Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Lions Bridge

Well it turns out I am a genius and I didn't have to get a school loan or pay for college after all. Yup how enlightening this journey has been. Love the song, The Crow Chasing The Butterfly.
I figured out why I wouldn't look you in the eyes? What bothered me? I didn't call it Lions Brow, because it's a bridge. The bridge of a Lion King. Two of Mother Natures Beast coming together to let these black Knights know who really owns this kingdom. This rock.
Turns out God really does have a beast for a lap dog after all. Yup I figured out that atom. It looks like a lil sprographical thing that just keeps spiraling round and round each individual body.
It spirals between our legs, up our spine and over our heads. It continues down the front. Now when you think about that CNS how it flows and works, Up our spine right to the mind. I don't give a flying flock what science says our spine effects mankind's emotions. The true reason for the addictions and the creation just in time, to cure mankind of all that ailes us. Suppress our pain, all pain neurological suppressed emotions keeps us stupid, fat, lazy, zombies. Those rich bastards back in 1906 stuck his hand in the healthcare kitty jar. He had money, so he got to pick the school and science for mankind's healing. Paid a psychiatrist to create pharmaceutical solutions for people who are spiritually connected and gifted. He slowly over time killed off homeopathic solutions, by planting false labels on anything organic our spiritually to heal. Chiropractic was labeled a scam, yet what do the auto industry and private workmans comp owners do? They bounce you from chiropractor to chiropractor every quarter further and further away. Call you a year later to ask how ya feeling? No pain management. Same as this Washington Apple healthcare, it's the same for veterans but they have to drive further and further to get subpar healthcare. Sheep herding, and turning off making the homeless the blame for all the garbage they created. The indignity telling a human being you can't use a restroom in a public place where we all pay taxes. Unforgivable.
I kept seeing a lotus flower. I had no idea why. I got taken back to my chakra. The root chakra. Number one is a lotus flower and the name of a mountain on one of our 7 continents I believe. Funny thing I've been strengthening and stretching my coccyx.
Then chakra number two. Location the human bodies reproductive organs, I noticed in Michael and Greg a flat spot right here. Not good, it's turning off our biological emotion to our children. Also a flower and another mountain. I've been seeing a tiger Lily. Well then chakra number three, solar plexus, it so speaks universally just in the name.
Then the number four chakra, heart chakra. Number four is also the sleep dimension, we are moving into the fifth dimension. The reason why women have scoliosis later in life is the broken heart. In religion they cut out half your heart the day you were born. Mother Nature is Mother Mary aka. Eve. JC well obviously the closest reincarnation to God as you we're gonna get. I mean who else could take the inhumanity in that behavior? Which is Adam. Freya and ISIS one and the same.
Knock knock book of Enoch. God sent his Angel, duh, me. Yup release probably Azeakal, Angel of Vengence. Then God had like the Jack Asscsent to live with the wolf, and so on. It seems God has been crossing family lines, in this family, on this planet. The animals, different colors of different tribes. We are all his children, dumbshits. What makes you think God has a age limit on heaven? He's crossing our celestial being selves just like him, through this universe and on this rock. Our bodies are but shells. We don't die with Christ in our heart.
First song written, keep on trucking for the Lord. 19 is the number of terrorist on  9/11. Major set up to create war once again. I knew I hated that number for some reason.
Then we have Chakra number 5. This system won't let me speak, it seems I refuse to adapt to this systems religion, and mental health system. Hell I gotta get surgery on my bladder from all these pills. But hell we all gotta do our part and donate a organ to keep this crancking wheel of a healthcare going. Telling me my pain is in my mind not my spine. How many years did it take to look that way and not one XRay? So I get one and you have the gull to tell me, it says here on this chart. I'm not a droid, I'm a human being and I have rights. What does it do to someone's mental health all those years, telling them they are lying and making it up? You ducked with the wrong mother. Your system ain't healing me, my family is upstairs. It's been real eye opening you might say.
