Tuesday, November 17, 2020

God Is The Conductor

I can't believe I figured out about the Conductor in my dreams and the fun park? Using our energy 2 run this fun park? Kiley, the Matrix age 4? When Keanu Reeves squatted down legs wide and waved his opponent forward. Kai did the move, opened her hand and she had 2 double AA batteries. I asked what's this? She said U know Mommy they run on batteries? I look at her, she was 3 when she watched it. That is what U got out of it? The Truth.

I keep going back to the black shadow standing at chakra 2. Doing something with his fingers I didn't know what he was doing. Looked like surgery. I did the inhale and screeching backing away. For once in my life IC it. I realized I also did this twice the night B4 but I kept turning quickly behind me. This isn't my black shadow. This was about 2 months ago. I also wonder just who and how long this has been happening? I also wonder just where are my watchers, my protectors? I figured they must of wanted me 2C this.

Then the Alien in daylight puts a red towel on her head. Got herself noticed. I got 2 the door and saw her go from bathroom 2 bedroom. For once they speak. Not sign language or a clue. Why didn't she just show herself? I mean I know, so why hide? Then I keep looking at the movie Signs? The aliens the entities couldn't get thru a door if it was locked? It didn't fit with what I knew thus far. Still not believing they had more for me 2 figure out. More 2 tell me. More answers 2 to the Truth. After working with the 3 6 and 9 I didn't know what these numbers meant? Or even where 2 look? I grabbed the book  Angels 101. I used it as my guide. I kept hearing Ariel, house, home, and animal's. Which turned in2 her father Posidon with  the Trident. The red rock. Red rock road. Red stairs going in2 the blue skies. Stairway 2 Heaven and Mars.

The night I was 86ed out of Country Pride at 3 16 a.m. I walked 2 the energy panel in back. I put my right hand on the door and I heard brother, code's, & doors.

 Looking at Kyle, why such heavy shoulders if it's just a lil monkey on his back? B4 I even opened the car door I got a flash of him with a purple triangle over his head. Royalty. A royal trinity. Energy was my answer. Hearing E=MC2.  

On my last day at that truck stop for the summer. Sept. 14th. My first home the gateway. Back home I go. The first 2 pick up the phone. I put my foot on the curb at the Pride and Gull. Lightning bolt between shoulder blades. Every 1/4 way another lightning bolt would strike. Then at the end lightning bolt over left eye at the end of the block a black Nike sandal. Then I discovered there actually was a queen named Nike. I wonder if she's the 1whom lightning bolted me? They giveth they taketh. They gave me my pain back and then sum. With these beings that just show up. Traveler's from a different time. Very old souls whom lived B4 and now. The aliens entities do the same thing. Then the Angels. They are all beings. They are all spiritual beings. They're just standing there if that's where they want 2B. They don't knock. They don't schedule appointments. I keep going back 2 energy from beginning 2 end. I've said God the Creation is energy. The Atom, the Adam and the atom bomb. The big bang. The 3 6s & 9s. It was something about Universal energy. The way I hold my fingers on my face. I knew it then Nikoli Tesla, power of the 3 6s and 9s.  The Conductor? The Conductor does what? Not just Conductor of music or a train but energy. Now I can't help but 2 think this isn't going 2B A small lightning bolt that I feel. No it's going 2B huge. I Conduct energy. I can't believe I got that answer. What more do I need 2 know?

 I finally figured out just why Ann and Mary's above me? I'm the Messiah. Gary gave me a coat in the beginning. Zero King on the label. He's inside me. Duality. The Bride/groom. The prophet that comes B4? What did U expect 2C? John the baptist is back. I'm Mother Nature's daughter aka. another Mary up above me. I'm the Messiah and the Conductor. I'm energy. Even I hate the Truth sometimes. Especially when it really starts 2 sink in. I guess I'm the lightening bolt 4 this planet. To think I told Jesus Christ don't touch me. I don't want your power. He's the son of God. I'm the sun of God.

To thine own self be True.

Thy will, not mine. Go with God.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Zion Mary & the Entity

It's pretty bad that even the alien beings  r watching me. Yup Zion Mary not even the alien races want U around me. Hey U made your bed. This hasn't been no bed of roses in this life.

They want input from no one. Just me and them. I'm so tired of this box. It's so much information and overwhelming. I have 2 call this very soon. I'm surprised yet not so surprised that Kyle once again is still alive. I recon it's Faith. They aren't going 2 put me through this shit for no reason.

I told Zion Mary in 2013. We're going on a rodeo ride. We've been on this rodeo ride B4. Follow those red's. Those red's will heal. I hadn't met Kyle yet. I wrote in the Promised Land. U walked thru the ring of fire no worse for wear.

This diamond in the palm of my hand.

Something about the 12 fruits of the tree.

We will run in the sun

and splash in the C.

Can't U C? TMTB

 Flock me. I mastill so pissed it's me. 2 find out all those jokes I made? Yeah right it's all about me? It turns out I know so much shit on why heaven on earth is going to happen? I know the why's and what alien entities are on our side. Isn't knowledgekey and wisdom is power. Don't U agree?

God grant me the serenity 2 accept the things I cannot change

The courage 2 change the things I can

The wisdom 2 know the difference

at he end of every prayer I added

Thy Will not my own

Go with God

Now the Big Dog in the sky.

