Monday, November 21, 2016

My Nines

Oh you bet your sweet ass I'm angry. To discover the nines and who they are and just who they represent really pisses me off. The nines my original nines from Adam and Eve in that garden are truly mine after all with a trinity backup to boot. To find out the truth in that garden and just where Adam was and why she felt so abandoned and alone? Fucking asshole! Just had to have your cake and eat it to. Lilith you son of a bitch! The tears and the rage inside me. You created the curse on Lilith and Eve with your lies and deception. What did this brother tell you? You piece of shit mother fucker. The pain inside my heart is unbearable. All those hits to my spine and heart all these years. You made my children go back and clean Anne's house when she had three daughters of her own.

You and Anne left all five girls alone after my daughter's had to clean her house. Then the next day you made my two daughters clean it again because it wasn't good enough for Anne. The five apples and five girls? The next day five apples are gone and Alex get's blamed. You poisoned me you asshole and I am Gaya this time and you poisoned me and my children and I am going to kill you where you stand. I don't give a fuck who's fathe3r you are. I am going to shut the mother fucking door and throw away that key forever. I am going to slit your throat and gauge out your eyes you mother fucker. I am going to tear your heart out and no brother I wouldn't feed your heart to my wolves or anything on this planet and earth. Ashes to ashes dust to dust brother. I'm coming for your cold dead black heart.

You stole my wedding ring that I paid for you self entitled lil bitch. Irony asshole! London blue Topaz with ten lil diamonds across the bridge. Ten years of marriage and I wasn't even in your journal not even a thought. Not our children, our honeymoon, our wedding. I had to go to your work and confront this husband and wife that you are not her knight and shining armor with your boss sitting there. You certainly weren't mine either. You as usual said nothing. All those years I told you money doesn't grow on tree's. When we are young we work hard for things. Then later in life like your parents and my parents we accumulate and retire.

The only time you'd mow the lawn was when you found out I was gonna pay the neighbor boy. You abandoned me all those years all so you can run off in the woods. Oh yeah you asshole I found it. Those journals you stole from me. The night you came home to tell me you and Mary are going out to celebrate a new contract together with my office. You remember, you not getting paid but just enough to cover our mortgage yet again because you are a spineless coward. Who had to rush with two young children, her grandmother dying down one end of the highway and her fathers life falling apart up the other direction? You nitpicked the shit out of me the whole fucking time while you just had to keep getting out of town and taking a break.

You wouldn't let KiKi walk across the street to eat after school at my house but you wouldn't let her go to the store either. While you remodeled the kitchen you gave no thought to how Kiley was going to eat and she was eating green beans out of a can, telling me its alright mommy, I like eating cold green beans out of a can. Not one article of clothing I ever bought for these girls came back to me either. You remember it was my responsibility. I bought eight bathing suits in one summer alone and still Kiley is wearing shorts and tights to parties. You wouldn't even let the girls have a picture of us together in their rooms. I never understood how your actions behind the scenes? How you spoke to me and how you spoke in front of other's?.

In these papers that I had to break into my own office one night after you and Mary went out to celebrate is nothing but the truth of a mother literally asking her husband for help for the sake of her children and when I asked you to please put Alex to bed I can't do it, you wouldn't. She was running free with no supervision and you expect me to be able to go to bed?  I kept explaining I can't until I know she is safe in bed. So I asked you what is so important on the computer that it couldn't wait? Your reply, "so I can go to bed and relax." I heard this everyday from you. Just a lil while longer, I'll stop. I'll slow down and do my part and when it came time just after I get you set up again with two businesses, you sign it all over including my personal accounts.

I had to ask for everything. It actually says in these papers, I felt the light again. Conversations with God. I even said I hadn't felt you in two years. So I started taking my life back. I set boundaries, I painted and added color to my house and I told you to hire someone that I just want to oversee the office that I had to much on my plate for the first time in my life and you bailed and sold me out. Your work horse. Yeah you mother fucker, I got Germany's, Japan's and Hawaii's anger through you.