So let's get to that third eye and that cross. When JC hung on that cross where did his head sit? Right between your eyes. Some crosses have a circle. It's all good. God's been sending his son and daughter a long time all around this globe. From the heavens and universe.
Now run that cross down to your solar plexus. Open up the chakras along the spine along with care and health of your spine and your atoms heal and you find your family. As one man, you are part of another four. You are each your own lil star.
When we are born we come from two. With you being the bright star in the middle. Our original soul is you. Our memories are wiped clean, not the soul. We lose pieces of ourselves sometimes coming back. Missing links missing family.
God is a celestial being of light he is Adrogynous. He sent JC here during a time of war with religion. Fighting over land that belongs to all of you, not just ten percent, you assholes. You have committed crimes against humanity and there ain't no going back now.
Weaken the core, weaken the spine. You poisoned mankind when you planted that wheat seed. God said don't poison the wheat. Poison the wheat, poison the wheat flour, which is in everything. So since the late 60s to Early seventies you started this process here in the states. Babylon, we weren't in it. But lady justice was. You have been poisoning mankind's organs from the inside. The reason for all this arthritis and burning intestines, and cancer. So you kings don't have to control the food. Poison it, you just poisoned God's Flock. You don't care rich nor poor. Just like you didn't back in the forties during the depression. You didn't care your compadres lost there shirts, shot themselves in the head, nor jumping out Windows.
Oh yeah those neurological poison suppressor, gives them a good excuse to put you on anti depressant Jack you back up. Hey we all gotta do our part.
So not done with my rant. The first chakra the crown. Golden light. Gee I wonder why ask the chakras are the colors of the rainbow going up that spine?
I asked God one day, hey God how did I learn to see the animals in people at such a young age? Took me back to my family, and all those wonderful animal nicknames since the day I was born. Let me see the worm. Today would be first worm to you. What is the job of a worm? We enrich the soil, feed the fish and birds. Circle of life bitch. What can a worm do. I can regrow. Reproducing and having sex with myself sound very unsatisfying and boring, but as a worms life it is what it is.
Then the monkey. Yes this families monkey, apparently I was one and I have been climbing my whole life. Hell I'm short I improvise. Crawl through, up down and all around. Their are benefits to being small. Like finding out I was once a fairy. Who the flock got to decide what was myth and what was true of our past lives? Some of us have a lil fairy in us it doesn't mean your gay. Who cares if you are. Not that family.
Colt yeah. I once wrote, I can get as mad as I want and go round and round as long as I don't step over the line. Remind anyone of anything? taming a wild horse, exercising it, while God holds the reigns. What an asshole right? I didn't appreciate being told to sit on a rock and stay. Hey no one could ever say God ain't humane.
Spidey legs, runt, bitch, I'm full of piss and vinegar. Oh yeah my eyes are shit brown too. So I  ask am I full of shit now?
Let's go a lil further. The day you are born, you are given a number and animal in the constellation and stars. In any spiritual sect outside religion, like is it Hindu with the 7 elephants? Yes we represent the animals in our bodies hearts and minds. In religion we don't recognize that part of who we are. We don't honor that part of ourselves. It spiritually cuts us off from our brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom, and this planet.
As our bears are disappearing mankind is getting bigger, because of tree poison in our food, some people that Gmo makes people eat 400 more calories a day.
Like my friend who's daughter was bitten without a hand? Was it a curse or a blessing when he high fived Kevin from under the bed.
Thank God for unanswered prayers like that. To marry a Asshole like that. Yes he poisoned my first love. These two brother's took me and my heart. My first love for granted. To be cute and cool. On the other hand when I looked at the nails in the parks stabbing into lil birdie toes. My mind flashed right to that lil darlin. So yes it's a blessing. Someday perhaps I'll get to tell her.
Universally? I want to know what makes mankind so a arrogant to think we don't have to follow universal laws? That putt actions and behaviors, killing each other off, poisoning our rock isn't affecting these other dimensions, and time zones.

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