Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The God Particle

Yes. Yes. Yes. I figured it out. Oh you all in this industry, any industry. Serving in, serving for across any nation, across any land. All you educated people paying money to go to college and earn a degree in this system anywhere. How you really can open up that light inside and earn a degree for free? Shut your God Damn pie hole. That no matter how crazy it seems, when you put your faith into anything you can ascend no matter where you may have ascended from.

So yeah I'm liking getting up in the morning no matter the time. Turn on the coffee pot for that first cup of Joe to get me moving. Start moving and check for any squeaking or creaking of any joint. Before I decide just how I'm going to snap, crackle and pop today. This is the point where everyday I have to think about my energy. I have been like this my whole life. Very aware of what goes in my body and how it makes me feel.
Growing up I hated Sudafed. That tiny pill would make me feel a deep sleepy behind my left eye and it would send a quaky feeling through my neurons. I couldn't shut down or relax and it lasted a long time in my system. I couldn't sleep either.

Now I can't go without it and it's locked behind a counter. If I forget my I.D. while I'm out I can't pay for a box, even if the pharmacist know me and have all my information. I prefer that coffee bean to get me moving any day over that shit. Now I have surpassed Sudafed which my doctor said Colleen get the stuff behind the counter. The other stuff that is a synthetic I have to take every four hours and I have to be aware of my liquids where I'm at and if I have a bathroom. Irony in this shit. The timeline, including our inhalers. Yeah I had a asthma attack and couldn't get any at the drug store anymore, then just after like 5000 People I believe in Texas have asthma attacks. What about these other countries? The same shit going on there too.

Let me go over my music list this morning after a few tokes. It was a very good morning as the answers sunk in about that atom and the neurons. Michael drew me the diagram last night and boy did a bomb go off in my head. The answer in those neurons, those protrons I believe they are called sitting insode the atom. Yes. The Music List

Currently playing Halfway Gone

Lee Bryce, Some trucking song, imagine that
SugarLand back to the God Particle
In My daughters life, getting triggered very strong, with excitement in my findings
Love Me if you Can, Happy Dancing Feet Time as the answers come to light
Currently playing Call Me, ShineDown
Tough by Craig Morgan
I Run To You by Reba Mcentire, outside I fell to my knees crying with my right hand in the air as the answers fell into place. For once thanking God. I admit some day's I am not thanking that man for any of this. I had no idea what I committed to. To find out how he trained me until I succumbed unto him, in his grace being patient, while I chewed his out for this all the way up the line, and down the line in one way or another. I knew it was important to get the emotions out good or bad and give him all I got instead of another human being. A clueless human being at that. Hey I admit I'm not perfect and I do my best to bite my toungue and not scare anyone with the Truth and how the Truth Came to Light.
Now Playing In the end Lincoln Park. So yeah you tell me that man doesn't use music to speak to me. I promise you I cannot wait for this dance. It seems I'm pretty good when I let them use my body to loosen me up each day. Kundalini, Hindu, Yoga, even Physical therapy, and some sort of Gypsy ballet dance I guess.
Current song When Your Young, byThree Doors Down
Turn's out I'm a lil' Jew. Yeah I figured that out from the Mary Magdelane link. I figured out why Greg chose the name Kiley in that delivery room. Remember he yelled at me, I'm going to pick the name? I said okay. Hurt but I let it go. If he want's this one I'll give her this one, I'll let her pick a name. I named out eight names and he said Kiley, then it hit me, we have a friend named Kai, and well it's a boy's name. I wanted Alexandra to have a name on a business card, so she can choose. Male or Female for her services on that card. So I called her Ki Ki and when she was about eight years old she tried telling me that I am no longer allowed to call her by that name.

I laughed, I looked her in the eye and said sorry charlie. Your mother gave you that name before you could even speak. You are my daughter and you will always be a Ki or a Kiley to me. Just like my nicknames.
Worm, I am first worm and well it turns out I have been inside this guy from the very beginning of time.
Then the Monkey, the year of the monkey, 2016. The insane man in Seattle when I worked and went to school Gene Juarez ATC, A crazy man jumped by this huge window like a ape man, literally across my site line from where I stood.
Who knows when Knot Head came by my grand daddy, plus he called me his lil' Cupie doll, when I asked him at about the age five or six, "Why are you different with me grandpa? Our walks and tiger tails, Going to eat a biscuit with honey from KFC with a root beer float just my size. Walking across the bridge as he held my hand on one of our morning walks. I discovered early on my fear of heights. When I looked down at the water, it was a bridge that went from Kelso to Longview. I looked down and I knew inside, I never wanted to fall that far. Water or no water. My grandfather also took me to a tavern one time. My mother and well the other women in the family weren't happy when he left me standing outside by the bridge and rail road tracks while he snuck in and had a brewsky. I was fine, it just so happens that pink apartment complex they managed across from the milk dairy. No not a restaurant an actual milk and ice cream processing plant. The man standing beside me talking to me, lived in that apartment complex. I used to go vist him with my grandparents and sometimes we'd hang out. He might of been poor and looked like the Dinasour man who actually looked like a man in North Bend. Who actually drove a purple dinasour van. No he was poor but not creepy. He stood next to me the whole time while my grandfather sat close by with his eye on me at all times. We hung out outside and we talked that's all. That man's name who stood by and watched me, Birdie.

