Monday, June 18, 2018

Earls Got To Die

Earl's Got To Die/DC
4 Classic Cardinal Virtues

3 Theological Virtues

This mothers cardinal rule? Love

Atom/Sun One whom gives us life.
God giveth. God Taketh
Your creator, your 01 is science. How could she not be she created you didn't she? Born of this rock on this rock. Eve was made from the soil and Adam's rib after all. What did Eve give Adam? She gave him her heart. She gave him Trust. She gave him Truth. She gave him Hope. She gave him Faith. She gave him family. She gave him life. She gave him her atoms apple. She fed him love each day so he could grow to be big and tall, just like Popeye with that anchor on his arm. That big bald egg head, just like an eagle with wings. She gave you those sky blue eyes, hooded like a vulture. 

 Cry Pretty/CU
She gave you the sun. She gave you the moon. She gave you the animal kingdom. She gave you a garden. She gave you your gender and your identity. That is something to be proud of. So why do you hide behind those shit brown eye's that your maker gave you? The Joker, the fool, the foal, the colt. Seek and find? The dream I had the other morning? It was a first.  It wasn't a vision for me to look back on. It wasn't the end of a dream that I got the answer's to later on. No it was an actual dream. What was it? As usual me arguing with Kyle that  "no you cannot fall in love with someone you do not know after just one conversation. It's not possible." Martyrdome. You stuck me in Martyrdome.

In Case You Didn't Know/BY
Yeah I'll lay it all on the line for you? Are you mother flocking nuts? Did you see the size of those nuts? Jesus mother fucking Christ I can't wait to get my hands on those. What I would like to do with those? It makes me hungry just thinking about them. Now that's my idea of a pacifier. Fill er up. Wine and dine me 69 me. Now that's what I call breaking bread together. Mother nature's feast.

She's Everything/BP
There he stands with that lions bridge and that lil' monkey on his back. You know what God? No matter what he's always a ten to me. Well that ring of fire is looking pretty hot to me. Hell's Kitchen things are about to get ISREAL up in this house. Jerusalem or Jewsalem? I am the angel. I am the owl who went a little owal to see just why so many fallen angels in my land of freedom? What can I say it's not easy being a One With All Life. Can't be a judge until you know just what it is your judging. Mercy/BY I wouldn't want to be sum of you.
What She's Doing Now/GB
Principal vs. behavior and how you valued my animal kingdom? This mother values you equally so. I value you a big fat zero. Welcome to hell. Make sure you tell them your mother said so.

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