Monday, January 14, 2019

Orion's Belt

Right Here/Staind
Orion's Belt? So this is about Orion's Belt? I downloaded an application on my phone called Star Walker 2. I've been going out at night with it and looking up at the constellations. It's given me a clearer picture of these beings in the stars. I had standing in front of me Orion's Belt and it started to dawn on me the shirt I wore as a belt, the reason why in the beginning I was writing so I wear my colors on my ass? At first I thought it was a red white and black plaid shirt. I laughed when I discovered nope! It's a red white and blue plaid shirt.

Free Bird/LS
It was a time that someone handed me a red white and blue bike. When I got to the house in New Si View it was the flag's that was bordering the family room, I seemed drawn to them. Then I got the picture with a bicycle wheel and a lil' flag on the handle bars from the same location. I had to have it. Then going to the veterans office, and it was the sight of the flag as we were leaving? I orgasmed twice at the sight. I was thinking this morning about the video of Truth I'm trying to make? How rated G is this book I wrote? How rated G is this video going to be? I know what people expect? The Disney Channel behavior? Nope! They're not going to get that rated G. They are going to get the Truth about rated God. No I'm Sirius. The Redeemer or The Punisher? God is about Justice and Redemption.

Stair Way To Heaven/LZ
God is about love. God is about Truth. God is about Freedom. God is about peace. Come Judgment day I assure to you I point my finger up. Ain't nobody own the key's to the kingdom of heaven but this little girl right here. The Rose, you know what they say about the Rose don't you? Every Rose has it's thorns. Come judgment day, this will be my families revolution for all the injustice I have had to endure, living in your justified system, based on whose gonna pay back that machine and insurance, not Truth. It might say "In God We Trust" behind these judges but you mention God and you are crazy? No it is this system that passed these blanket laws signing away a human beings right's to speak right there in our schools, that would be you big brother and Corporate America. The representation of the two black snakes that popped up when I sat on the well. Boy does my brother ever have a bone to pick with you. Industrializing the human race. You sold out our rights to speak in your justified system or own our own bodies. Their ain't no constitution inside or outside the body anymore is there? You allowed the depressors from the twenties to depress all pain in the mind and that central nervous system down that tree of life. Oh how you the insurance companies and pharma they don't want that lotus flower to open. Dante's Inferno in 1996 it was the signing of that HIPPA form. My right to make an agreement to become a vessel for my family tree line, and go on a vision quest to Truth? A native woman at that. Do I need a green card if the God Particle is back?

The Rose/BM
My how we discriminate against someone praying quietly. Right here in this so called land of Freedom. You two seem to own everything if you own that lot. Nothing changes a persons behavior like pain? So big brother why do you get to be the drug dealer? Why do you get to profit off these peoples losses? Their pain and suffering? Why do you get to create the black cloud over there heads, writing blanket prescriptions using them for what they aren't meant for? To tolerate in our schools, means to tolerate someone else's behavior and then it say's to build a tolerance to a prescription drug that is creating an allergy in the body. Funny the 3 things you handed over and labeled to these insurance companies control over? Antibiotics, allergy medication because well you created that too, and they industrialized pain management with blanket prescriptions. Everyone no matter the ailment has to go to physical therapy. Could that be the reason Freedom has a blanket on her left shoulder?

Shooting Star/Bad Company
Their ain't no freedom up in this house. No not with this Monopoly game I had to figure out. Nope their ain't no sales on service going on down here, aside from this industrializing humanities internal organ's anyway you can. The garden, since when is it ever a good idea to poison mother nature's seed? You sold out the garden's before that. "We Are The World We Are The Children?" All so you could slice and dice these lots. No you didn't protect our garden's. You industrialized it. My Cane you poisoned with your Aspertane. My Maze you industrialized. No you definitely followed the wrong profit, and you fed the wrong stock. You literally sold the garden out to the entity in more ways than one. It is you on top that can't let these sin taxes go. Hell they don't care if it's the scarlet letter A. Always a liar, a minimizer and a blamer. You have no more right's to speak. I will speak.

Love Me Two Times/The Doors
In the last couple of day's I've thot more about that Orion's belt? How the name Horus kept coming up? In the beginning I felt a bull presence. I now know it's a representation of the father of those 7 stars above freedoms head. That's why I looked Kyle up at first trying to figure out the bull? The Taurus who is that? Then he turns out to be a Pisces, Orion's Belt. It was my sister who told me before I made this agreement, that my first home wasn't in Renton, it was in Kent. Then I find out the other name for Kent is called the Gateway? The place I got taken back to on this journey. The lion came up?  I have learned that I am the lion too, yet I don't have the lion's bridge. Could that be the Pisces, the 69 I kept picking up in the beginning? Right along with that United Kingdom I kept picking up on in the beginning, right along with the name Thor. Well Thor does carry that big hammer I kept seeing in the beginning.

Here Come's The Sun/The Beatles
The Eagle came up in the beginning too. It was the night I saw the shadow of the eagle on the ground from the lamp light above. Then the eagle on the flag. Then the man with the bald eagles head and the sky blue eagle eyes. The other animals that came up in the beginning? The elephant which turned out to be Lord Ganesh, and the Wolf. I have come to realize that I have learned to see the spirit animal in people as a child just in my nicknames alone.

You Can't Always get what You Want/RS
Last night I was looking up at Taurus and a few night's before, the Lynx. I was told years ago is my spirit lead animal. At the same time being told all my spirit animals are white. On this journey I kept hearing the name Horus, but I wasn't sure if it was a horse or Horus? It was awesome to discover Horus has a bald eagle head too. Another nickname I had growing up was Colt, then I saw the white horse bow down in front of JC. I guess what they are trying to tell me is that I'm Horus this time too. What's in a name? Volumes. I remembered this last week a place in Oregon my family would go vacation? Roseburg, Oregon.

Run Through The Jungle/CCR
The plaid shirt I wore on my ass is shot to hell. I've been trying to figure out a way to make a flag belt that hangs down my ass? First I was wondering where do I find one that size? Then it dawned on me that Michail brought me home a flag a few months back. I hung it over our bed. It's perfect for the width of my ass. This morning I rigged together my new belt. The new Orion's Belt is a flag. This mothers flag stands for the real freedom. This flag represents a fair justice system without the high price of sin.

Light My Fire/The Doors
My prayers have been simple lately. I simply pray for love. I know that's hard to understand being whom I am? The mountain with the broken heart. You know what they say about love? Love heals. John is another name that came up in the beginning. I kept saying "break bread and we are family." Later, I heard the "John The Baptist prayer." Then I figured out why I kept seeing the numbers 3:16 on this journey? Alex born 3:16 p.m, Destiny and The Knights Of The Templar are back for the Rose. The rest of my life and on this journey any injustice, discrimination or unwarranted 86ing? Three sixteen a.m. each time. Then I learned what John 3:16 was? "For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes him shall not perish but have eternal life." Plain and simply put that would be love. You got my brother, my father, my husband and my son last time. You ain't getting this families sunshine. You ain't getting this red rock. You ain't getting the Rose.


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