The gold mine. The backpack over half my weight down a 1700 foot cliff. Had to carry my weight right Greg? Everywhere we went that you were supposed to be in charge of. I paid the price. The river of snakes in California and what you said to me? I had worked long hours all week and prepared and packed everything so it can all just get loaded up. It was finally dawned on me that these road trips aren't fun anymore. It had been a long week and a long day. It never occurred to anyone that I wasn't just married to Greg. I was married to basically four or five other guys at a time. Yes I loved our friends, but I was the only woman in this bunch. It never dawned on anyone that I worked to provide Greg's pretty lil life. I had to go through all these guys anytime I bought anything or did anything for myself. Who's credit got the house?

I had just popped open a water and sat down. Everyone else get's up to start unloading my car, Jeff, James and Xavier. They just get to my car and you look at me and you say, "what are you doing sitting there?  \You need to help unload the car. You need to do your part." You didn't Greg, You didn't did you? You made mountains our of mole hills. You abandoned your wife when I most needed you and you took the easy way out. You didn't know how to do any of it did you Greg? I took the blame with my sister for your Royal Crown under my car seat. I didn't even hardly touch a drink, did I Greg?

My sleep doctor was right. I was carrying the load of three mothers. When he said if you don't sleep you will die. Your dying. Why couldn't I sleep you son of a bitch? All those years of you getting up in the night turning off the heat in the house. Even in the winter, you'd tip toe out of bed, I'd watch you, wait for you to fall back to sleep and I'd turn it back on. It's all there.  I had wondered what happened to those papers. I had no clue I had them all along. What it was like to be married to Cane. Just why I had no energy. Through the pregnancies. You made sure I worked my ass off during both and you made me beg for the most basic necessities in life. You took credit where lite3rally credit was not due to you.. All those parties I threw for you.

You planted those seeds in my belly and ever since I have paid in your purgatory of lies. All those things that happened to my children. Always the nines. Kiley what a trooper and she doesn't even know why she's paying for those nines. Wake up happy as a lil flower each day. Just like her mother no matter what she took on the day before. Yeah you piece of shit my children are walking through your muck. They had to relive everything I went through with you. This depression in the guys around Alex and the depressions in the ground are from you.

Everything we do on this planet has a cause and effect in mother nature. Her animals, her garden's, her waters, minerals and mountains. We cause it with our actions and behaviors no matter what we believe. Yeah these two have created the darkness that you do not see anymore because they taught you not to see it long ago. Through these taxes, and all these guidelines and parameters in our judicial system. In our healthcare and food in which they suck the life and money out of you. Make you feel guilty, like your not worthy to even use a restroom, or worthy of food because their just isn't even for these human beings you treat as garbage. All to keep your pretty houses and your pretty life serving a system. Not on my clock.

Your dead. I'm done. I don't give a fuck what it takes. No wonder I couldn't get you to meet me alone. A few words out of me and your true colors are going to appear just in your fear of me alone. Yeah I see you. You mother fucker. All you can do is suck the energy and life out of me. Nothing else, except your physical form. I don't need a weapon, you piece of shit. All I need are the wings I wear upon my back.

One fallen angel named Vlad. Black magic all around you. Yeah I know why I felt poisoned and still I kept it together regardless of what you all think. Satan on Snq. P.D. I heard he's playing on the wrong team. He's here for his son. You are dead. Number three Cane. Oh Cane, my brother, I am going to hurt you. I am going to remove you brother. No more poisonous foundation to regrow on. Well could it be this Lucifer is the big ant, that sits in Gaya's bowels? Oh you cunt and all you lil minion E.T's who thinks this planet's essence and souls belong to you. Think again. God's flock, My rock. My diamond, not yours.

I am ready for war. Cane, guess what other sister I found long ago? That would be Mercy. Oh yeah another sister who is real pissed off?  Jezebel, the one that keeps pulling me down to keep me hidden to cover up your secrets and lies about me. That cunt, the one in which you placed the Jezebel label upon her head. For your lies of your affair. How many others were there? I mean you felt entitled because you were a man right? The son. That precious spineless coward.

Yeah that cunt of a mother you have. Acheluis  to protect her lil baby boy. I assure you ain't no legend across any land a saint. You were all just products of your society serving these two. You bet your sweet ass Jezebel is pissed. You made her remember? Cause and effect from way back then repeating itself today. Just in a different way. I want you out of my house, out of my business and yes it's time now for me to get my wish.

