Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Midnight Rider

Time for a little Willie. 
To thine own self Bee true is right. The prophet who cum B4 Gary. Wow, his markings. Written bassakwards across his chest. What a cluster fuck of a system that is right. How sum things just don't add up? 

Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up 2 B Cowboy's
It's was another fucked up trinity. U law maker's, THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATES is right. I knew the scarlett letter is how they got a hold of us. Our character defects. I just don't know is it a mental disease, a spiritual disease? 
Chicken Fried
Come on big brother U know all right? U R the law over me, my heart, body, soul and mind. U have control of it all. Including my God. The Creation of your making. I Fought The Law And I Won is right this is BULLSHIT! 

Starting Over 
Starting over is right. We begin Anew. Your law's and I law maker's aren't coming back. Michael said it the other night as I was talking, he said it right there. The Bill Of Rights.
Fuck me. The missing links how once again they tied together another fucked up law. Another black triangle. The Constitution, made easy, The Bill Of Rights.

This is why John Adams said it is unconstitutional what I have done. I'm so pissed. 

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