Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Whore Of Babylon

This is the last time I will explain anything. You can take it or leave it. I have known you since Katie was five. What is she 19 now. We started out best friends and you treated me better then. You took away my right to privacy by speaking bad about me to everybody and anybody over the years. I had the right to my privacy even when I drank. You took that away. You have dishonored me as a friend, and as your girlfriend in all walks of life. You have doled out your own justice to me over and over.

You have jailed me. You abandoned me at Christmas and left me alone, not even bothering to call when I was in Thunderbird. I was showered and I waited all day for you to show up. Once again you couldn't even have enough emotion or respect to call me. You have made me pay over and over with others in our lives to cover your own cowardice secrets and lies. You allowed Vivian whom is mentally ill to control our lives and time even  in our home.

You made me apologize to Spud because I freaked out when his dog puked on me. I freak out at anything or anyone puking on me. I have that right I am human. You made me hug that man and woman as an apology. I have done everything you have ever asked of me. I have never spoken poorly about you of invaded your privacy inside you or outside your heart to others.

Whether you believe it or not you didn't really spend allot of money on me all those years. I wouldn't let you even buy me clothes, until I really needed them and when I did allow you to, I did it as cheaply as possible. You did however willingly spend money on our sex lives and toys. All those years you allowed your own children to disrespect me. You allowed everyone in our lives to disrespect me to make you feel bigger and smarter.

How many times have you abandoned me and left me penniless all because you were determining my value as a human being and your partner all those years. I was your partner. I stood by you in all walks of life. I have represented you with honor as a partner. I got you through your depression the first time you left Vivian. You just admitted last week that the only reason you went back was financially. You said you could live a lie. I can't live a lie or love a man whom has abandoned me over and over. Left me out in the cold and hungry. You did it again.

You want me to leave. It seems you want me to suffer and leave your way so you can feel better about yourself I recon. You have not only abandoned me but your children with how you value yourself. It's obvious Michael all those years I was your maid for you and yours. Truly you treated me no better than a whore. I can tell you still after all these years you value my self worth based on me servicing your dick. I will not service you that way anymore. I abhor that child inside you. He is vial and disgusting. It disgust me how you have done nothing with him. I don't expect you to open up to me. I did expect you while you were in that mental institution to take care of that kid and be honest with an outsider that isn't going to baby you. Yet allow you to speak openly about him in order to help yourself. Only then can you be an asset to the next relationship you have. Truth is when you know the Truth your not going to like yourself either.

You abandoned your higher power all because you let another human being an outsider determine your worth. I was wrong about you. I valued you as a higher being with a heart. I have a room to rent in about one months time if my SSI kicks in by then. I will be gone for good. You have not valued or honored me as a partner or love ever. You used me and my body. Your behavior and actions in all those years have not changed. You blame me for wanting healthy love from a man for once in my life? 

Jesus Paid It All by Fernando Ortega

Monday, June 18, 2018

Earls Got To Die

Earl's Got To Die/DC
4 Classic Cardinal Virtues

3 Theological Virtues

This mothers cardinal rule? Love

Atom/Sun One whom gives us life.
God giveth. God Taketh
Your creator, your 01 is science. How could she not be she created you didn't she? Born of this rock on this rock. Eve was made from the soil and Adam's rib after all. What did Eve give Adam? She gave him her heart. She gave him Trust. She gave him Truth. She gave him Hope. She gave him Faith. She gave him family. She gave him life. She gave him her atoms apple. She fed him love each day so he could grow to be big and tall, just like Popeye with that anchor on his arm. That big bald egg head, just like an eagle with wings. She gave you those sky blue eyes, hooded like a vulture. 

 Cry Pretty/CU
She gave you the sun. She gave you the moon. She gave you the animal kingdom. She gave you a garden. She gave you your gender and your identity. That is something to be proud of. So why do you hide behind those shit brown eye's that your maker gave you? The Joker, the fool, the foal, the colt. Seek and find? The dream I had the other morning? It was a first.  It wasn't a vision for me to look back on. It wasn't the end of a dream that I got the answer's to later on. No it was an actual dream. What was it? As usual me arguing with Kyle that  "no you cannot fall in love with someone you do not know after just one conversation. It's not possible." Martyrdome. You stuck me in Martyrdome.