After all you put me through Greg, I still couldn't stab you in the back. Not in words or prayer. People offered many times to take you out. My answer was no he is the father of my children. Those hands feed my children. No matter what you did to me, I would not put it in words or actions. Well their was that wish, that one wish. That you would not be harmed, but that poof you'd just disappear.

Oh Cane, one other thing, I'm going to tell my daddy on you. Not the one upstairs, I assure you he knows but the Big Daddy down here. I'm starting to see the light on this daddy, who he is. Who he represents and why? Who caused his two mothers to die on that fatal day. Oh I am going to enjoy watching you die. Oh Cane, Lucifer, Satan and Fallen Angel, guess what? My daddy is bigger than your daddy. My daddy's wields a mighty big fist, and I can't wait. Thy Kingdom Come, My Will Be Done. On this planet and on your head. Like I used to sing to my girls. "Ding dong the wicked witch is dead" It is you and that feminine presence I get from you isn't it brother?

I'm just here to set the record straight. The Sin of Assume. You all thought you had it right, with all these degrees and technology. All this truth in these big books that you labeled, when truly you separated out all the truth long ago. When that happened it makes it all open to personal interpretation, by looking at and only learning one thing and one way. This is my storm and my family. The storm of EMUSSA is coming. I gladly take credit for this one right along with my family. My families justice is gonna hurt.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Five Star Family

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Let me introduce you to my family. My brother, my father, brother Todd. That big T of Trust. The one who stands above me. You do not see him but I assure you he is there. Not only are we related by blood but by essence in my family line. It seems my brother is the biggest baddest Angel of them all standing at heavens gates, holding my lil teddy bear tucked safely in his arm. My brothers all about the justice, and well you can say my brothers justice hurts when you flock with his lil sister.
My sister Freya (well one of them anyways) Now Freya she don't flock around when comes to protecting her lil sister. Touch Freya's flock and you bet her justice is gonna hurt. Yes, lets not forget about my mother. Yes it seems my mother is mother nature and her name is Mary. Let me introduce you to God's wife, who has stood by her husband, her man all this time. She does not serve her husband. They serve each other. When one parent drops the ball the other picks up. It may not always be even steven between these two. In any relationship with children and a family to watch over, and feed. Sometimes it's 60/40, sometimes it's 70/30. Either way you shake a stick at it, between these two it's always 100 percent unconditional love.
Yes it seems my father, my one true father is God. He is the Big D. He is the Big Daddy. He is the big dog in the sky. When it comes to protecting his daughter, well you can say my daddy yields a mighty big fist, right along with my mother Mary's storm I see brewing above me.
So no you may not see my family of four and with me that makes five. Yes this is my five star family that stands above me, with me, and inside me. This five star family is my light each day I walk along. Some days I hate them, some days I love them, some days I may not understand them. Some day's they make me laugh, some days they make me cry, but hey what can I say that is what a family is all about. We laugh, we love and we cry but no matter what this family IC above me is my pride, and in this family tree I never walk alone. Hey, who hasn't said I hate my father growing up? Who hasn't said you ruined my life?
No matter what they watch over me and they see the bigger picture. Peace Love Serenity I carry inside me. My family, my light, my rock, that I trust in in my heart. Love, Honor, Cherish, Respect, Trust and Honor in my family line. I take pride in my families flock.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


What's in a name? WTF is in a name? You mother fucker I'm going to break every God Damn Mother Fucking bone in your body when I get my hands on you. I wondered I wondered why every time you walked through the door I'd get angrier and angrier at you and now I know why? From the first time we spoke, what a fucking nightmare I saw. One hot fucking mess is right. Lets just say conversations with me and daddy aren't going so well today. It started to Dawn on me just how every time I get angry or feel rage I get pulled into another dimension. I always knew that if their is a God he'd better be able to take on my rage. I mean who knows you better than your daddy right? I was feeling tethered, leashed up to that family upstairs. Like a invisible leash holding onto me. Let's just say when it finally Dawned on me this is about God and I'm his God Damned daughter you bet your sweet ass I'm pissed off. Fucking asshole wants me to take out all my anger and rage out on him and not his precious son? Fuck him!

