPPA form victimizing your victims. Talk about slavery, I don't think so. Get this shit off my rock. On top small print, emotions and spirituality. I believe it's number 9 that I may only pray within a religion. I do not think so. It tells U your rights but in order to get service U have no rights. Fuck U.

From 5 to 8

Rainier, Oregon Clackamas County

A man with a man body and dog head a staff in his hand. Pointy nose he'd stand outside my window and look down at me with one eye. 

A Native woman on my bed, long black straight hair and a doe skin dress arm extended to me. My sister said she had her on my bed. Finally got a hold of her recently. She told me that yes as a child she always had something standing in her room. I knew she was a SEER. Truth Seeker.

A huge wolf that sits on it's ass and can stand upright. First it was a shadow of a wolf sitting there. Arms on elbows staring at me. One night my whole room lit up I was 7 to 8. It was coming from my closet only now he's not a shadow, he's all white with red little girls in red dresses with red hair and red bows hanging all over him.

Castle Rock

My cousin screamed one night because a Hell's Angel was looking in her window. I saw the shadow of a wolf.

Toutle River

My whole family is camping and motor cycle riding. I'm sleeping in a hatchback with 2 of my younger cousins. I wake up and there is a blond woman with a messy pony tail, t-shirt and zip up sweatshirt. She was knocking on the window, or making the signal of knocking waving me to come over and open the window. I did not.

Third Grade we moved again. Every year we moved. Still Cowlitz county. Pea Green house. My school Barnes Elementary. I had the red room with a red carpet. This time it's a man whittling wood standing between closet and doorway. Some nights Id get up and look out the window in the sky on my left a rainbow egg is floating in the sky facing North. When I'd escape to get in bed with my sister it was a black shadow at the door.

Still 3rd grade we moved again, same county. Different house. Olympic Grade school. Like Greece hasn't come up in my lifetime. I don't really remember anything in my room. One more move with just my mother and me for the summer. Black shadow was the watcher here and actually we moved again back to king county still the black shadow 4th grade. Highlands Elementary. Yes I am a Highlander.

Shadows Of The Night/PB

We moved on the other side of the block the summer going into 5th grade. Same school. I hated this place. A dirty white duplex. Went to church with my best friend on average twice a week. Forced to go to church with my babysitter at times. Her father a pastor. They spoke tongues. It scared me, especially when bam out of nowhere I get hit with a ear infection. I had to stand up front crying holding my ear while strangers put there hands on me speaking in tongues. Needless to say she was no longer my sitter.

This was the year my brother was in a car wreck, just after my mother screamed at him no you can't come home for Christmas, I wish you'd fucking go off and die. He did. I was standing right behind her.

I had no idea for years what these things were. At the time Gwen's mom told me if you think a demon is there it is there. I would scream in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you. I had watched a movie called the Sentinel from early 70's. This woman had black beings walk out of her wall's. I chalked it up to that. It's in my imagination from that movie or it's demons.

They had spindly legs and arm's. some short, some tall. They'd crawl around my room. For 2 years I had these thing's. I once again would lay on my side watching them move around, watching me. I'd get a kink in my neck and have to lay on my back and turn my head 2 C them. I'd cross my arms across my chest. I felt like they wanted to stake me in the chest. Then 2 short ones were shaking my bed when I fell asleep watching them.

What About Love/Heart

Now I know why? They are part of the cause of the depressors. The grey's. The grey houses. My grey sports bra sitting vigilance at that red rock where I stuck the staff in the ground. I knew it represented something. Kaphoon, Japan, Mars, My Japanese mother in law raised in Hawaii. Pearl Harbor, and the Girl With the Pearl Earring, Her birthdate 9/11. twins kept coming up. Twin towers and the Israelites. To the big apple, twin towers and ISIS. Wall Street is coming down. 

The 3rd and 4th time I almost drowned another pause in Hawaii. Round top park my 2nd wedding to Greg overlooking 5 main attractions the toilet bowl, another four for me. He didn't notice he was by our friends. He touched my shoulder and laughed. A big Samoan blocked the crack and pulled me up.

We moved again the summer going into middle school. Honey Dew Estates. Still a Highlander. The things standing in my room stopped. I'd wake up a couple times a night for a minute, knowing I had been talking to someone. Someone or something was just here. 

I got woke up one night. I had just cleaned my room. It sounded like a mousses nails scurrying on paper. I turned on my lamp and crawled to the foot of the bed bent my head and shoulders down, I awoke a few hours later, looking at the clock sitting up in bed. My covers up to my waist. All I knew at this point was that my grandma Lily told me my uncle sleep walked. I thought that is what I was doing.

Fall City/Mayan Calendar/2012

My whole room lit up, and my great grandmother showed up in my room showing thru her in red the time 3:16. All dressed in Lavender with a matching head scarf. Cherokee from 12 who married a Navajo. She had a purple book and rosary in her left hand and her right hand in the air. Vietnam war era is what her cloth's reminded me of. I'm screeching pulling away, throwing my pillows through her, trying to get out In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke U. She floated to the door and turned left. She looked over her shoulder to the left at me. I'm still doing my chant, trying to hit my lamp. I turned it on and she was gone.

Then 2 tall grey's showed up on 2 different night's right after. I didn't have to turn around. My 3rd eye opened and I said my JC chant and he disappeared. The next night another one showed up again with a blanket in his hand. I did the exact same thing as the first only I got half way thru my JC chant, and he threw the blanket on my head.

Name of park in Fall City? Quigley Park. I served at Raging River, my trainer a red headed Ariel. I have also been through all my red's in my life. My first meeting to Chair, Fall City, the Rose with a picture of my girls singing at this church for Christmas to my left. Plus I stayed 2 months with a Rose, Fall City. Standing in front of the steps and traditions asking myself, how did I get here? Now I know.

I first spoke in Fall City about what I saw walking thru town, window shopping. My clueless walk. I stopped and looked behind me each step I took there was an explosion. 

I have already written since this agreement the beings that have shown up since I moved here all the weird beings in my house, people travelers, old souls, Aliens. To think I said in 3rd grade wouldn't it be great if I took the Alien's to the white house and introduced to the President?


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