Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dante's Inferno Comes To Light

Inferno Quotes by Dante Alighieri | Goodreads

(She's Got A Way Billy Joel, and now we are onto Close to Me, by The Cure)

Wow. Wow. Wow. Look what I have discovered just this morning? My nines. Now I admit I wasn't happy and once again I lost my shit as it started to sink in just what I'm looking at? Even in the names, the hierarchy, the levels. Now when this started the only nines I knew about were in that angel book. You know the one Angel's 101? I mean I'm writing about all you need is Morals and a good value system to have God. Principals and guidelines, that set you up to ascend, transcend and fly. Well quite frankly this system sure does set man up to fail.

Main Street Bob Seeger and the A Silver Bullet Band
There ain't no fail safe in this system. You don't need life insurance when you have God. With God you have assurance. Assurance that no matter where you stand, no matter what class you sit in, no matter the house or the beast inside, that I have discovered they don't want you to know about or acknowledge. Just in that action we are hurting spiritually, it's a form of repression on our heart and soul, about who you really are and I don't like it one God Damn bit. God is your creator, Call him Dog, I don't give a flying flock. You can call J.C., J.C. or Jesus Christ, Your welcome to even acknowledge the next generation of angels standing at heavens gates holding my teddy bear tucked safely under his arm. I hold on to that picture, it keeps me moving forward. Not the man so much.

Before the Heartache, Hootie and the Blowfish

Let me explain, this morning I finally finished watching, The Lion, Witches and the Wardrobe. Like I didn't understand just this story line, standing in the woods, (on purpose once again to get all this mother nature shit done and over with) learning about mother nature first hand. Literally standing in front of three bears. The first being mommy bear at the beginning, then sometime in August the baby bear, which reminded me very quickly as I was drinking around with my phone trying to get a close up, that mom might be standing behind me. Then well a couple weeks before I knew I was due to go onto phase five of my journey, and on my way back to my lil" teepee in the woods, right on the other side of my pee rock, I walk right into Bid Daddy Bear.


Let's not forget learning about cougars and they're prides first hand? Low and behold my children to went to Mt. Si. Panther Pride. Then the truck when I stood on the oil can in big black letters and a black feather, Pride. Where do I work? Country Pride. Then what do we have, the other rainbow? Gay Pride. Yeah I got Pride and rainbows coming out my ass. Then I discover just why there are rainbow clouds coming out both ends. You know the North Pole and the South Pole, where just happens to be every Government signed not to flock with, turns out to be my family and yours. Well you know those beasties inside us, those animals have crossed paths with us, and yes they have a house and dimension right along with you. Some of you are just young bucks, and well truly we don't take on our true forms,until about fifty, when you don't care what people think. You got humanity, you got heart. That's all you need really to feed yourself.

This truly is an age when the true heart of a man shows. They don;t give a flock, they don't have ego they have heart. Well when I saw the animal with the bird head, the wings and the lions back end, I realized one thing and I cried, that yes these animals are back and they are inside us. In the book of Enoch each time we come back we as celestial beings cross paths through those houses and some of want to stay awhile and come back as a lil' beastie for awhile and experience that part of life. So because they poisoned our food and created an inferno on the insides, God as a Profit once again is closing a chapter to another book.

Leaving on a Jet Plane John Denver
I mean when I read the Purge to get out of purgatory, and then the name of the next dimension, you bet I went into a tirade, I ranted and raved. I screamed and shouted at him once again. Nobody knows you better than your creator, like he doesn't know by now, even before he drops Hope to the ground once again. You bet your sweet ass he knows I'm going to explode. then I started circling once again calling him every name in the book, right back to Your an ASSHOLE. I HATE YOU. You know I hate it when I find a book, a documentary and a story line that follows suite with what I've been writing about.

I mean come on in the last two day's I kept seeing a apple once again, and hearing Newton, the ATOM. Then A Fig. Do you know, why God had Eve eat the fruit first? To feed a mother later on life perhaps. Make her marry the most deceptive brother ever, The 666 himself. Wow, what a shade he has, what a mask and cover. To go through life and not have empathy. To have to rehearse everything, always a game and cover up. To discover why I stood in three gardens begging God for his life and just why my right leg wanting to kick him in the ribs. That boy better remember who his mother truly is inside me and who's brother is on the ground and at heavens gates.

He better remember who owns this garden, while I'm at it Montesano and all your round up. Get the Flock out of my seed. I don't know what you were thinking that it was ever a good idea or a great investment to poison your mothers seeds. Even if none of you doctors and lawyers, you corporate owners and investors, you scientist all across these lands, these religions that you serve, No Love, No Heart, No Higher Power to Ascend to. No mother land, no rock to come back to and enjoy.