Everyday on this journey I found out something new. Just what has dawned on me, what I carried and why is for a fucking human being. Lets say I'm not happy. Not one God Damned minute. Other things started to Dawn on me? Quality of life between us two not even close. Can't hold a candle to this. For about a minute when I realized this was about God, I admit, I sighed. I thought to myself, "Oh brother! Not these two again." I don't even think that was a full minute because other things have started to sink in. You know things from a different perspective? My thoughts went through just how my feelings have changed. Hot mess but compassion. I have had compassion from day one. I mean who the fuck wouldn't that first conversation alone was heart breaking. The loss and still have to hold it together for those girls emotionally? When your broken inside is horrifying and I hate you to this day.

When he told me how he got the money to help him I wasn't so angry. I mean what a God send is right. No one, I felt no one needed it more than him just like others who weren't that fortunate. Along this journey I discovered another nickname of mine, Big C and I knew took it twice not only for each mother upstairs but for me. Just the realization to me is horrifying. So many realizations have been horrifying. I went from going for God's throat and discovering God has facial hair. I'm still not sure if I can transport myself there or if he is pulling me in, with each discovery in the last few days angrier and angrier. What no one knows is that I don't watch fantasy shows. I don't really get them or at least I didn't. This last summer when I finally got access to a computer for any amount of time, I fell asleep. Any show I put in or watched I was out like a light. I have discovered that when I sleep, I do it to sleep the pain away. By the time I got anytime in a bed with any or minimal pain relief, my first choice has always been to sleep like my mother. When your muscles thaw out it hurts. To have my spine again to heal and reshape itself hurts.

Carrying a backpack for two hours just to get to work. The discoveries I have made with my spine and it shifting and moving hurts like hell. Part of this journey and my spine I discovered is the system. Doctors all these years telling me I don't hurt. According to this chart I don't hurt. To go home for answers and discovering I'm mother natures daughter. Like that isn't enough? I won't look at the news or the newspaper but the last time I saw a heading, the war and storms. I had to walk away because I knew inside their is nothing I can do. To realize I have basically been placed in Salem's Lot, all these children and drug dealers circling around. Already I know the truth behind this and that no matter what happens, no matter what I say, it somehow has the opposite affect on the not so healthy people around me. In turn being the shit magnet on this planet means more hits.

When I sat on the phone for two hours just to get my address changed on my insurance, Four fucking phone calls. Starting all over on each system on the phone, sitting on hold each time. Not only do you give name and last four digits of your soc. They want everything and if you get one thing wrong you have to start over. Still no knew local doctor's or dentist information and I only got one address change in all this. I have discovered this last month alone just what all these affiliates and doctors offices represent. I signed up for UW finally happy that I can have all my information in one place. I signed up because they are all over the place. One font of information right? Only to find out that when I was just trying to get treated for a sinus infection, I had to start over, because UW has different affiliates and the computers software is different. Getting to these offices they couldn't even tell me the closest location of a affiliates doctor's office near me. Sent me down the road. Nope not this one either. All these affiliates is a systems poor excuse not to take any responsibility for human beings to get the most basic care today.

Even from that emergency room that has misdiagnosed me for twenty years and told me I didn't hurt including the x-rays. For me to find out that not only in this medical care but in these corporations that feed us, and encourage us to buy and sell all these goods at the club price only, you bet I'm pissed. Not only in my divorce when I went to rehab at only minimal diagnosis and use, I discovered about financial abuse, food abuse and just what abuse was in my marriage? For my lawyer to tell me that this state doesn't acknowledge it does not mean it does not exist. That is our problem. Just because a corporation tells you where and how you can return a product in order to maybe get part of your money back, is wrong. We could return anything to the place we purchased it and the business owner was responsible but now the system in any corporation today, our justice system, our healthcare and our corporations are all making rules, parameters and guidelines. Make it impossible to even get a human being to return something. All so you give up and go away. This system tells us how we feel and hurt. Whats the cure more pills to suppress us emotionally or put us to sleep. How our children learn, how to take care of our children and how to spend time with them.

