Monday, December 21, 2020

Red Is The Rose/The High Kings

What am I to say? U once again hooked me up with a man who does not care of me or mine. Just himself. I had compassion once again and I froze when he spoke of his past just like B4. Compassion and understanding. The coldness that keep's getting repeated thru out his life. I guess I'm to blame. I'm trying to stop it but he won't listen,

Another man that thinks I'm so less than that he doesn't owe me an explanation or call when he can't show up. Four times he's done this over what God say's. What a liar. He thinks just like the other's, I'm second class to him, to technology U have in your hand. He's heinous. U make plan's U either show or message with that technology. How do U expect me to do this again who doesn't R E S P E C T 4 me or anyone else? Been done there done that. U wonder why I don't Trust? U show me this? I don't expect perfection.
She Is His Only Need/WJ
Quite frankly I'd be intimidated if he was perfect. This a man whom can't give me respect enuf to let me know when he cannot show? It's a part of what I am not. All my life I fought this behavior. I'm second even if I am lucky enuf to count, I'm invisible. I'm in purgatory I'm in hell, I'm not allowed to speak. let alone be noticed. I just like other's on my rock have been asked to sit in other's men shite. Your white, U hurt once upon a time. I still hurt 2day.

When U say Nothing At All/A Krause
I've gotten answer's to the end of every dream. Every pause moment in my life. Take a pause. That's your answer. I don't need pity. I don't need anyone's pity. I need Truth. I need Grace. They exist and I hurt.

Fire And Rain/JT
I want to run. I don't want to be touched. I feel like after my divorce and Carey would chase me, 2 grab me hold me while I cried. I don't want to be touched. Not by Him. He just like so many other's doesn't know what love is and whose gonna pay? Me. I'm going to pay. Just like I said to that first councilor. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. I finished, I looked over as he picked his jaw off the floor. He said not discipline, abuse. I got in my car and I cried and I said my second prayer. Give me my families abuse. A pause moment? I've been thru every kind of abuse, and I still stand.

You've shown me something completely different than them. Then I heard it, U do what U want when U want because your entitled? U come home for important days, what makes U think it wasn't all important. U did what U wanted because of your ding a ling? U decided? Now I truly understand why I don't want anyone. I will always be treated like this.

U think your smarter? I lived my life chained to a leash. U did what U wanted. Go ahead blame me for feeling how I feel, I'm only human right?

Fuck U.

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