In Case You Didn't Know/BY
Yeah I'll lay it all on the line for you? Are you mother flocking nuts? Did you see the size of those nuts? Jesus mother fucking Christ I can't wait to get my hands on those. What I would like to do with those? It makes me hungry just thinking about them. Now that's my idea of a pacifier. Fill er up. Wine and dine me 69 me. Now that's what I call breaking bread together. Mother nature's feast.

She's Everything/BP
There he stands with that lions bridge and that lil' monkey on his back. You know what God? No matter what he's always a ten to me. Well that ring of fire is looking pretty hot to me. Hell's Kitchen things are about to get ISREAL up in this house. Jerusalem or Jewsalem? I am the angel. I am the owl who went a little owal to see just why so many fallen angels in my land of freedom? What can I say it's not easy being a One With All Life. Can't be a judge until you know just what it is your judging. Mercy/BY I wouldn't want to be sum of you.
What She's Doing Now/GB
Principal vs. behavior and how you valued my animal kingdom? This mother values you equally so. I value you a big fat zero. Welcome to hell. Make sure you tell them your mother said so.

Monday, June 11, 2018


Torah Speaks that their are 2 and 1 by Moses by Mt. Sinai and the other by Solomon. True purpose the begin and the end, that is for some. Aksum Ethiopia St. Mary Of Zion. Atomic elements to make up human body? Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorous. Now try finding out your the real McCoy? The real God Particle? I want off this planet. I want to give it all back. Turning on the TV with my headphone's on and look it just happens 2B Dante's Peak, filmed in the PNW. To think it was just yesterday I was thinking about that Pacific Ring Of Fire? It doesn't help any looking at Mt. Rainier. Where do you hide when your the apple of God's eye? Right down to the core? Who would ever want to be this?
Love Hurts/Nazareth
The Truth can only be glimpsed through the eye's of death? Oh come on! I don't want 2b me. I don't want to be Him. I don't want none of this. I'm earth, air, fire and water? I'm mother natures daughter? Just blow it the flock up already. Seek and find? Yeah what a hot mess you walked me into. I don't want to be a part of any of this. Oh no u don't. Get it the flock off me. Take it all back give it 2 somebody else.
Come A Little Closer/DB
Science obliterates religion not God. God is science, the creator, the 01 is science. How could s/he not be? S/he created this rock, that tree, the sun, the moon, our beasties, and you. How that isn't science I don't know what is? Their is your answer right there. Perga 1668 4 Illuminati scientist made an example of four Cardinals. Right there purgatory is created on my rock. I am gonna drop kick you all when I get done with you. 1969 The Spooky 2? In 1968 The Truth Spooky? What year was it that RFK and MLK were killed? 1968
Mercy or do u mean Mercury? Hey seek the treacherous dodge of Venus. Who severed heads from horses Kneel within the guilded museum of Holy Wisdom, and listen for the sounds of trickling water. Deep into the sunken palace where the phonic monster waits. Submerged in the blood red water of the Legion, that reflects no stars. Istanbul and Turkey. Love awakens the soul to act.
Blue Ain't Your Color/KU
Nothing changes the behavior like pain? Really God? Like I haven't been watching people who hurt just lose it. Mankind is the cancer in it's own body. The Devil's Advocates comes to mind? Their is no justice, just timeline's and guidelines, jumping through more hoops. You classify, you justify, you slice and dice the human spirit. You are not the judge. Hey what can I say this is one thing that is Biblically written that their is no justice. Humanity is to impident to do anything about it. Your laws, and your blanket pain monopoly game u got going on down here. You allowed western medicine to shutdown the human race's body emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. No this isn't freedom is it congress? To think your lawyers? You knew all along that you were signing the human races rights away in the United States. It's the slow wheel's of justice. I know one thing, this won't be handled inside any court house. Once I saw those blood red waters? Flock that. I'm out of here. Fuck me! No mother flocking way?
She's My Kind Of Rain/TM
Really? I do not think so.  Torment, sinner's, branding, looters and liars. Covered in rashes. Sooth sayers heads turned backwards. Yup and their we have it, the silencing of my little lambs? Your receivers sitting in those institutions? See like I said ain't nothing free. You fed the wrong stock and poisoned Gods flock all to make a living off of our pain and suffering. The need for all this western medicine and institutions. The need for all these jail cells because you don't want a human being to ascend in this United States Of America?  No you want the human race to live in virtual reality to fill our land fills. You don't want us to go inside and see the Truth of whom it is our ancestors really are?
 Look At What I've Done/CC
 What happens after these shells die? We become entities, our spirit and soul is set free. You don't want the human race to know that we can be set free inside us. No IC the Monopoly game you got going on on humanities tree of life? You send all the pain to the mind and turn off those receptors. You do your own frontal labatomy on the human race. You congress legalized this? You made us to impident to do anything about what it is you have done to the human race with your blanket laws, blanket judgment, blanket pain game you got going on down here.
Total Eclipse Of The Heart/BR
Who pays congress? Certainley not the elite, the entitled. Not your corporate owners. I mean hell they did the hard stuff right? Right along with you. I mean really your not paying your taxes. You allowed all this time for the rich to use this United States , my Animal Kingdom, my rock, my water? The human race as a revolving door industry inside and outside our bodies with no repurcussions for yours or their bad behavior? At first long ago I had compassion for our President's and u congress because I would see a big pyramid with each new President. Like they come on sitting on top of all this shit that came b4 U. You didn't clean anything up. U added 2 it for your own benefit image and family. Now IC very clearly whose really carrying the load of this pyramid scheme? The ones on the bottom. U in turn sold them out right there 2 feed your machine. What right did any of you have 2 pass laws 2 shut down my flock and institutionalize them? My receivers 2 the light? 
Then I started 2C the monopoly you got going on with humanities suffering? You know the one big brother? Insurance, corporate america, western medicine/pharma , and your justified system of industry now. Then it grew housing /Landlord tenant, transportation, water, food and Ill be God Damned it turns out the higher the ticket price the higher the tax. Well just like a server, the fee, the gratuity. Now corporate america not only gets to discrimante against their clientele hell they get to charge what ever fee and harrass the customers any way they can. No it's to late for U. I'm sorry. It's to late for excuses and this revolving door industry going in my landfills. Right along with the human race. The way my family sees very clearly how you are thinning the herd any way you can. Your droids, parking lots and machine's have more rights than the human race IC. Now I ask why would your creator not stand for freedom? 

