Monday, January 11, 2021

Who We R

Your The Lucky One
Well my hands R tied once again. Both computers don't work. Tits up. I am so burned out trying to make this video of Truth and what everyone is really serving.? Wasting my patience on sumthing that should be so easy. 

Michael was fired for a dirty pee test. I was hot once again. U gave Corporate America 2 much power over what some1 does at home, Especially the night B4 his 2 day's off, he will have one hit. Now he's a potential liability. Time 2 fire Corporate says. The manager cried.  U created this grey area. I can't wait 2 send U to your home. Just where R U going? What door ma'am? Up or down? Have U been a good boy? Nope! Down U go.  U get coal. Hold the elevator. Hold the door. I've got more. 

The End Of Innocence
Always a hang up. People just turn a blind eye.or just 2 burned out. It just makes me hot. Yes once I get this done. We all can move on. Begin anew. 
Once upon a time their was a shrew who lived in a shoe.

U & Me
Doesn't help I fainted again. A lot like just passing out U wake up hours later. Fainting I fall and wake back up in minutes, injured at that. What the hell. Why Mother Mary I'm just back 4 Holy Hell. I caught myself at the entry way on the wall trying not to fall forward. Long bruise on right arm.

Right Here
Bounced left. Hit arm and outer thigh. Straight up and down bruises. I fall left and broke a table. I think this is where once again more knott's over left eye. The nickname knott head is right. I recon it's the hard head. Kept falling. I have a heavy 3 drawer dresser with the printer and vase on top. The dresser didn't move but my already injured left shoulder did right along with printer and vase. 
Now my arms in a sling. I drown in it. I do nothing but fight it. Upper arm swollen. The joint all the way around inflamed. Front left back and chest pain.

Meet In The Middle
They had better come in me and make me stronger. I had a 2 month reprieve from the pain. Awesome, been so long I forget. They taketh and gave it back. Put my back pack on. One suitcase. One thing of the 4 things my sister said. U were born in the Gateway. Playing lil orphan Annie.

Back home I went. The 2 of the 4 I didn't know. The Gateway & when I was a naive little girl I recon I said I wanted 12 kids. U try carrying nephilim and RH negative. Right serpent race? Whose the queen B on this rock? 

Yeah I know who you R. U destroy. Your the suckers and fuckers on my rock. U think U own? Profiting off my garden and my flock. So IC pollock is the new white fish? U just think your worthy. Unjustly so. U elite and entitled, R worthless 2 me. Guess what?  U going down? Can't take your $ to hell. Hey that's what IU worship? Now U will pay. Who the hell do U think U R? No one is that pretty or cute. Can't play me.

Another curse another nick name or is it the clue? Pill. Yes God has emotions. He especially hates, the Malakites you've been serving. U can thank Big Ben Franklin for that matter. Hey you hooked us 2 the machine. Didn't put a cap on anything. They will put a cap on U. The thing about Faith is U can't C my family upstairs but Faith assures U they R all there.

Sweet Home Alabama
All those loans house, school, small business. Create we'll by U out. At a low value that is. All of it has 2 have insurance. Hey you didn't put a cap on this God Damned machine. My family will put a cap on U. Who am I u ask? Why honey I'm Queen of the  God Damned.

Bless The Broken Road
 I got a little Chiva in me. Time 4 a new day time 4 a new dawn. With my 2 dancing feet. Depends what side of love & evolution U stand on? 
I'll Be

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