Friday, April 2, 2021

Lake of Fire

Brown Eyed Girl
So now I discover there is a Lake Of Fire? Learn something new everyday. Boy those fault lines are going to shift. This is why my sister and eye felt like we'd been in a fire. Still don't like Peter. Not happy one God dammed bit. Didn't I figure out whose daddy has Solomons ring of fire in the palm of his hand. I wrote it in the Promised Land, step 12 in AA.

Song Of The South
I was writing U walked thru the ring of fire no worse for wear. Still pretty pissed off about this one. Feeling picked and handed to a guy that not even eye want 2 get in bed with. Bull rider has the assets. When he said to me I've done what I've pretty much wanted my whole life. While I live the God dammed life, of hell. Wondering what's going on?

Take Me Down To The Paradise City Oh won't U please take me home?
I've figured out what the conductor really means when it cums down 2 me. Flock me is right. Flock me in the mother fucking ass. One measly agreement has turned into all this. Yes I now understand the ant holding up the earth in the beginning. To find out I'm part of the ant colony, alien ant's giant ant's, right where they sit? It's good they are there they are on our side. What Peter said just chaps my ass even more. That I'm coming back to take the righteous by hand out of hell? Lake of fire? Oh Cum ON! This place is a real shit hole. They said long ago when I asked how are the Sun and Chiva going 2 cum 2gether? Then I look over 2 the TV and there is my answer, ISIS holding up the sun.

Wheel In The Sky
I had my head in the pantry bent over trying to breath. I kept hearin them say Just Breath then the song cums on. I walked 2 the center of the floor cross legged, my head turned away. They ask R U OK? I say I'm A OK and I see my grand daddy with one of his hand signals, the OK sign with his blue eye looking thru. Stunned, numb for a moment. Now I figured out the Conductor, and the sing song I wrote 4 Alex. Another Buffy mom appauled I put my daughter last behind my animals. I put her in charge, 2 over C the flock. Recently I asked Michael, who rides in the back of a train? He said the Conductor.

Better Together/LC
It's been sinking in lately about what the country/Conductor really means with the sun/Son and me. I carry Him inside me. It makes me cry. I never knew. I never knew, what being the voice really means in my family tree line that sit in the heavens surrounding this rock. They aren't literally going to go over the atom with me, then I find out it was Einstein talking to me. I remembered it right away. The atom. Power of the P.E.N.The Protron, Electron and the Neutron. Bride of Frankenstein or Einstein?

Wagon Wheel/DR
Well now that I know, where the entity sits now. Couldn't be wrong on this one. Where I stuck the staff in the ground and started screamin my arms wide open, hands in fist "GET THE FUCK OFF MY ROCK. I READ WHEN I LOOKED IT UP ON GOOGLE. Jesus Christ said permenatley and it smells like Sulphur. That smell coming from another house of blue, not the sewage plant next door, but the blue house, grabbing my stomache and heaving. There is no way I can handle that smell. I really do now believe he's, or it the entity is in the sewers. Now I ask U why do I stand in the Land OF Kings? Why did the Prophet who came B4 handed me a Navy looking Pee coat, that had Zero King on the label.

I Love Rock and Roll/JJ
My grand daddies other sign, the rock sign. I'm the mountain, I'm The Rock. Move over Dwayne Johnson the Rock is back. I'm the diamond in the rough. I used to write in my daughters napkins lil notes. A big EYE with lashes, a heart and the U. The other one was U R the air in which I breath, the apple of my eye, and the beating of my heart. U R mini me's. Then Alex signs a painting signed from mom. I used to wake them up singing it off key. You Are My Sunshine.

Another 1 Bites the Dust
Just when I think I know enuf, I find out no their is more. They R really going to light me up. What did my dad say in the Park? I don't have 2 make 1 God Dammed move. Yeah, now I'm hoping that's true.
I've connected the Connect 4 game and discovered in my writing along the way, the name's of The Four Horsemen. 
I saw on a show called The Messengers. The 7 😇 wanted 2 stop the 4 Horsemen 2 B stopped. They're here and they're on our side. 

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