Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Big Daddy's Baby Blues

Run Through The Jungle/CCR
A couple day's ago I stepped out onto the drag. I got a flash of these two big blue eyes looking down on me. I recognized those eye's instantly. They were my father's eye's when he smiles. The smile with the twinkle. I laughed out loud. Flipped the bird, and yelled "fuck you!. All this time? How long has it been since I wondered about this?" It was something that I noticed after we'd part. Did I get a look at his eye's? What color are they?
War Pig/Black Sabbath
How could I not notice? No, they are brown. I'd notice if they were blue. I mean here I am standing in front of him conversing with him. He was leaning over me with thorns around his head. I was leaning over Him one night sitting on his chest, nude with a sheet wrapped around my waist. Taking His eyes and placing them into me. Saying "I want 2C what UC". Even at times I have had my knee's planted in the center of His chest holding Him by his shirt collar, saying "oh come on. When is enough enough." Each time I wondered, "are they veiled?" I mean He is God He can have whatever color of eye's He want's. For about a day my jubilance lasted until the other shoe dropped.
Space Truckin/Deep Purple
"Oh! Oh! Oh! That is disgusting." I never want to look up having sex with a man who has my fathers eye's. I laid on the couch last night trying to process this? Cringing. Thinking I'm glad they were brown. If He had shown me those eye's? It would of been another, "oh no you don't." Then I got to thinking about the different stages they took me through on this journey? Nothing like being told you married your brother. I heaved on that one. "I married my what? How is that even possible?"
People Are Strange/The Doors
Then I find out I married the serpent from the garden? Then I find out I married the beast that wanted to kill off this mothers essence knowing whom it is I was before I even knew. Then I find out my brother in this life was my husband from 2000 years ago. My husband from 6000 years ago. I admit I put my own father on the back burner. I knew He was near. How could I miss Him standing in Earthworks park next to my brother swinging that rope with a rock?
Revival/The Allman Brothers
It's just all this orgasming? How do I feel about knowing that my own father watches me having sex? Heave! Heave! Heave! I just put Him on the back until they were ready for me to get to the next step. Then walking down the hill back to the orphanage for lost mothers. It was right in front of a church they dropped the bomb on me. I stood with my right hand in the air and my left open toward the ground. Head thrown back. I wailed for five minutes. Then I took a deep breath. Dried my tears and moved forward. Again I put Him over there. Orgasming under the full moon. Orgasming twice on the bus at the sight of the United States flag at the veterans office. Orgasming all the way down Washington Avenue one night one the bus, until I crossed Todd road. That was one long hot slow wave that ebbed and flowed. Orgasming at the Church Of Angels at Eden's Grove. I used my G stick container for those one's. It's all just to weird, even for me. No it's not an invitation, just the Truth. Grow the fuck up.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road/Elton John
At first I thought it was funny, but now I'm torn? How do I look at a man that is a cross between my brother and father only my fathers eyes? It's bad enough getting past the whole brother and sister part. That when he comes to me when we're alone that it's not only my husband but my brother? I try not to think about it. I let it go. I mean their is nothing I can do about this family tree line. He had better never put those blue eyes in the face I've been seeing. Even in my dreams and then it was only the back of Him. I knew instantly when he stepped in the picture whom he was. Jesus Mother Fucking Christ!
Miss You/Eric Clapton
My body has been back in heat the last few days. I was seeing what I saw at the beginning of this journey in 2015. I would see myself use my thumbs 2 pull the front of my pants down like I'm a guy lifting out my cock and balls. Ready 2B sucked off. When I get like this, I keep seeing myself lifting my tail in the air. Trying 2 back up against something stiff and hard. As usual the song plays in my head,
I Can't Get No Satisfaction/Rolling Stones
I went 2 bed ready 2 flick my bean or I wasn't going 2 get any sleep with this boner. What happens if I don't I end up rocking my hips until I pull myself in2 an orgasm or 2, 3, 4 ,5 and so on. Then I got a flash of my father's eyes above me and I lost my mojo. I said "not funny. I don't ever want 2C my father's eye's in my bedroom again." Back 2 flicking my bean, slower, seeing God's cock in his hand stroking off along with me. I still woke up a couple hours later with a boner, ready to back into that magic number 7 or is it Aten?  Then another 8 to 10 times that day I lost count.
Talk about a mind fuck.
Heartbreaker/Pat Benatar
Take Me Home 2night/Eddie Money

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