Then the next song that played after I started writting down the God particle and how it surrrounds this planet literally was called, "Your Not In Kansas Anymore. by Jo Dee Messina.
If You Could ONLY SEE by Tonic
Then it played, Live a Little and in my headphiones, Flatliner. Yes I was shaking and quaking with my tail wagging I was so excited. I hit the Nail on the head. Then it played, She's As Cold As Ice. I was doing a good rock dance. I was so happy. Then the song that played Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off. LMFAO.  Ask Greg, Chris and Dan about that night? Red wine and Tequila don't mix. I was not very experienced with Alcohol and I never did that again. Some of us do learn lessons the hard way in life. What's important is that we learn them, Not so much how you learned them to meet the terms of any agreement you made with that man before you came to live on this rock for this rock. The TRUTH in why we are all here suffering and carrying a burden for someone else.

It's true this one, Sloth can be created from the outside of your body coming at you in all sorts of ways to take out your CNS System, Your Heart, Your Soul, Your Tree of Life, that truly should be cared for from the beginning when we are young in order to keep that S shape. Then our chakras can always remain open. Spiraling right through our TREE of life. Each Chakra is connected to our heart, flowers, colors, mountains and animals. I mean when a couple weeks ago I kept seeing in my mind a Lotus Flower and I'm not sure I've actually ever seen one. It was sitting in th palm of a womans hand and the bible verse comes to mind which I just heard watching a documentary from JC's History, Can't find it. Allot of notes watching these documentaries. It was something about a woman handing something to a man. The name of the Roman who killed my husband Pillate pronounced Pilot. Irony you dumbshits. No I'm talking to the ones at the top with the black hearts. The ones who have never served anything, but they are sure using humanities body through this health care system taxes, fees, wars. Kill us softly through our own septic systems for almost fifty years. Thank you but no thank you. Your services are no longer needed.

Hold Me Now by Creed
I listened to a guy say on a documentary that there is no written history in all these big books that Mary and JC were in a relationship of Love planting seeds having children. I wasn't sure if it was a boy or girl they had. I mean Sara our spine but of course the daughter. I took my maiden name back because I knew I was the youngest and the last Mulligan in my fathers family. I hated spelling my X's last name with all those F's. Yup more sixes. Thank guys. Now the Catholics are gonna learn why we don't control and redirect the truth from lies. Why we don't try to be God, you are more than welcome to sesrch from within to find your Truth. I will give you that freely. So yes my brother sat in those Juvenile detention centers taking the blame, for living with the Lawn Mower Man who made my brother fuck the other girls in my uncle's garden, while he watched.

Truth Shari could of came from my brothers fathers side of the family, I mean my mom dropped him off somewhere in Eastern Washington, with a box full of his stuff. Yup my mother left him standing on a corner, by his real dads house and drove away. Not sure if his father had a chance to even lay eyes on him. Not sure if he knew my brother was standing right out side the door. I mean I wanted to ask Kyle, Do you know a Wendy? Why Are your two Mothers waking me in the night? You bet your sweet ass I was pissed off. I had no clue any agreement I made before we spoke had anything to do with you or your ring of fire. I mean remember one of my names or descendents name is Eve. I like to call her Ni Eve. I sure have been Ni Eve being lead by the chain on this journey.

Thinking I'm the one in charge of this bus. Only to find out I haven't made one God Damn decision my whole life. That I agreed to come to this planet. Sit in purgatory marry my brother the 666 himself and have the Demon planted inside my X husband from the beginning before we even laid eyes on each other my destiny was set in stone. I agreed to be fated by this families curse in the lies from the very beginning.