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Keeper Of The Stars

The Keeper Of The Stars/Tracy Byrd of all the names? It is about the birds. Birds of a feather flock together. Seahawks. The land of hawks I was born in, right along with my babies.  We many not have our weapons in this United States but I got my names that carry on out there in other countries being brought back to Gods green earth, our four seasons, the gardens, the sun is Aten. The moon. Earth, air, fire and water those four elements what is the fifth key to the code? The original 2, the original Truth, the original Truth of those two lights, those two candle's that create balance on God's green earth. The mountain, the man and the music right here. The Olympics right here in this Washington. Twin Falls and Fall City is where we live. The red rock, from the Lily to the Rose we go. God's family Gods flock shall rise out of these chains in this purgatory we live in. 

Just 2CU Smile/TM
The atom, the creation of the Adam's family and back 2 the garden we go in all walks of life. Mother nature style. Those 2 cherries, the ear ring from Spain turn into that pearl earring. Well as for that pearl necklace and the markings of territory. The marking of the rock in your original mother's animal kingdom. The claiming of the original 12. Hair like women and teeth like lions. With a trinity back up. 

Why by Jason Aldean
Angel's and Demons right there is one of many answers. Another key to the code in Gods animal kingdom? Purga? In 1668 4 Illuminati scientist, 4 pillars, 4 cardinals were kidnapped and branded, they were thrown out in the streets and made an example of by the church. A warning not to question the church's rulings and science? Their we have it the creation of purgatory. Cause and effect over time.  What I want you all to know their ain't no purgatory in heaven. The only purgatory is this cult, this brother hood of the serpent race. Religion is a cult and does not serve God. Your not the judge 2 get in2 heavens gates. Cause and effect on mother nature, the creation of the institutions and lies behind it. Here we sit cause and effect on mother nature and her little beasties, we now have Cousin It to deal with. Mt. Si. vs. Mt. Sinai. The clue the sun in the East. The man with the bruno beard sits 2 the east. The sinus allergy. The rewrite of name, pain treatment and allergies. Who controls that? Sudafed pulled 2 the front at these counters, yet NSAIDS? Hell u can have a shit load of that. Any way 2 burn up the internal organs. Supply and demand on the human race. 

