Friday, April 14, 2017

Coming Up Rainbows

Remember I don't choose as I walk along in this sheltered life I lead. I found my lead. I found my rainbows. From strawberry patches to that honey pot at the end of that rainbow. It all started one day, sitting on that red rock. The Red Rock Road, where I heard my calling Druid and Messiah. Then from there well I found a five star family. Turns out I never walk alone. Follow a feather, follow your heart. Yup turns out I made a commitment. Turns out I'm ready to fly and get back on that horse once again. All I gotta do is bring the two lips that represent tulips of all colors. You know that rainbow, on the North Pole and South pole?  Some how, some way I gotta make that rainbow shine around this rock. Yup it's my rock. It's time, for Eve to take her gardens back. I got my tree of life back, now all I need is my rock. Today my armor is a heart of stone. Mercy me oh my. Family Justice, When this is done their will be no more holes in that cross. No more missing pieces to all your black hearts. Yeah I heard, I heard it loud and clear. I'm going to be crucified. Hey Catholics, Hail Mary. Time for this mother to take her rock back. My Rainbow and this families pride from all tribes. This Family flocks together. Two Hearts Cum Together Two Hearts Flock Together. One Rock, One Family, One Tribe. In heaven it's all about those family jewels. God said "Heaven on Earth." Not heaven on a wrinkly dried up raisin, while a couple of your blow hards sit in your towers. Nope time for you black Knights IC hiding behind that black star to fall. 

Know what else I heard? That your serving the wrong Lord. These families and black knights are the whores in society. They are the ones who poisoned your insides and weaken your core. They are the ones responsible for losing that S shape to your spine, by poisoning any other organic healthcare system that you choose for your own vessel. I have this to say to you. "We on this rock are organic beings, you are no longer welcome to poison God's flock. His family, His Children, His Angels, certainly not His Rock, His Wife. God's Flock, God's Rock, God's Rainbow, God's Tribe. If you don't like that you can take it back to the bank and shove all your air loans, profits and gain's up your ass. Right along with your poison, that you planted in our books of hope, in our hearts with the ego in religion that forgot about your mothers, right along with this rock. They are slowly phasing out my families Sun right along with the Son on this ground. God's Sun on this rock and in that sky. God's Moon on this rock and in that sky. If you don't like that jump ship. Truth is we don't want anyone here who hurts to bad to be here. That is not God's way. God did not put a price tag on your head, however this system most certainly did. This system suffers and so does God's Flock. As far as I'm concerned your not welcome to it anymore. If you can't respect this rock that feeds His flock then jump ship and don't you come back until you can respect that. 
You haven't met Faith. Faith I assure is very black and she ain't afraid to get out the wooden spoon. Now my grand daddy taught me one thing, "Now Knothead when you aim, you cut off his tail right behind his ear. Now lets not forget about the other side of my family. I'll scalp your ass. Then there is the other side, You know that families sword I carry down my spine? You know the one that goes from shoulder blade to shoulder blade? Well honey, I made sure to wrap a big old white snake of light around it. Now if you don't like that, You know what you can do don't you? Well you can just take a flying flock right off this rock. Don't ya'all come back. This Native looking Fairy woman whether you like it or not comes from all tribes, all across this universe and I am here to represent, and if you don't like it, you can go home and tell my family all about how yeah, I had God, but I didn't have Faith. 
Now I ask who do you think God is gonna choose in this battle between your monopoly who are making you the game in life those black hearts or God's Flock? I assure you God is a Profit. 

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