Real World Matchbox 20

So back to the P.E.N. Yes I found the power in the pen disecting all your lies from just one County. Yup King County. My Doctors name who delivered me, Dr. Pettibone. After they closed the hospital in Renton, it turned into a K-Mart of all things. So babies born here in Renton, (yeah look me up on sheknows.com type the word Renton and there I am and all the numbers born from this one small town. The Lions the Red Indian's. The Hazen Highlanders and McKnight. Liberty Bell going on in this land. Let's not forget the Fourth School in my area? Lindberg. Yup number five once again. Yup, Bitch up Bitch. I'm talking to you. I mean with a name like doctor Pettie Bone and just my size. He was quite the witch doctor after all and he didn't know it.

I got my Renton Lions, and on the outskirts of town sits a big purple eye I believe the other eight topped with other purple symbols. Awesome. Walked by with Dave one day and their lying on the ground, was a red, black and white blanket. Who say's my family doesn't speak volumes. I mean the Paine Guy from our own history warned us of this Enterprise. As far as I'm concerned this rock is no longer going to be used as their enterprise to steal our resources and make us enslaved, all while they poison our food, our fuel that has been coursing through our bodies for centuries. Take your debt, credit, you're fees like fleas, your IRS and all your God Damn taxes and get your air bank, compounded interest, of my rock. Don't let the door hit you on the ass when I lock you in a box. Come heaven our high hell. I want you gone once and for all.

Then the weed come in and make a bunch of rules on low grade shit. So all the pain suffers can get permission to have a organic anti nausea medication. Oh thank you so much you kind fucks. I laughed my ass off at Davinci. I laughed my ass off at Nostraodamesus, I laughed my ass off at Newton, I laughed my ass off at Benjamin Franklin and who's lightening rod helped him discover electricity once again. You give the credit to science. Where did science come from you dumbshits? Once again pushing buttons. Would that be God, and his wife this planet, this rock, the one who gave you your science food and medicine to feed you spiritually forever with just the organic medicine they provide from each land? I mean plant a poppy seed, you got your own O. Your own Opiate. Some how the Governement came in and shut down everyone everywhere all to help us protect us from our inhumane behavior when we hurt inside our spine, our heart our, mind. Our spirits get broken in life. We are the humane human beings not them. E have a heart.
Better Then Me by Hinder
So long ago I discovered they planted Schizophrenia on men who were altruistic in what they saw and felt. They just accepted the information good or bad. Wrote it out, drew it out, experimented. Like the Powers that be didn't know what Davinci was discovering in just the dissection of the dead body. They wanted something to hold over his head and control what he created, to label it, make it a weapon, saying well you would have to be insane to disect a body. Not to learn back then. Today in the healthcare industry learning no. In your garage yes. We don't have to do that anymore.  Thatwas then.
Then to have a rich father in politics, then be gay. OMG. Then take a look at Newton, Freud, and they learned in a different way. Still someone in Governement wanted control to control the people and the direction our healthcare went long ago.

I mean the experiments these psychiatrist did on those people in mental instituitions compared to Davince is a far cry from sanity. Since the beginning of time we have allowed a outside source control what and how we feel on the inside. Like when the little boy was asked to throw the first stone at his mother for a sin he may of committed. Like that skip in your heart that screams no, but someone in power makes you do it anyway against your will and heart is wrong. Undo harm for a sin against a mother who  was trying to feed her children is wrong for any man to decide. Especially when it was the father who placed her in the ground for his own ego.

Just because you could, doesn't mean you should. So this system and the powers that be behind it all these centuries planted the poison seed in our hearts making God sound scary and egotistical, when I never felt that. Even as a child I knew when I read Revelations, I knew God did not put us here to fail. No true father with a heart would ever do that. I mean look at the behavior when a child is adopted. Right away he may be made to feel unloved and less than for being cast out or adopted. Truth is no mother would ever make the choice to give her child away for a worse life than she was living at the time perhaps. I assure you mothers from the past in all walks of life sacrificed their child, their heart to be adopted. Truly hoped into something better. It was usually either by force of someone elses values they may have placed on them. Like your Government or religion, or perhaps they couldn't provide yet and wanted you to be able to eat and have a better life. Instead we use our children for profit and gain because someone in Government wanted to use them as a comodity. Not all every where, but long ago yes, and still here in Washington and other nations.

Higher,  by Creed
We can't even tell these children, hey you were lucky two times. You had two mothers. The one who gave you away for a better life by choice or not, and the one that took you in. Truth is it is the documents and money that stands in the way of humanity. Know why marriages used to last longer, because it was about honor and not a contract in those indiginous tribes from our past. So for me to find out I have been betrothed to another man, yes it pisses me off. Faith, and well I'm still alive, somehow.