The illusion that its better for us in this US? This science thinks its better than Truth, mother natures essence her nutrition her seed u poisoned. To poison the human race supply and demand. Need for Western medicine and all these institutions.  Yes the reason for the depression and this dark energy, from that Washington to this Washington and around around we go to using humanities body parts as food for the fodder in all walks of life. This black cobra and the poisonous apple of the insurance. The black cobra insurance that just came in and created its own marked up value. At a time when u dropped the wages from 20 to 8 dollars. U removed 3 major corporations and created a 90 day higher and fire for any reason. The lie of the other 5 Wal-Mart? The closing of five stores in five different states. Didn't file for permits, the excuse the plumbing. Did u poison my h2o? You created the insurance illusion all the while using state insurance and foods tamps 2 sustain the part time job industry. Yes Obama I'm talking to you and Michelle. The True intent of this poisonous apple of an insurance, to use western medicine shutting down that tree of life you turn a blind eye? Shut down the emotion, u big brother blocked evolution. You don't see pain, is that right? Especially not in that tree of life? The so called blanket blame, blanket justice, blanket pain game you got going on here with your supply and demand of your poison apple of an insurance. At least on medicaid the senior citizens still got help for chronic pain. Yah that big A with the circle around it. 

Two People Fell In Love/BP
Wipe out the United States? Freedom? Their right to choose, all so the Muslims, your Ala can move in and take over. You want to teach this in my schools in my United States? Wow! You don't respect freedom, you don't respect God is that what I'm looking at here? You remove God from the pledge. You remove Truth, Hope, Life, Liberty in my justice system 2 institutionalize and feed a machine? You think you get to come into my country and put Muslims religion, one of the furtherest from the Truth right along with Christianity and the Jews all this fighting for whose religion is the God? I'd have 2 say the OT.  You are destroying the truth in the very foundation what God's Truth stands on. Faith to let him lead. Faith in him not insurance and not a machine, the Truth behind that serpent race, the elite the entitled, that tell you hey jump on board we got the answers to get into heavens gates. Kill each other off and do it for them, and yes we will have a place in our heaven for eternal life? Do you know what the idea of their heaven is besides morals and the lie? Heaven 4 them on this rock 2 get in2 heavens gates. The high price on sin to kill off the human race? Is that you reap what you sow here on this rock to get through heavens gates. Suee we got some hunting 2 do. What did you reap and sow making choices, playing God for the good of all humanity? What I see here is that you missed the most important Truth in all of it, your trinity is this Holy Rock that feeds you and your children everlasting life, not that machine. Not that enterprise. The elite and entitled working behind the scenes creating the wars. Wasn't it Hoover that had to sign for Federal taxes because the rich, the elite, the banking system put on a war with credit and they needed a way to get the money back? You know what I have learned the most important thing is that anyone can put fear and hate in any big book. Turn it bad on a dime, out of fear of your God and the wrong kind of power making choices on your morality is the most corrupt cult of them all. 

 My Wish/RF
You put the human races morality on the line with all your immoral behavior and you label it moral? Perhaps that's why all the confusion? Is around the year 2000 9/11 and the Taliban planted a seed of fear? That burning bush in this United States, turning our children into droids, a system of numbers with no creativity to think and learn for themselves. With integrity to think of others cause and effect, not your blanket laws and institutions telling us we can not defend or choose in our school systems. Our children aren't droids, they are human humane little beasties, they belong to this mother, this father this King this God to feed and guide everlasting life inside and out not mankind. Your God is a peaceful God. S/he is energy, she is the star, the entity, come back to save your souls and make sure you get to make choices about the doors you pick cum judgment day when you learn the Truth. What side of this monopoly game u stand on? The human race that you swore to serve come's b4 a machine. That human heart not a machine, humanity we treat humanely. God Dammit Michelle, eat a mother fucking burger. For Gods sake when I read that, just because you represent health, doesn't mean you can't create balance in your diet. How else do you build an immunity to the poison? Balance. We don't blind that 3rd eye through western medicine anymore by directing all the pain to be shut off with the pain receptors in you mind and spine. You just don't want that 3rd eye to open and the Lotus flower to open at the base of that spine do you? I'd say by the date 1996, I just found the plague being released in this United State's? The depression then inside our bodies and outside our bodies today. No one is allowed 2 have any emotions 2 heal. U shut them down chemically inside the brain. U block evolution with no purging of emotions. All 2 get us back 2 work. Earn your keep. Work for the poisonous food in the US. The antibiotics is burning our guts and your the reason for the immunity 2 the antibiot8cs. U create an allergy inside our bodies. 