Can't Get Through The Briefs
When you look down a T-zone of another human being, the shape of the eyes, the nose. The pointy noses to me are witchy noses, the ones with a bend or bump are the birds. Some of us are birds in the name Robin, like our parents gave us. Well the balls, are the dog's, The cat's, The bear's. When you even look at the way someone sits, you can see a bear or a gorilla. I mean following Gary around was like a walking Science Project. I'd trail behind him and he would look down at the soil and say oh look Colleen, Charcoal. That Lettuce when it breaks down, it turns to sugar. He was a walking talking education system going off in all his dimension, going from a shaman who truly reads rocks, and that is why he carries them. This rock, is Gary's Pride. Those Garden's and all these drugs, prescription and non prescription from his past, Walking talking, mother nature organic science project. A Genius who I think got his degree in three years, with a wife and kid. A Honor student. Does this story sound familiar?

I mean his cousins name Stephen King, who is mentally ill. Stephen King can stand in these dark dimensions, and see the truth of the animals the beast, the dark side without getting stuck and paying a high price. Just in the name alone someone else is carrying the true mental Illness and is stuck and living it, and he doesn't understand and neither does this healthcare system. Well not the one's working it anyways. They do know one thing, the ones behind the iron curtain with the pills and the diagnosis training people with any odd behavior, spiritual or psychic, lock them up. Don't give them a choice. Label them and try to drug them up and shut them down.

You can get elected and use God as a Moral Code, however the Values, principals in this society don't add up, to feeding you anything but a bunch of bullshit. Telling you just in time for the system, to get Indigo children drugged up if they don't follow suite. Set up the counselors to diagnose right along with the teachers. When I asked questions about the homework, and this system. Knowing full well no five year old needs homework. Not my problem you are removing the things that make my child human from schools because you want to follow a system. A number and you set this up. Not happy.

All these civil cases with Corporate America that no one can touch not the cops or the ones struggling to live. Truth is in Nevada alone you ask all those homeless to step out from underground, actually anywhere and these streets would be filled with your brothers and sisters, carrying the labels of your burdens. No better way to take out humanity right? Poison the food and everything, put a lock on a bathroom door, you know the ones with all these intestinal problems, burning stomachs, kidneys and bladder to cover the other part of your healthcare system, the urinary tubes, the panti liners, the batteries for our flash lights. The high cost of Deet. The high cost of Celiac food. I have learned in this animal kingdom and any animal kingdom, you don't fuck with the food. There is a circle of life in those woods above ground and all around, for a reason. To feed you your food, and your spirit, your heart and your soul. Your music and love song of your life. Mine is Home, family and traditions, Forever and Ever Amen. My favorite people on this rock, are the ones who have a lil' flair inside them. A zest for life. People who have drive and want to live a full life. I want my children to live a happy joyous free life. The ones who weren't afraid to expreiment or take a stand. The ones with colors in their personalities.

I want my children, to poke and prod and play. As a parent first we have to teach our children to feed ourselves. We have to teach our children, Corporate America doesn't feed you. Your family does, your rock does. This universe does. Now when you look at men and women in this nation, I want you to remember, they labeled you as fruit, just in that weight chart, and they once again in some assigned another animal. Like the Chinese New Year. Once again, I'm a Monkey. I'm small, and well my God made me small for a reason. He like his lil pussy cat just the way she is.

I finally stopped ranting and raving when it dawned on me. All this music I've been writing. The apple, the Newton, the gravity problem I saw in the beginning. So in all my journals I just rewrote Dante's Inferno, from a different pint of view not realizing, I'm walking through the stages of another book. Am I scared, yes. Of course, I don't care how far I ascend, as mother I never want to lose my human side, my heart. Mother, human or beast. You can't beat a heart of a mother.

Every Time I hear That Song, Blake Shelton

I am going to explain the rules, about all you besties, playing in Eves Animal Kingdom. Watching these beast, I know one thing. Their ain't no rape. I realized looking at that Doe with her two children cross the street she went first, the two lil ones followed behind, and out from behind the bush stepped big Daddy. Big Daddy Buck. I realized society can sure learn about family in the animal Kingdom.

Yeah I downloaded some of Dante's inferno quotes. Truly they speak Volumes. I asked Michael, "What's the name of that flying beast with the Lion for back leg's? He said a Griffin. Another Big G. Funny Dante's Inferno, is a comedy. I am the Joker Child, This lil Mother knows one thing. I love my families sense of humor. Irony. That God is your creator, he owns this rock and universe. He might piss me off, but truly he broke the news to me humanely, he never raised a hand or forced me. Never humiliated, and yes God has a way to bringing you back around, and around, and around, yes it seems my wardrobe has allot to do with who I am. From the past present and future.

One outfit when I was a young adult. A black long sleeve fitted mini dress with a black tutu with primary colors flexing through it. A pair of white Pantaloon's with pink ballerina slippers. Yes I wore this stuff to work and school. A navy mini lil tutu skirt, and another navy dress when my best friends mom wanted to send us to Charm School. Hilarious. I know start with the silverware on the outskirts and work your way in, truth be told I'd rather have a steak and a BBQ, a fire place, and well a big daddy with a big heart to dance under the sheet's, on the table, in the garden. I don't care, I just want to keep moving, I just want to keep dancing, whenever wherever as long as I have my heart I don't care. Let me curl up next to my own teddy bear, my own beastie and well quite frankly nothing would make me happier.

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