You Found Me by the Frey
Power of the P.E.N.
Who feeds ya baby? My proud moment.

The Protron and Neutrons  are surrounded by a Electron. There we are back to the atoms. So whether you believe in God or Science it's all his, not yours inside your body and that Adam and Eve Garden. It's Okay all that counts is love and what you carry inside you. We won't need all these pills to suppress our emotions anymore, or all these school loans anymore. All coming from the same place with all this compounded unforgiving interest. The same system that has passed a law that you shall inherit your parents debt to live on this rock. Yeah right. You are billed before you are even recieved, given a number and a value before you come out of the womb. It will go back to geneology and the good stuff after this I do promise that.

It will be about discovery to ascend from with in. Within your own vessel with your own eyes I shall teach you to see. I promise. No more Bullshit on my rock to serve a entity burning out humanity and our enrgy in one form or another. No not this mother. It don't matter.

So then in the diagram. When I was really to tired to look at it but hey I asked for this days ago.

There are 6 Neutrons and 6 Protrons each, surrounded by a Electron and There are 8 atoms I believe I see, two in the North, Two in the South, Two in the East and Two in the West. Up above where our 9th chakra sits is the Water Molecule. One day I took a nap, and what woke me was the sound of a splash of water falling on my head. The porp sound both Greg and I heard during my epidural with Kiley. I felt it and heard it and I was surprised Greg heard it too.

Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

Up above is the Water Molecule no matter where you stand alone or in this universe even. To the right is the Hydrogen Atom the numbers One P, One E and One N.  to the Left is the Hydrogen Atom with the same numbers. and well down below is the oxygen atom. So there you have it. Circled up all around us in this universe God has designed one great big electron bitch around this rock. This universe. So no those dimensions out there you might not see with those four horsemen, my brothers I have standing behind me. Or my brothers, my families faces on Mount Plymouth.

Push by Matchbook 20

God I'm good. No I'm happy to be a good little doggie today.

I mean my God I found a documentary where some alien showed up on a space ship a tall skinny blue eyed blond guy and hung out with our Government for a year asking them to stop following the wrong money tree. Someone in our Government or behind it didn't care to listen, because they like hiding the truth. That you are all celestial spiritual beings inside your body. So Catholics you created your own curse in so many ways, and I'm asking you to get out here and help me with these people. Who are going to need your help in knowing the truth behind all the politics to keep you jailed inside your body. No I don't think the catholics are aware or even the Jews or anyone that the wheat seed has been planted long ago. I can't turn back now.

Feels Like Tonight Daughtery

I want the Ego out of God and Christianity out of my house and off my rock no matter what religion you follow. I do not want it in my universe or on my rock anymore. Follow God and that Son all you want, I do not care. I just want people to know the Truth and perhaps honor your mother and those queens from the past across everyland. I don't care the tribe or hat you where upon your head.

Later after I figured this out the music playing was Walking Memories of Us by Keith Urban
then Next Shania Twain, Your Still The One.

So yeah the cobra and the insurance grew and we forgot how to read the important stuff behind these contracts we sign today, in the healthcare system you have no rights. In the Justice system, you have no civil rights, all to pay for this insurance in every sect. Look at cable, all those insurance programs, and all they cover today is the basics of all these immunizations that they created. The reason in the first place. In religion the fighting over the land and the Kings using religion and there Queen of hearts for power and control over there children all to bore these Kings a son, were really not honorable Kings, some truly tried. I know I don't see the dishonor of serving something you didn't know about. To eat and feed your children across anyland.

Something To Remind You by Staind.

I didn't know that the giants that descended from heaven are the representation of you tall ones standing on this rock. I had no idea there were giants in heaven in the first place.

In any document you sign you gotta read the limitations and liabilities. The maximum out of pocket within one years time, Your percentage out of your pocket, Is it a 70/30 or a 20/80 healthcare plan. Now it nickels and dimes you for every service right along with the pills and nothing else to provide you and they make the choice how you hurt, if you hurt, and with each doctor you got to for any kind of pain they go straight to the mind and you gotta go to another psychiatrist to get another service. Another referell, more red tape. I mean two years later and I don't have a diagnosis but I do know how to read a x-ray. I can tell them now Where the pain stems from exactly and why. I can't afford the glucosamine and the other stuff I need for my broken left wing naturally, but they want to just right away perscribe one of there drugs no matter where the pain stems from or the type of pain of what caused it. They don't need a oven to kill you they are doing it from the inside and they created the addiction and healthcare system to do so.

