Friday, September 28, 2018

Keepers Of The Light

God Gave Me U/BS
That's how I feel sum days. I have this guy that I'm still not sure what 2 do with myself? Aside from play time in the garden. Even after all this he still thinks I'm sum crazy white bitch he's pacifying. I'm his messenger. Not sure what 2 do with himself. Of all times the deluge of the sun. Fucking asshole! Kills me every time. Fire and water is right. I truly am the asshole in this story line sum days. He doesn't understand that is just it, God, gave me U. I didn't ask 4 this. I really was done. Done! Done! Never again and no I wasn't swinging to the other side. Even if I'm the oracle, the new JC, I'm still only human. U want 2 play charades with this family every day, be my guest? No really be my guest. Time to step to the other side.

Dirt Road Anthem/JA
U want Truth? When it's standing right in front of U, U don't want none of that either. Not this way anyway. What can I say niave lil old me still believes in the more the merrier. I want U 2 keep cuming back. Just not this way. Don't ever let me see this shit again. They had me looking at the word misogynist the other day. I think I understand why? Wow! We really aren't that advanced for 2018 in most walks of life that women are still lesser beings of God. Second class citizen's. Now IC why I don't like Christian white bitches.

What Do U Want/JN
The one's pretty much doling out there justice 2 me were the whites not the blacks. All up and down that class line. Even when I'm standing right there with them, with most, I had a better life. I was aware. I knew the difference between right and wrong because I lived it. I didn't become it. I learned one thing from my mother, what not to do when raising kids. I ain't never had a black heart. I have never tried to punish or dole out my own justice to anyone. I have turned and walked away, told I'm not allowed to speak because they are the boss, they don't want me to eat, or they want my man, my body, always something, or some one else holds the keys to my kingdom? I was balance. I paid even when I walked away, not allowed either. IC why my family will never let any one God Damn one of you to hold they keys to heavens gates.

Bless The Broken Road/RF
Just because U could doesn't mean you should. I realized I was given a negative label each time. A martyr for speaking truth? Oh! Your just being negative. I'm sure it's something you did. U know theirs a system. U know theirs a program. That's illegal theirs a lawyer. Oh yeah sumone can spend 65 bucks and steal my good name and pride but I gotta pay 10,000 to get it back? I did, then I'm told sorry we don't provide that service anymore. It's a limited life time warranty program we got going on here, on this new blame game and that scarlet letter A. U now qualify for no rights. No right to speak or defend ever again. Ka ching! Welcome to the land of freedom in our justified system on whose gonna pay a marked up natropathic piece of shit man like this? Then insurance? Who needed it and who had to pay? Every thing I believed in sat right there. Oh yeah! here's a 1000 buck a month day care bill. Caching. Next victim, step up for the high price on sin and your gender roles.

When I get Where I'm Going/BP
U do qualify for all the blame. U qualify for all the pain and suffering. Always told your lying minimizing or blaming for the rest of your life. Yes! He's justified after 12 years of marriage, hauling your drunk ADHD OCD ass around for 12 years? Opening two business in two years. A back wards L shape fixer upper is right. Here Colleen spin the straw into gold. Talk about slave driver? Talk about a liar and thief. He ain't got no country, he ain't got no pride. Any man to do what he did? I was Betty Crocker, always in that kitchen on the run. I had forgotten I was cooking his highness up two meals for dinner. I look back and I remember 3 years Colleen? U got three years to play. I didn't get three years did I Greg?

It's Your Love/TM/FH
My father and grandmother dying, three pregnancies, all those in between jobs even? All the way, they show me how long I drove that little gold truck with Alex, like 15 months? The doors didn't lock. The seat belts  didn't lock. The starter always died. Truth is he just didn't give a damn about anything but himself and his image. He's So Vain he probably thinks this song is about him. The whole time and I didn't see it. Not one time even in pain did he lift a hand to help me. He turned a blind eye, and made me pay every time. My doctor was right I was doing the work of three women in that short amount of time, in a disfunctional house, and he made me scrimp for everything. Heat, food and the most basic necesties he'd sit me down, can we afford for you to get a haircut at this time? You need 2 cut all 4 dogs hair mine and the kids. Manage the office and the home that you can't hire any help for either. Every time here would cum his parent's down grading and literally put a price on everything that came out of my mouth?

Look at the baby furniture you sent me home with? I even tried saying it's not even up to code. Then I told I'm being ridiculous that stuff is made up. The slats fell out 9 weeks later. The play pen had holes in the side. Their I stood taking the hit's. Ignoring it, because Greg is telling me to let it go and sit in the shit. I couldn't do anything to make my life easier. My list grew and his got smaller. He would not stop having to be on the go, everythime I needed to get shit done. He came in everytime and pulled the rug out from underneath me. Talk about sabatoge? U will never let another wo/man not speak in court again. Even my wedding ring? Right from the start Elaine said to Greg the ring doesn't matter, guess what Elaine? The ring does. I'm the diamond in the rough, and the rainbow. This is my country pride after all.

Back In This Cigarette/JA
Naive lil old me thought she just didn't have boy's. Always giving the benefit of the doubt. I discovered a deck of cards called the "Keepers Of The Light." At first I was in ahhh. I mean God Damn! Those are all the names of the God's I've been working through and talking about off this History chanels. I mean Helen Of Troy and Odin. Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene all these mytholgical beings and Gods are sitting here in one deck. At first I was happy but then the other shoe drops.

She Wouldn't Be Gone/BS
God Damn! Why didn't you just hand me this deck of cards in the first place and tell me who you really are? Why all this round and round? Why all these different sects? Uhm!  Okay what sect are you? What's a Norsk? What sect is Thor? Uhm! Zues? Isn't he Greece? So I got Mother nature's lightening rod 2?  I got Gaia whose gonna wag her tail? What a storm this is going to be.

She Won't Be Lonely Long/CW
U know I love my family and I would never trade them. They just really piss me off sumtimes. I feel like I'm on a merry go round that wont' let me off. How long ago did I say "come on Gaia, download me get this done already? I'm ready.'' What does she do? Back to family I go. It sunk in the answers were in one deck? One deck and you just now hand me this? After all this time? Then the answer sunk in that one deck sits one huge sect of very old Oracles and God's and that my family tree line sitting in those heavens and stars.

When Did You Stop Loving Me/George Jones
I got a flash of me and God the other day. I wasn't just dressed in white lingerie going from a man with thorns on his head to crying out Big Daddy when he's behind me or sitting on him wrapped in a sheet. No, I'm hoping this is a good sign. That we get to finally turn that ring around this rock into rainbows? No this time we were nude, doing it doggy style. It was just a quick flash. Just me and JC. Ain't no brother of mine a virgin. Well for those in denial neither are your mother and father.

To Make You Feel My Love/GB


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