Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Shekinah

Pocket Full Of Gold/Vince Gill
This last week it dawned on me "I only read the first few chapters in Revelations. Perhap's I should finish this? It also dawned on me the name Micah? I had seen the name on a license plate a few months back. I knew there was a chapter in the bible called Micah. Wow! I admit I freaked out inside because their were more versus that I knew the answers to. Some answers U just don't want. Mine and Greg's first dance, our ring bearer danced with us. His name Micah.

You Can't Make A Heart Love Somebody/GS
Then I saw her name Biblically written in Revelations. Then I remembered the woman from the start in the medieval white gown. First I was looking out of her eyes. I was looking out at snow. Then later I wondered if it was ash? Then I was looking down on her. I had been wondering all along what her name is? Yes! It didn't even sink in that she looked like me around the time I married the serpent." No broken picker there.

If Tomorrow Never Comes/GB
I've been angry at God for this. I don't know what to do with all this? Those are some powerful women that stand above me. How do I tell humanity why those four horsemen are back? That yes, I talk to angels. What of it? The Legion, God's first family. Oh and cousin It? Penny Wise, my ass. How telling that movie is. It started to  sink in that they have had me figuring out the square, the monopoly on humanities body parts? The ownership of the human spirit.

Tell Me I Was Dreaming/TT
Then it was revelations six, the only thing I remembered from that story was the 24 beings bowing down to me. I wanted to run. Begging God don't ever do that to me. Tell them it's just my job. Please don't let anyone bow down before me. Then I saw it, the animals that I saw from the start are right here, Biblically written, The eagle the ox, the lion. Kyle has a bald eagle head with the lions bridge, well yes ox asset's. So let me see if I have this straight, even God has spirit animals? My natives, my Hindu's that's when I saw the elephant and well the wolf from the very start. Then the Bull, I felt a real strong bull presence out there. Sitting on a rock in the river, and IC in the darkness under the trees, a pirates ship and a door. A huge boulder in front in the water looked like an ox with a ring in his nose. Then Oak Island? The Arc Of The Covenant, is a human being? The Davinci Code daughter and the letter V? The last supper?  Their was no holy grail on that table. It's always been about family.

Live To Will It All/VG
It's only insurance that say's we aren't allowed to have spirit animals. We aren't allowed to pray? We aren't allowed to say God's name or your crazy and mental. The funny thing was I never said God's name to any of these doctor's, Yes, it infuriates me, to be released and my own lawyer doesn't go to bat for me? Here I stand again not having any rights, to speak for myself, and I have the Seattle tribe behind me? As a native woman I'm not allowed to become a vessel for my family tree line? They don't want anyone to see the light. You literally industrialized the human body to feed a machine.

I Will Always Love You/DP
Then I had to figure out the circle and the triangle the trinity. Then I saw the Hindu sign the circle the triangle and the square, encircled by the lotus flower? That is what insurance and western medicine don't want you to see the lotus flower. Then they wanted me to see the abuse of these psychiatrist and the HIPPA form? The first one threatened me. That if I don't take these pills, the red, the green and the blue, to shut me off? When for once I'm not in pain. I'm running along the rivers. I'm dancing. It is you who doesn't like my words. No I'm not going to slow down or turn back into the crone to make you happy. I was doing the cross in front of here face.

Go Rest On That Mountain/HF
Then she threatens to call my children and have me committed. I knew I had signed no papers. All because the cream of wheat in all places was watered down to save money.? These people of all places are worthy of food. Accepting that I'm the watcher they buried under all this pain to hide me from the Truth? The Truth of who I am and that black shadow, that I walked around sitting in a circle of a forest. They weren't kidding when they said I'm not ready for that Truth. I said to Michael on this journey I never know where I heard it or read a verse. I don't even know where it's written?

Whiskey Lullaby/BP
Then I said, " I have discovered they kept taking me to Genesis and Revelations slowly on this journey. He said, "from the beginning to the end? Yup! I read from A to Z, I told him I saw that on a wine truck in Tacoma, it was from Oregon. Then IC it written in here. Then I saw it Zion's daughter? I've never read that. It was her name and the church of Zion, and another toilet seat sitting out front. Who was standing in that mess, taking the blame from the staff member who did it? The toilet seat on the gold mound when I was asked to wash myself with river water, Then to lie back on my zero king coat and an Australasian rain coat. I thot it was going to be nap time? No then I felt the touch. The first thing out of mouth? I'd recognize that touch anywhere. Then it was 2 for the lion's as I roll up onto my knee's like a cat.

I Still Believe In You/VG
Then later that day laying where bears sleep at, I gave one to the bears. The ardeur and all these orgasms? The slicing of my hand with a razor and placing it on the rock where I stuck that staff in the ground. Saying, "uhm! grandmother I thot you said not one more drop of blood? I wouldn't look at the cut marks. I placed my hand on the rock and said the Lords prayer. Then on the ends of the staff, Then I said, bring it mommy bring it daddy. This was where this had something to do with Salmon. I had moved passed the Abe and the Rose. I was done with working with these apples. Now it was about that scarlet letter A and this apple insurance. They have shown me something else? When I finally looked I realized it was a lightening bolt, three lines. I'm just tired of all this third party shit.

