Sunday, January 10, 2021

Solomon's Ring Of Fire

Collective Soul/December
It's been an interesting couple of day's. Keeping moving with the charlie horses stopping my legs from working when I'm out there on my own. Carrying three bags yesterday and wouldn't you know it the bus driver drives past my stop. I dinged the bell. I look at the other guy standing at the door, did this really just happen? I ding it again hoping he at least stops at the next stop, because my right leg is not happy and walking into Michael's my left leg from the knee down went numb. I felt like my legs were floating on air trying to take me away. To walk on legs you cannot feel just hoping that my feet step by step are still touching the ground? I came home fixed up some ribs and Kraft, then on the couch I go for my first shift of sleep. Then wouldn't you know it it's on ancient alien's, Season 7 Episode 4, I heard in the background falling asleep the story of Solomon's ring and it hit me, I know the answer to this one?

I flipped over and grabbed my notebook, then I just restarted the show from the beginning. I realized that I get crabby the longer this journey goes on without any big discoveries. Oh I found more just from right here. I haven't posted my last blog called Carnivale' yet. Last night I found it again, the location in Egypt called Canaveral.
Solomon's Ring, Temple Mount, Jerusalem and there it is once again, Mountain, man and music. In 2013 they discovered earthenware jars, from 3000 years ago. It was built on Gods direct order. The Arch Of The Covenant, Solomon's ring. Believed to be of E.T. 
Origin the name of God was engraved on it. Colleen. It was the representative of the authority of this world. Source of power to control other worldly beings. Given to Him by the angels. He can control the Gin or the Jeanie. Yes, that is it. His ring of fire is the organic ring of fire on this rock, they as in these 12 hold the power on this rock. That makes Him what Satan? That's right my brother my son, that makes that man the Arc Of The Covenant. That would be "The Big Daddy" of this rock.
Jeremy/Pearl Jam
Oh he's not going to be happy with me. I know what's it like to carry this families labels upon your back the higher they go, the heavier the load. Acceptance came to mind last night. Acceptance of your Destiny. When Michail turned on the TV to "The Davinci Code," he said can you imagine finding out your the Davinci Code Daughter? NOOOOOO!!!!!! Not at all, but they did it one step at a time, slowly step by step. 
Paradise City
My grandfather, Knotthead and he'd give me the peace sign and say peace Knotthead. The rock and roll sign meant Knotthead, I love U. Boy this rock is going 2 shift and those fault lines R gonna shift. Number 3 was Knotthead, and he"d show his blue eye thru the hole of his fingers and say Knotthead, everything will be A O.K. 
I heard the name storm 3X in 2 months. A name I never heard b4. 

Save Me/Shinedown
In the beginning I heard you are being watched, then I discover the Watchers do exist. The Celts. The black shadow and the circle of tree's.  Druid, Seer, Scribe, Prophet, Messiah. 
ISIS. Brother's, Codes and doors. Had they said, medium, empath, clairvoyant, or clairaudient, I would of understood.
Santa Clara turned in2 St. Clair.
Fucking Family.

Check Yes OR No
Those other words I didn't really compute the meaning because I held them out there until I found proof of life. Druid, Bridget of Kildare, and the name Ellis?  I had no idea nor had I comprehended Ellis Island and Lady  Liberty a.k.a. Justice. I do however understand especially as I moved through more documentaries, more power and more names in my family tree of life.Tim Ellis was the first guy to cheat on me in 9th grade.

Man In A Box/Alice In Chains
Back to Treasures Of The Gods. Greece Delphi, Priestess of Apollo, oracle sits on a trinity inhales vapors she is a conduit a vessel. Sound familiar brother? Over 1600 years ago she made her final prophecy. Ompoloose Stone means Navel. Center of the earth, the most important place for the Olympian God's. Location is key, I have Olympia and I went 2 a Olympia school. 
She was The Chosen One, and when the Celts tried to steal her the skies opened up, the great treasure was protected. 

Aerials/System Of A Down
Shimear, it's a worm that could cut and drill through the hardest stone with ease. Look what I have here brother. I am Freya the worm that feed's the soil it seems I'm about to receive a gift with those laser eyes. Hey I gotta have sumthing 2 fight with. 
Do I have 2 go in the sewer? The smell makes me dry heave, then I loudly start puking. Yeah, we're gonna Bee real stealth. Cousin It is The Fallen Angel. I know cuz I pointed my finger after about 4 hours at the black pipe, I asked what's down there? The answer was fallen angel. I told a police man I don't know what it is, but It is over there. 

Home/Three Days Grace
In 586 Solomon's Temple was destroyed. The Arc Of The Covenant and Solomon's ring are the most powerful beings on this rock. On Friday the 13, 1307 The Knights Of The Templar were ordered  burned at the stake. All those years of service and the Catholic Church that came in and stole everything sure does seem to be making choices that they should of never been allowed to make. You just came in and planted yourselves in the middle didn't you and just in the first five kings and Bishops. A family name from way back then deciding what Heresy is and hiding the Truth? Cutting out half of humanities heart has created guilt, shame and misunderstood labels all along. 
Look at the witches for three centuries or what you labeled as witches and you threw the fag's on didn't you? "The Witches Hammer." The burning of those fag's is the burning of this fig tree. I called the picture above my bed, The Depression Of The Fig. The depression on love was created long ago. You don't get to decide L.O.V.E. You blocked evolution in the body, heart and mind. 

Breaking The Habit/Linkin Park
Then back to the Nazi's we go brother. In Kerala India in 2011 it was discovered a Sacred Veta structure and wouldn't you know it brother back to the Vedic God we go Vishnu and those doors brother? Perhaps Vlad was right when he said, I feel a extra terrestrial being at work here? Yup, sure R. When I heard I'm being watched I laughed. It was the guy that drove me home. Lives in Fall City. His name Vlad. I wasn't worried about him. Hell every cop in the valley knew exactly where I was at both times. I didn't hide. Yet I admit, I didn't get 2 far from Gary at night. He slept on 1 side of a bush from me. Out of every man whom ever asked me out, this homeless man treated me respectfully. Better than anyone of U.

Sabotage/Beastie Boys
Season 7 Episode 5 and back To The Red Planet we go brother. Ares the Greek war God. The name I heard in the beginning, Ariel and then house, home animals. I was working with a red headed Ariel. Book Of Angels 101. She was the first angel listed. 

Other side/Bonnie Tyler
Florida Cape Canaveral God? Death, Destruction and war. Babylon brother is right here in this United States.
Then I saw it brother, back to Twin Peaks we go. Funny those Twin Peaks brother, it was the year that this TV show came back to do a 20 year anniversary show. I'm walking through it while filming. The real crazy log lady moving along. Don't forget brother I remember it was once again the father whom did it. The Con of Man. That your One True Mother, Your One True Creation does not exist? The Sphinx was once covered in red paint? I heard Sphinx in the woods, first summer.

Bring Me To Life/Evanescence
The Rosetta Stone of Mars is me brother. I'm back for love brother. I'm back for my children, my slaves that you just keep recreating to make a living off from. Pick a door brother, eight layers down you the beast go. Mr. 666 himself., You the one whom was marked for this from the day you were born. Yeah you bet I'm back brother, back for my garden, my beasties, my children. Back to feed them love and light once and for all.

Monkey Wrench/Foo Fighters
In case U want 2 know, I don't have any 666's 2 my name. Well not on me any way but Lady Liberty and Freedom do. Lot's of them underneath. U can thank the Freemasons for that.

Otherside/Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chasing That Neon Rainbow/AJ

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