What food we feed our children, making the cheap food poison and putting a high price on the stuff that isn't is wrong. This is our medicine and food. All contracts we sign with any corporation tells us at the end we have no contract, that they can change it and take over anytime they want, but we have to accept the limitations on the services, is horrifying that it got this bad, but to bind my hands only to find out that yet again my doctor sends me somewhere to get help and again their is a misunderstanding. A new barrier a new rule. I have seen this happen over and over throughout the years with doctors who have tried to work with me only the rules change again and I am always so close.

She sent me to a pain clinic that is already to far away but due to the affiliate issue it is my only choice. To discover it is for cortisone shots and she wanted me to have a place to go when the pain gets to bad which is for now about every three to four months. Truth is more than that but I take minimal pain and between the sinus infections and different disc in my spine actually moving and shifting that I am healing. It may be ten disc, I don't have arthritis and I'm not locked up after the chiropractor. It opens the blood flow to my tissue arteries and nerve endings. I treat my pain slowly as it comes on and I try to sleep it off. I don't want to build a tolerance but for over a month not much relief and the pain keeps moving. You bet your ass being in pain day after day drives you crazy and makes you tired irritable and short fused. Sometimes three imitrex alone that I only get nine. To make me numb so that I can't feel a disc moving or know it is locked up that it needs blood flow could do more damage than good.

I have the right to stir ground turnkey breast without my hands giving out all because I'm out of alignment is bullshit. To keep me bed ridden or not feeling anything could be so damaging. I said to the nurse what are you going to do, give me ten cortisone shots so I don't feel my spine? Then she realized their was a mix up yet again just what kind of pain clinic they are? Just my luck. Paper work has to be re-done for me to get a different kind of consultation, which is they tell her the med's I need for what I have and she writes them, less responsibility that way I guess. Right system keep tying people up you mother fuckers.

During my last appointment my doctor told me the new news, which was they shut down another pain clinic because eight people died out of 800. Now I don't know all the details and I'm sure when I find out it will be jaded with lies. Of course this clinic is going to have a high fatality rate. These people are in pain and they have diseases and ailments. They have been sick a long time and it is not always the doctors fault but at times its the patients for not telling the truth or even be able to tell the truth. So now we have 800 people in the PNW without help for the pain and lets not forget they already took away the medical marijuana clinics. So yeah I'm going rogue on my med's. I'm done, What I have discovered is these people who sell their pain med's ebt card or not they are backed in the corner and fed up themselves. The man who pulled up in a beat up car to sale his mothers pain med's, which he cares for did it to feed his own family during these trying times. Are you fucking kidding me. Never enough, always just under the line.

This system made me and I am done. These dealers are our medicine men because of a system that put them there in the first place. I am done and I don't give a fuck anymore. Especially when I remembered the word druid and that I didn't know what it meant in the beginning, had to look it up and print up information on what a celtic and seer was, I admit I didn't get it. When I woke up and watched a part of the sorceress stone and I realized that a druids job first and foremost was this planet, it still didn't sink in, until lately I have been able to stay awake and my mind started connecting to everything I was saying and going through all this first family shit and my family was here first? Then I got on line to look up a druid and what the role was and who they are each step of the way, yes it explained allot, but horrifying. Druids going into a deep sleep. They were here before the vikings even. I had already picked up that yes the primates were hear first the one the system blamed for aids.

I can't remember the other two sorcereess women were but the one who switched to chrisitiananity was a downfall. Yes she wanted to learn about the father but in religion the women they assume were not true or top sorceres. It was here that yes as well as me pointing to saying the north, the south the east and west to infinity and beyond are mine. To find out that rape was about being angry at your two mothers wasn't enough. To find out why it happened in that time and place, you know the three doors. Heaven's gate's, hell's gate's and the portal or this big ant that is the reason we have been enslaved all the way back through egypt first the gold, then throughout time the slaves changes along with the resoureces. From what I could see every country has been slaves to these ant's for centuries. Slaves just for cotton. Native slaves and look who the ones poisoned on the tribes are? Irony again. Evry land trhough every nation trhough our time has been enslaved and meant to pay for mother natures resources. No drinking fountains in the water parks even. Can't get water unless you pay for the cup or bottle. Produces more garbage and as humans we produce garbage no matter who we are, but funny thing I noticed no garbage can's or butt cans for the litter.

