Friday, January 15, 2021


1995 Bill & Hilary Clinton tried getting a pharmaceutical bill passed. It failed.
1996 Interestingly enuf by the very next year U placed a legal document in hospitals & laws. 
That HIPPA form says what? Right on top emotions & spirituality. Yet I get chained to AA and labeled. An addict, I'm mental. I'm an alcoholic. 
Grapes of Wrath for this. 
AA U said not for profit. They're profiting. U R a program based on spirituality. So which is it master? Religion is God and the Son. I do what feels right. Love, I'm protected. Even in the dark, I'm I'm the light. U herd these people like cattle. U even mention addiction in a Court room. Big brother my brother has a bone 2 pick with U. 
During mergers, and layoffs people have 2 take what they R offered 4 compensation or nothing. Right here Cobra. 600 pp. U just pounded insurance and fear 2 a person U just pulled the rug out from under. So what, homeless all the sooner, hungry all the faster for insurance? That fucking snake.

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