I'm Moving On/RF
The day I sat in front of my office feeling like my tire's are spinning and I'm not getting anything done. Of course once again I'm loading up something or unloading something. That's when the earthquake happened. My sister at fifteen after another physical altercation with my mother's discipline. She's going to get her way any way she can. We were just burden's and objects. The storm in Eastern Washington when my sister arrived? Yes, they have shown me all these storms and how I have once again had to go through some injustice with Corporate America, or you big brother. telling me I can't speak. I have no right's all to give your justified system being hooked in with the banks and these school loans? Whose gonna pay for that? Yes! it was the gas stations shutting down and the storms. Our phone calls were listened in on.

I Swear/JM
Telling us if we don't come back we will be fired? I got stranded in Redmond. I walked around that court house all day telling me theirs no help, or a Mormon lawyer, another judge telling me I deserve everything I have coming to me. My own mediator telling me I was no Angel. Then the two people calling me black haired angel? One of them wrote me a poem. Then I find out I'm the Seraphin the Fiery One? I just don't feel like getting my chain yanked some day's.

When You Say Nothing At All/AK
I can honestly say, I'm ready to go back to love. Where's the love man? I'm still smarting that my life was a set up. I try inside to get past it. What's fifty years compared to the hell of the one's who came before, were fighting for freedom? Slavery has no color I've discovered throughout history and time. It's greed and sloth. Whose creating that? Not these people down here. Only the meek not the elite shall inherit this earth.

Neon Moon/Brooks And Dunn
The Celt's, the tree's, the circles and this woman? I've got another one inside me? The Shekinah, The druid, the messiah, the scribe and the seer. Then at 3:16 a.m. an unwarranted refusal of service and how you have abused that? Then brother's, codes and doors. I've only lived on this west coast line. I'm just here to take down this house of cards. John 3:16. Back to love you go.

One More Day/DR
First it was about door's. Then key's. Then seals. This flag. How many flag's have I sat at shedding my tears? The sun Aten, Luna the moon. I like her other name, Sin. This rock. The living stone is me? To some I recon Kryptonite, it depends what side of love you stand on? Justice is Athena and well the masonry's true intent? Not to let the elite get a hold of the human race. You signed away freedom in 1996 and the HIPPA form. I can't wait for Dante's inferno. Big Ben his kite and key? I looked at Alex and said, that's not God's lightening bolt. That's mother natures and our nine lives are up. How many times has he shown up with that picture? The stars the ram faces freedom and turns to the Pisces. It's written in the stars. Then the Malakites, this entity and U big brother?

When I Get Where I'm Going/BP
There I was at night setting the stage for one big lightening bolt, when the serpent rears it's ugly head. Just bringing it in closer each night. Then the two snake heads that popped up when I sat on the well? I had to figure out the representation of those two snake heads. It's you two working hand in hand. U can't let these sin taxes go big brother. The revenue of this black tobacco. U sitting up there, Congress? U walked out on your jobs and more people aren't getting paid to pay for this wall?

Whose gonna pay now? The mountain with the broken heart that's who.Yeah I can't wait to point my finger up and serve you up my families justice for this tree of life I wear up on my back. I like finding out I'm Wednesday after all from the Adam's family. My brothers white rat and discovering who Odin really is on American God's then connecting it to the United Kingdom and the father with the sky blu eagle eye's with the lions bridge. He was born in California then moved to live with his grandmother in Norway. Still hadn't figured out Odin's location or Thor's, not even Horus with the Eagles head standing at the gateway. ISIS' son. Her other twin flame.

Carrying Your Love With Me/GS
It was what else I read in Revelations and the Lapis robe for Mary Madgelane. My marking and the kid who created exactly what I wanted. An angel with an aura. Of course he made her nude, I asked him to put a gown on her. This was the color he chose. Like the color of blueberries. This guy looked like my first love only artistic in his own way. When I saw Kyle's serpent and the name Harley Davidson? The same shop I had mine done.  It mention's the color Lapis in Revelation's and the other color Topaz. The representation of our Holy Father in the skies his blue eye's. The one's that are always watching after all. My wedding ring Greg also took it up on himself to steal.

Forever And Ever Amen/RT
Realizing the four horsemen, the breaking of the seals and the storms coming down on our heads? then I see the part about the figs. The depression of the fig I had hanging over our bed. Then the 12 fruits of the tree's that I wrote about in the beginning called the promised land. The 12th step on this journey. What is it about? Mother nature and all her fruits and wears, so all her children can eat. Can be released off the chin gang. Looking at the root of David and the chosen one? I felt a a David and Goliath feel from the start. The Alpha and the Omega, this big dick I carry. The Monalisa with her smile, because it's a woman this time. I'm the sheep, the lion, the eagle, the ox with the human face. I can explain the stars falling from the heaven's. Those beings in those stars do exist. If their was a life their was a soul. They are back for the rose.

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