Was it Hoover who Finally signed the document over our Federal Taxes, to fund a war because we already built the products on credit for that war and they had to pay us some how. The Government and banking system who pout out on credit.  Wanted their money back right away. So now we got federal taxes which stemmed from a meeting on Jekyll island. Talk about Cybils. Two faced bitches is what I call em.

When I worked for DR Horton in warranties I couldn't understand why we kept fxing the same three things on these 800,000 dollar houses? It was to keep those in the building industry busy. The Kingdom in Seattle and we voted no and well it got passed anyways. To give the illusion of jobs revolved around a sports arena, surrounded by a restaurant industry. So these people who lost there job in the blue collar industry can work now, if they can get off your suppressors that keep them depressed to cover your pills. Lethargic doesn't even begin to make you understand how tired these pills make you feel. You wake up feeling drained and you can't get rid of the black cloud of fatigue to get through the day. They tell them to keep going. All the while they tell them, it says right here it is impossible for your muscles and bodies to hurt. These people can't move to exercise to get your blood to pumping and these people need a massage to loosen there muscles. I can't get any of this and neither can they.

The service for our veterans is shit and you know it and it is done.

How You Remind Me, Nickelback

Even my street name speaks volumes, I assure you I am an angel from the malitia from way way back and so are my children, that son and his ring of fire. I can't help if you kink the ball of his nose to the right and lift the outside corners of those baby blues, You see the lions brow and JC's chin under that Bruno. It makes me melt inside that Bruno.

I can't help it that you let a Governemnt from our history spread and control the Truth including the labels on our books Like Dantes Inferno. Another Altruistic Being, Schizophrenic, and for how long have they locked up the weed and put a label on alruistic people. Now I don't know about you but I like authenticity in a human being it makes them unique.

If you all want to become the sheep while they use your body parts for rich people, well what can I say, Thank God for that God Particle and his Militia that surrounds this rock and this is his universe. This universe is his creation, including all you lil'beasties. Now I learned watching a documentary where once again my husband was killed and hung on a cross over Passover, because I have no idea what that even means, You Jews said then, you take the responsibility for the blood on the heads of the children. So if this is the case can we please remove it.

I mean truly the two I keep seeing in purgatory and hell in any dimension are JC/Adam and our atoms. Are Eve/Mary and this rock and it's resources because of these black star families that taught you slowly over time to take all things from mother nature look bad. No I don't like that. Native, druid, and what do you call the other ones the ???? that some are still suffering and not adavancing out of that life because of you. Even those Indigionous people are closer to the truth than you are. Yes you might want to get hooked to AA when I shut down these computers and mainframes for awhile. Humanity is more important. So is our food, water and medicine.

Numb by Linkin Park

We wonder all the weather and storms over some areas for so long. Who do you really thinks controls the weather in your universe and inside you weepy bleeding hearts? Your  creation thats who. Did I tell you the Oxygen Atom from below's numbers are sixes?

Know what Kiley's and my favorite CD was? Queen, We Are The Champions. Once again who says that family doesn't speak to you, even through song?

Hey you out there taking down my nation and destroying my rock. God's next song and I have to agree. Loser by three doors down. Ding Ding. Has another angel earned her wings today or what? Am I the angel of light or death? Well that depends on your perspective on humanity and what and who you carry inside your heart.

Drift and Die by Puddle of Mudd

Hey I picked up on a Gypsy Rose Curse also and well Texas I see you have a yellow rose. Well a yellow rose means friends. I hope we can still be friends after this, however I'm afraid I have to kill that black snake you got moving through my rock. You know that oil line 30 Lakotas were attacked by dogs for in the middle of the night trying to shut down your illegal work. One a pregnant woman. This mafia shit is done.

So nope I hope that yellow rose really means we can still be friends after this? My brother in law who's last name is a S. Michael also lives in Texas. Family of five. Well he gave me the book Conversations With God and nope I forgot about that and my writing from back then.

Call Me by Shinedown

No I will not take another suppressor like paxil to shut down my third eye that I wear with pride, My fathers tear drop not yours. It belongs to my family. I will not risk humanity for your wallet and your investments anymore. I promise some have chosen to be here to go home right after and they truly are good people who have done nothing wrong inside contrary to what you may think. They belong to God and well he knows the agreement. Not you. Look inside your own star inside. Your star of truth and I promise that man you may not always like him but you will always love him whether in the atoms family or the Adams family, he will not blame you, and he will not leave you with anything that you don't already carry inside your heart. That I promise when we break these chains that bind not one man or one money tree but humanity. Under One Family We serve One Flock.

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