Monday, June 11, 2018


Torah Speaks that their are 2 and 1 by Moses by Mt. Sinai and the other by Solomon. True purpose the begin and the end, that is for some. Aksum Ethiopia St. Mary Of Zion. Atomic elements to make up human body? Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorous. Now try finding out your the real McCoy? The real God Particle? I want off this planet. I want to give it all back. Turning on the TV with my headphone's on and look it just happens 2B Dante's Peak, filmed in the PNW. To think it was just yesterday I was thinking about that Pacific Ring Of Fire? It doesn't help any looking at Mt. Rainier. Where do you hide when your the apple of God's eye? Right down to the core? Who would ever want to be this?
Love Hurts/Nazareth
The Truth can only be glimpsed through the eye's of death? Oh come on! I don't want 2b me. I don't want to be Him. I don't want none of this. I'm earth, air, fire and water? I'm mother natures daughter? Just blow it the flock up already. Seek and find? Yeah what a hot mess you walked me into. I don't want to be a part of any of this. Oh no u don't. Get it the flock off me. Take it all back give it 2 somebody else.
Come A Little Closer/DB
Science obliterates religion not God. God is science, the creator, the 01 is science. How could s/he not be? S/he created this rock, that tree, the sun, the moon, our beasties, and you. How that isn't science I don't know what is? Their is your answer right there. Perga 1668 4 Illuminati scientist made an example of four Cardinals. Right there purgatory is created on my rock. I am gonna drop kick you all when I get done with you. 1969 The Spooky 2? In 1968 The Truth Spooky? What year was it that RFK and MLK were killed? 1968
Mercy or do u mean Mercury? Hey seek the treacherous dodge of Venus. Who severed heads from horses Kneel within the guilded museum of Holy Wisdom, and listen for the sounds of trickling water. Deep into the sunken palace where the phonic monster waits. Submerged in the blood red water of the Legion, that reflects no stars. Istanbul and Turkey. Love awakens the soul to act.
Blue Ain't Your Color/KU
Nothing changes the behavior like pain? Really God? Like I haven't been watching people who hurt just lose it. Mankind is the cancer in it's own body. The Devil's Advocates comes to mind? Their is no justice, just timeline's and guidelines, jumping through more hoops. You classify, you justify, you slice and dice the human spirit. You are not the judge. Hey what can I say this is one thing that is Biblically written that their is no justice. Humanity is to impident to do anything about it. Your laws, and your blanket pain monopoly game u got going on down here. You allowed western medicine to shutdown the human race's body emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. No this isn't freedom is it congress? To think your lawyers? You knew all along that you were signing the human races rights away in the United States. It's the slow wheel's of justice. I know one thing, this won't be handled inside any court house. Once I saw those blood red waters? Flock that. I'm out of here. Fuck me! No mother flocking way?
She's My Kind Of Rain/TM
Really? I do not think so.  Torment, sinner's, branding, looters and liars. Covered in rashes. Sooth sayers heads turned backwards. Yup and their we have it, the silencing of my little lambs? Your receivers sitting in those institutions? See like I said ain't nothing free. You fed the wrong stock and poisoned Gods flock all to make a living off of our pain and suffering. The need for all this western medicine and institutions. The need for all these jail cells because you don't want a human being to ascend in this United States Of America?  No you want the human race to live in virtual reality to fill our land fills. You don't want us to go inside and see the Truth of whom it is our ancestors really are?
 Look At What I've Done/CC
 What happens after these shells die? We become entities, our spirit and soul is set free. You don't want the human race to know that we can be set free inside us. No IC the Monopoly game you got going on on humanities tree of life? You send all the pain to the mind and turn off those receptors. You do your own frontal labatomy on the human race. You congress legalized this? You made us to impident to do anything about what it is you have done to the human race with your blanket laws, blanket judgment, blanket pain game you got going on down here.
Total Eclipse Of The Heart/BR
Who pays congress? Certainley not the elite, the entitled. Not your corporate owners. I mean hell they did the hard stuff right? Right along with you. I mean really your not paying your taxes. You allowed all this time for the rich to use this United States , my Animal Kingdom, my rock, my water? The human race as a revolving door industry inside and outside our bodies with no repurcussions for yours or their bad behavior? At first long ago I had compassion for our President's and u congress because I would see a big pyramid with each new President. Like they come on sitting on top of all this shit that came b4 U. You didn't clean anything up. U added 2 it for your own benefit image and family. Now IC very clearly whose really carrying the load of this pyramid scheme? The ones on the bottom. U in turn sold them out right there 2 feed your machine. What right did any of you have 2 pass laws 2 shut down my flock and institutionalize them? My receivers 2 the light? 
Then I started 2C the monopoly you got going on with humanities suffering? You know the one big brother? Insurance, corporate america, western medicine/pharma , and your justified system of industry now. Then it grew housing /Landlord tenant, transportation, water, food and Ill be God Damned it turns out the higher the ticket price the higher the tax. Well just like a server, the fee, the gratuity. Now corporate america not only gets to discrimante against their clientele hell they get to charge what ever fee and harrass the customers any way they can. No it's to late for U. I'm sorry. It's to late for excuses and this revolving door industry going in my landfills. Right along with the human race. The way my family sees very clearly how you are thinning the herd any way you can. Your droids, parking lots and machine's have more rights than the human race IC. Now I ask why would your creator not stand for freedom? 

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