The locks on the bathroom doors to corporations that our taxes pay for to use a bathroom or making it mandatory for a human being to be in one location in order to eat and put a lock on the batrhoom door is obsurd. Don't you see they are eroding away human nature and human behavior and replacing us with machines. They are poisoning peoples hearts minds and bodies, creating the disease, the cure and the insurance to pay for the creation of their own making. At least when we had a mafia, I may not of cared for how tehy got their money and well that shit ain't going to happen again but the community and public had service.

YOu want to have a conversation with God you go right on ahead. You bet he's yanking my chain right now. Pissing me off hurting me in the discoveries alone to piss me off all to teach me to speak, you bet I'm pissed off. When I saw what those two young women in that show each reperesented and that I am all that wrapped up into one, you bet I'm pissed off. To discover what these physical demons looked like way back when coming for my children, you bet I'm pissed off. To have all these religious zealout come at me when I am the connection to this planet and God, you bet I'm pissed off. I feel like mighty mouse with a circle of guns around me all pointed at my head.

To discover that just over the centuries how they have made chiropractic look so bad. Who doesn't pop a bone to re-adjust. Even in a massage a disc can move, so that's okay, but not for a chiropractor to rack me and crack me in one big bang isn't okay. To open the blood flow to my tissue and nerve endings you bet I'm pissed off. To only want me to get one area of my body streched, when in reality when you hurt and dohn't keep moving, your muscles atrify up front and pull your choulders down, even in the groin area it needs to be stretched. So for a fucking system to poison me with all these band aids and anti inflamatories until my stomach lining is on fire and I'm throwing up stomach acid only to give me another fucking pill and side effect is shit. This fucking tramadol is like a fucking band aid. All these years screaming when michael works on my knots, to find out I am a vessel, not only a vessel for that family upstairs but the druids too. Like that shit didn't look like it hurt when whatever God kept showing up to bring him back.

Yes I found out I'm somekind of druid female deity too. Too find out again just how deep that Bard name goes, you bet your fucking ass I'm pissed off, When I looked it up this summer after finally trying to see why I keep getting brought back to you you mither fucker. This summer it was music, then when I discovered that Bard meant mountain and hills, that I'd been writting and pointing to that mountain with the man with the beard my hills, my valleys, my mountain. You bet I'm pissed off, to find out they set me up, they made me put it out there in words, in song and dance. YOu bet I'm pissed off. Then to look up druid and finding out their is a "order of bards?" Are you fucking kidding me?

To read wsomething about the irish and the wales, you bet I'm pissed off. To find out that christianity turned druids into witches and evil little down under evil tribe and just the people who are going to come at me for that lie alone/

Monday, November 7, 2016

Brotherly EVOL


Satan my brother it’s your long lost sister. Well one of them anyways. I wish I could say from a different Mother. I wish I could say from a different Father but we both know I can’t, because well that just wouldn’t be the truth now would it brother?

You’ve been a very bad boy. With all the deceptions, illusions and lies. You think I can’t see your poisonous seeds in every cookie jar? Every book of light where people turn to for hope in all those religious books. Oh yeah that’s right you were there right from the start weren’t you? That poisonous apple or the quince or it’s even been called the pomegranate. For now I will talk about that poisonous apple you tricked Eve into taking a bite of that poisonous apple of lies you fed that innocent child. The Naïve one. I wonder just what it is you placed besides the blame Adam spewed out of fear upon Eve’s shoulder’s? Your own sister you led astray.

You placed the blame and out of that the men’s ego grew didn’t it Satan? You liked that didn’t you brother? So the women for generations have been taking the blame and pain isn’t that right brother? Yeah that’s right brother I have learned a lot in the last eleven months. I have learned allot about my family and sister and brotherhood.. Upstairs and downstairs brother, you Son of a bitch. I have learned just who it is I am after all. You can say brother I have been schooled alright. The old fashioned way I have been schooled. No one walked beside me but my family. You can’t see them but I assure you they are there.