I've learned so much Truth

It makes me cry

My tears R for your fears

Not my own

I know who I am

thoroughly scrooged 

in this asshole family tree line



and God cums up behind

Oh shite look out.

2 my girls, I'm a scribe

a profit

I wrote it long ago

We 3 R the Perfect Storm


I about exploded when the disabilty agent called me wanting me to C a therapist bcuz of the lables and abuse of the system? IC we discriminate against praying in every which way. RU fucking nuts? She goes well it says here Bipolar and schizophrenic. I did lose it. I lost it. That poor girl. The courts and Dr. Ibrim wouldn't listen 2 Micheal when he said she doesn't go up, Actually she's pretty mellow. This system wouldn't listen 2 the 1 person I live with. Your so fucking dead. No I'm not talking about the doctors. They would be better therapist if they had Truth. They'd B better therapist if they walk thru it. If they were able to feel and really C evolution. It turn's out God and my family treeline 

It's Time/Imagine Dragons

HAVE ANSWERED every prayer afterall. Author, photographer, poet, songwriter, and well with there help I have solved the biggest crime ever. Wait until humanity learns how the historians in our government, including the Freemasons, tied in2 religion thru God and all these past wars?

Good old Ben Franklin. That kite with the key and our 9 lives being up? Abraham Lincioln, Mary Todd and their sons name Todd. Number 13, and abolish slavery. The Gateway Todd road crosses with Washington and Lincoln. George Washington and the apple tree. Truth or lie? Then Ben and John Adam's unconstitutuional what U have done. Well let's not forget the prophet who comes B4 That mentally ill man sitting in the woods. Not sure what quote this is, what did u expect to C of a man who lives in the woods? I knew that first night with all his rocks recreating and telling me what's going on in the universe. He slept on the curb my first night. Waited 4 me to walk out. I slept on my own like 4 night's then I slept on a white vinyl sign on the otherisde of a bush from Gary. 

It was quite the education to watch a mentally ill man go off in all those dimensions, knowing he's doing something of significance and he doesn't know. What he does know or remember he won't speak. Only 2 me. Please leave him alone.

Friday, November 6, 2020


 Open Up Your Eyes/Daughtery

I don't even know where to begin. It's been a long time since I've had my hand's let alone my own body as a whole working. The weakness, the dizziness. Bruised rib's black eye's. The knott's and cut's on my forehead. Not being able to lift my own body. The whole time wondering how I'm gonna do this? Stand. Just stand there and let them do what they're gonna do thru me. 

Don't stop believing/Journey

I actually had security at St. Francis, make me walk off the property to wait for my ride. Hell I walked out holding on to the walls with shaky leg's. I'm sitting on the curb quietly and alone. Not bothering anyone. The security guy who was following me got another security guy to come out and tell me that I had to wait for my ride at the picnic table at the middle of the parking lot. Since when is it illegal to sit out front and wait for a ride? More bullshit injustice.

Break Even/The Script

So I go sit at the picnic table freezing. Then the security guy who was following me out from the inside sends the security guy  back out and tells me that I have to wait off of the property. I noticed the first time that this guy was sent out that he was embarased and he knew it was wrong. On shaky leg's with my arms open wide trying to keep my balance I went and sat off the property. I can't wait to be the Lion and chew ass for all this bad behaivor and disservice.

Bring Me To Life/Evanescence

My neighbor's and their music for the last 6 month's pounding thru my wall's. They just don't give a fuck. Doesn't matter how nice. That woman lied to me to my face for 4 month's. No me no music over here. I don't care what time of day it is, I don't need to hear someone's music thru my walls. At time's it starts at 7:30. Their mouthy little tween and the disrespect this mother allows is atrocious. What are we teaching our children? I have a feeling that I'm going to say about these 2. Get the fuck off my rock and take your lil bitch of a tween daughter with you. I'm done paying. I'm done taking the hit's. I'm done being patient and walking away.


I'm done with anyone telling me how to be. I never needed anyone telling me how to behave a day in my life. Especially you big brother. Boy I wouldn't want to be you. Yup big brother you passed laws to stick your nose in everybodies lives anyway you can. Especially our schools and your dictator ship. Telling me I have no right's. Fuck you. I'm so angry when I think about all I've been tru in my life. Never the chosen one.

Life Of MY Own/3 Doors Down

Why I cried in rehab and I couldn't go any further when I got to having to talk about those bleeding hearts? The abandonment. No one saw any crazy behavior. No one saw anything. Yet they believed him? Everyone acted like I deserved what ahppened to me. Him doing exactly what he said with his one truth in all those years of our marriage? If you don't agree with me I'm going to come in and just take it. After I borrowed money from my grandmothers estate to get him out of my house. The mantra in my head was I am woman hear me roar hear me throw your ass out the door.

Superman/5 4 fighting

Going over my prayers and all the work I did in California. 2 series of counceling sessions 1 on 1. Group counceling. I even did a series of the 10 sessions of dianentics. Marriage counceling by myself. To learn the best way to communicate. To be aware of common issues that come up in a marriage. I took a quilting class. I did volunteer work with kids that were highly potential to get in a gang. I worked out 3 hours a day 4 to 5 day's a week. I got my haircut at Gene Juarez. I did most the cooking. The heat bill any bill Greg had no issue with any of it. When I wanted to go back to school in California, he said no. That I can do it when we get back to Washington.
