Friday, April 8, 2022

God Gave Me U/BS

 Well so many list, so little time. They obviously have been going over, Greg and my mom, like every scene of these 2 taking my time and energy for granted, creating more demands. Having me give away my things. These two just coming along and stealing from me. Ruining my character and good name. Truly these 2 are copy cat's. Just both playing games and abandoning me. Selling my stuff. Nit picking the fuck out of me. The grapes of Wrath is right. Making jokes when I'm serious. Raised as an object, then being treated like I'm a possession nothing more. Every time it was my day, Greg ruined it, my mother B4, and Elaine. All compulsive liars and blamers.

Love Story/TS

Then more list, all the times I stood in front of God, then JC. At least that's what then.

When and where these beings showed up and disappeared.

The end of my dreams I never knew I had, and all those vivid dream's I never forgot. Now that I've been back over these standing next to God screaming, punching him in the arm, screaming no no I don't want to go back. Halloween 2016. 3 dreams. My first time coping on this journey but now I understand them. Pretty much all of them/

My flowers where and when I discovered my flowers.

My wardrobe

My diet

my colors

my colors of houses

Total Eclipse Of The Heart/BT

How they taught me slowly over time

All those beings standing in my room from beginning of life thru 6th grade

My flashes I'd get on and off, sequentially so. Years and years apart.

The location the first time I played sequence, the names of the people. Aunt Mary, blue eyed Jack and Dave and it was my chair that broke that night.

Making a list of what other mediums have told me in my life, the ones that were real that is.

When I took my first communion and when I was saved and where.

5 years old Adam's county, my grandma Catherine gave me my first cross with the lords prayer.

First time at Christian Church age 3 my cousins Kimm and James, On and off for a few years then fourth thru 9th grade. Some things didn't make sense and I couldn't relate to the bible and I find out all these big books of hope are about me.

2012 Mayan calendar Fall City

Names I heard in the beginning, first I applied it to people I know here with the names and situations from the past, like conversations and with who and when? All those short conversations I had with people in my past, family then friends, then History. Then further and further out to the planets and stars.

Connect Four, yes I connected the 4. I played war with my girls with connect 4 to teach them strategy, focus. It's the four horsemen. I have been thru all my numbers in my life.

The names and I heard in the beginning.

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