Sunday, November 20, 2016

Five Star Family

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Let me introduce you to my family. My brother, my father, brother Todd. That big T of Trust. The one who stands above me. You do not see him but I assure you he is there. Not only are we related by blood but by essence in my family line. It seems my brother is the biggest baddest Angel of them all standing at heavens gates, holding my lil teddy bear tucked safely in his arm. My brothers all about the justice, and well you can say my brothers justice hurts when you flock with his lil sister.
My sister Freya (well one of them anyways) Now Freya she don't flock around when comes to protecting her lil sister. Touch Freya's flock and you bet her justice is gonna hurt. Yes, lets not forget about my mother. Yes it seems my mother is mother nature and her name is Mary. Let me introduce you to God's wife, who has stood by her husband, her man all this time. She does not serve her husband. They serve each other. When one parent drops the ball the other picks up. It may not always be even steven between these two. In any relationship with children and a family to watch over, and feed. Sometimes it's 60/40, sometimes it's 70/30. Either way you shake a stick at it, between these two it's always 100 percent unconditional love.
Yes it seems my father, my one true father is God. He is the Big D. He is the Big Daddy. He is the big dog in the sky. When it comes to protecting his daughter, well you can say my daddy yields a mighty big fist, right along with my mother Mary's storm I see brewing above me.
So no you may not see my family of four and with me that makes five. Yes this is my five star family that stands above me, with me, and inside me. This five star family is my light each day I walk along. Some days I hate them, some days I love them, some days I may not understand them. Some day's they make me laugh, some days they make me cry, but hey what can I say that is what a family is all about. We laugh, we love and we cry but no matter what this family IC above me is my pride, and in this family tree I never walk alone. Hey, who hasn't said I hate my father growing up? Who hasn't said you ruined my life?
No matter what they watch over me and they see the bigger picture. Peace Love Serenity I carry inside me. My family, my light, my rock, that I trust in in my heart. Love, Honor, Cherish, Respect, Trust and Honor in my family line. I take pride in my families flock.

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