IC how you have turned our love into EVIL. IC how you have turned our lives into evil. As you pit brother against sister. I figured out that black square I saw on that cooks line. I knew it was foreign and it did not belong there. That’s right brother I turned that black square into a heart long ago. I chose a heart because of the V pointing up to the heavens. With a sharp point pointing to this ground. It took me awhile to figure out just who that black heart belongs to. I was wondering if it represents my black heart? Is it Greg’s the father of my children? Is it the other father or the other fathers? Just who does it belong to? Then it hit me asshole. That black heart belongs to you, doesn’t it brother? The poison you placed in mankind’s heart oh so long ago.. You keep his flock hurting and blinded to love don’t you brother?

You like all this panic and fear don’t you brother? Amongst Mother’s land, amongst religions, and nations. All these labels and lies you placed on peoples heads. Yeah brother I have figured out all this mental illness the cause and effects of your hands in the mental health field. Come on brother you know that schizophrenics see things in other dimensions and it is you who gets them stuck there. All this Bio Polar diagnosis. The extreme highs and lows. It’s the spiral I see in people brother. The panic and fear of that label you placed on people’s heads. They are just re-acting to Mother Nature aren’t they brother? It’s the energy right. We are way off balance. You like that don’t you brother.

I have learned that because of you our parents note I say parent’s are going to come down and do a lil blessing of there own. They are going to do their own baptism all over this planet. His mighty fist is going to come down with a boom and mother nature and God our father are going to wash the poison of all your illusions and lies all over this planet out once and for all. I didn’t start this brother but I’m going to finish it. Oh brother I have learned to view things from different perspectives. I have been taught to see things from the bigger picture. You know brother if I see this you know they are watching you. Actually both of you. I have figured out you aren’t the only one. Not by a long shot.

Brother doesn’t lie with brother has nothing to do with sex does it brother? It’s another poisonous seed you planted in order to turn Mother Natures and God’s children against each other. Like they would ever let man decide who loves who. I mean come on brother we are all his children and hers right? The plant’s, the animals, the sea life and river life. All throughout Mother Nature we breed. We make love and at times we make children. You do know spiritually brother when you were made mother nature wasn’t lying on her back? I mean come on brother where do you think all these holy spirits really came from? I especially love the part where mankind, you know the pious ones who set the standards so high to even say our brother JC was a virgin. Come on brother you know as well as I do that Our Father would not have his only begotten son come down here and not experience the pit falls of love and loss. That would be Mary Magdalene who sat at his feet while pregnant with his only child.

Was it one or two. Hard to say after all we just keep coming back don’t we? This time it’s going to be different from all the rest of the times they came down here and hit this planet and started over. Oh yeah that’s right your plan well both of your plan all along was to burn out mother nature so she can’t feed her children. His flock. You think by taking out his flock that you are going to take out the father right? Oh you to have been at this a long long time. That is why IC demon trolls sitting on peoples heads. All the way back then during the times of fairies and trolls. You love that all these stories were separated out. You like it when people only know one thing right brother? You like it when people won’t look outside the box, don’t you brother? Oh the things I have learned about al those boxes IC brother is pretty astounding. You placed rules and rituals in religion didn’t you brother? Under the guise of commitment and dedication while we burn ourselves out meeting all these confusing demands. Some you have really burned out. You made them feel it was ABOUT THE PRAYER AND RITUAL INSTEAD OF THE EMOTION, DIDN’T YOU BROTHER?

You alone with this lie has created so much animosity amongst man and woman. You have made things simmering and brewing. These people on this planet and all those spirits and guides IC are just steaming and stewing upstairs all the way through heavens gates. You placed rituals and rules on God’s love didn’t you? You created separation of the people God’s children fighting over the centuries of God’s and Mother Natures children and his flock you burn out and you make them feel weak and less than don’t you brother? You don’t really give a fuck about religion do you brother? I mean do you really think man, where religion came from with the help of you, is going to get to decide who gets into heavens gates? You like all this separation don’t you brother?

I have learned allot about cause and effect of actions and energy brother. Never really thought about it before but like I said I have seen so much in the last eleven months it is just amazing the things I know.