Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Left In The Dark

Left In The Dark/Meatloaf
Had some dark day's this last couple of weeks. Especially this last week. A few day's back screaming no! No! No! Going back to the scene I got flashed into sitting on JC's chest with the sheet wrapped around me. I touched his eyes and touched mine. "I said " I want to see what you see." It was another screaming moment for me getting flashed into that scene. My scream's "why? Why would I ever do that? I don't want to see what you see." Then I get a flash of the horsemen named death? Not the visual I wanted. Then I remembered reading "looking through the eyes of death."
Here Come's My Girl/Tom Petty
Don't worry, I figured out a thing or two since then? It doesn't make it any easier, seeing the bigger picture and all. Creating fear. Being walked through every relationship and hearing got to do your part." I was there wasn't I preparing, cooking and cleaning, packing and hauling? How we value love and what we hold over someone's head just to be right for your wrong's? Some men were just slower at showing that misogynist behavior in all walks of life. 2000 plus years and we still have this ego over women and our rolls today?  It's John Deer, John Cougar and John 3:16 those numbers they have shown me throughout my life. Finally it sunk in Jesus Christ' return, is it the hour of the dead or the hour of His return? For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." He came like a thief in the night.
We've Got Tonight/BS
I have discovered once again the answer to everything is love. It's just been such a long haul. Patience is a virtue is still bullshit. How long ago did I make this agreement? Time is of the essence? Whose mother fucking essence? It's cheered me up some re-watching Davinci Demons. OMMFLGOD! The similarities to my life? I can answer those questions about The Magician and the painting. Not just recently but getting the answers to the end of my dreams that I kind remembered asking "did I just see that machine change shapes? Was I in another dimension with others trying to get out of a time zone with a child?" Not ours here, us trying to get back here.
Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen
Did I just meet that man again in my dreams? Then they got deeper, being chained in front of a painting she had long curly hair. I couldn't see her face. Not being able to speak Truth in a courtroom after all that time of being on the chain gang? Finding out that's why I've remained on the chain gang is because I'm Eve who married the serpent? Wow and it was a documentary on Leonardo Davinci and the two time's two and the serpent. Then I remembered the verse and my shock when I came across it again in the bible? How many time's did I go back hidden from the serpent? I knew being in that location I was protected. Just like I felt protected on V's lot when I refused to sleep inside.
Up Around The Bend/CC
Not against porn after everything I've been through. You see this is why Greg was always the one checking the mail. That was his part all the while stealing all 4 set's of the key's I had to assemble. Not sure where they kept going only to find out all these year's u were protecting the sickest porn I've ever seen. No emotion just orgasm at first over and over I dry heaved and walked away.
What About Love/Heart
Then I find out why he's checking the mail and hiding my keys even after our business? The biggest fixer upper hiding of my key's like he's walking the mail to the mail box but he couldn't sit and write one check after our first daughter is born? Michail tonight finally talking or so he thinks to get laid. I'm noticing he's not as patient informative or punctual and for the last 2 plus hours I notice while talking 2 me about history and connections he's reading porn the whole time.
Tim3 After Time/CL
I admit I yelled minute man dick. Nine years is a long time. I might not want to be treated like a rag doll kitty cat like I'm not even there for hours  I'm done with good excuses for bad behavior. Ya wanna check the mail now?
Dream On/ Aerosmith
How do you make mother nature come out of her box like a bitch in heat? Not to rape not to diminish but to lift higher. What side of love do u want 2B on? I assure u your mom came before any of u did.
All I Wanna Do Is Make Love/Heart

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