Thursday, November 8, 2018

Come Thou Fount

It Don't Hurt/
Yes it does. It cuts deep like a knife inside my heart. Oh God! I have been put through the ringer of Truth. I love my four horsemen. I didn't so much at first.

She Got The Best Of Me/LC
Well quite frankly I didn't know. I have realized in the last couple days. I am a monkey. I'm not ashamed to say that I love my monkies. Little curious Georges in life, our children. It's the ego in humanity that has destroyed my rock, our heart. Where the fuck did our heart go? I stood in the parking lot and screamed, no! No! No! U can't do this. God didn't do this man and ego did.

I Drive Your Truck/LB
By the way I hate your truck so much I don't want to be touched. Yes I have the bigger answers to the universe. I want to run up your big man viking body and I want to slap you back and forth with my little monkey hand. I can't believe I'm actually the little monkey being made to move mountains. I mean really I can't move one man how do they expect me as human to move a mountain?

If I told U/DR
Do U know what that little girl told me that showed up at my door? I mean I knew I figured out the grays. I'm a Grey part of evolution. I'm excepting that a little more. Still not sure what to do with that knowledge. It still wigs me out. I can't deny my family tree line. Off track again. Her crazy mother said his name or that space ships name that runs this rocks name is Eagle.

Marry Me/TR
I hate U. Marry U Try this one on for size, I hate U for this. I hate U for every moment of this. Talk about a tortured soul that hey U as man and big brother just want to destroy me and mine. OMGOD! I want that serpent gone that sits at the base of Mt. Si. It does exist. Naive me standing out there, Uhm! So what is that down there? The answer the fallen angel. R U fucking nuts? This does not exist. I heard of a synagogue got blown up. Men women and children

Head Over Boots/JP
got blown up for what? Faith. Something they committed their whole lives to having. I truly don't care the faith. I don't. U got it hold on to it. Keep it. As much as God is energy the creator, weeeellll, those grays no one understands? We are them. Those four horsemen, I love and adore but yeah I as human fear them too.

Superman/5 4 fighting

The Rose/BM
I hate U. I hate U for this. Whats the point? My own government that has claimed to represent and fight for freedom, destroyed that. U literally industrialized and sold out Truth. U created your own self worth. I might be small but you sitting up there set your price to high. I'm so sorry I married the Serpent, but don't U touch my babies because they have heart.

U Raise Me Up/RW
No U don't U piss me off. Talk about rejection. Rejection of the heart. Rejection of the Truth. I sit alone and scream. I scream because no one wants to hear me. They want Truth but like Jack said U can't handle the Truth. Not U as man but guess what, I am woman. U will not destroy me. I am woman. I am your mother regardless of everything I have been put through, I as woman, stand. Get the fuck off my rock you entitled elites white mother fucking bitches.  Get the fuck off.

Come Thou Fount/JL
God rules this rock not U as man. Ever will it be. Keep your God love your God. We love we don't destroy.

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