Goodbye Girl/LB
That HIPPA form and the depression shutting down the human race with western medicine. The diagnosis of depression. Yes I know where it stems from? Depression vs. Energy right western medicine? Which is it? IC UR doing a blanket diagnosis for both kinds, well actually all four in our doctors and hospitals? A place it never should be in the first place.The spirit the soul you oppress, you suppress you tell them they do not see. It's a mental illness, you do not feel or are always tired it's depression? When it's really about how you did business, cutting back the dollars and the hours, making the human race dependent on technology for family and that hook up to survive and raise our children, because we can't take care of or discipline our own babies better than you big brother the machine? Placing a high price on sin and the quality of a human beings life. Tell me again why a native woman with white skin and 7 children can't see that dragon sitting on her soon 2b X's head? When she can clearly see that dragon sitting on his head b4 he steps one foot through her door. Why do you get to control the dimensions, and the value of that drop of blood? What mother natures children see and feel inside their gut? Fate, Faith, Destiny, this mothers is Truth, this 01. Now pick a door, upstairs for that families clearing or that fiery inferno? My families AA up or down. Don't you come back until you can have respect for your elders, this rock, humanity and this circle of life, you abused. Yeah I know sometimes as a mother you gotta drop them down low to kick them up high come judgment day. What kind of mother would IB if I wasn't the Queen B of Truth. This Jezebel, This Hunchback of Notredame that carries that Crone on her right shoulder because of the turning of the blind eye on humanity, this rock, this tree of life and mother natures essence. Her nutrition, her Truth that she feeds you, not this machine. Certainly not just a few but all her children. Her circle of life not yours.
Any More/TT I can't keep pretending I don't love u anymore.
Letter 2 Me/BP
Most People/LB I believe most people are good. Me 2.
I Do/MW (Cherish You)
Somebody Like You/KU I'm Ready to love somebody like you.
A Little Bit Stronger/Sara E. Another Sara right here in my music? Yes Sara the more Truth I get led to each day in learning about my family tree line? I get a little bit stronger in Faith and my family pride each day. Yet isn't that just the point to climbing Jacobs ladder? You know that Stairway To Heaven? Paradise In The Headlights? Meat Loaf. Where's the Beef? The Keeper Of The Stars? Orions Belt? That Big Wheel In The Sky? On this journey, mother natures little stars standing inside our shells, hidden down deep we hide. Are we the wolf or are we the sheep? I know one thing your not getting my milky way. Your not getting my Lions or my Bears. You will leave this families baby cubs alone for now on. My children are no longer food for your fodder to make a living off from with your poisonous labels, and lies.You fed the wrong stock, a machine not humanity. 
Good Morning Beautiful/ Steve Holy

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Gateway

Apollo and Titus trucks drive by b4 heartland, ck england, hoglands, lady liberty, got milk? Sweet kitty, purple weiner dog, Seahawks 12, Lincoln and Meeker. Only the meek shall inherit the earth. Feathers of slaughter. Feathers flock 2gether. Todd Rd. WA Ave. Elijah Todd. Kai's Irish twin, the watcher, the big eye in the sky with heart, not black boxes, not hearst. Sara's, Jacks and Wendy's. It's gonna get windy up in this house. The Masonry. 9009 Canyon drive. The orphanage of lost mothers, Earthworks park, the gateway, the lions, Titus Street, Parker Ave. King and Bunnies Parkinson, the land of arthritis. The serpent in the water, cousin it, the demon troll, billy goat gruff and you big brother collecting on that high price of sin. Big tobacco, the power, the water. The entity. Alistar, Beauty and the beast, thy bloody tear drop , thy mother, the rock, the lily, the wildflower, the rose. By BM 05/01/2018. When I Get Where I'm Going/BP. Heaven on earth, ask and u shall receive your mothers heart of Gold.

The Animal Kingdom

There's A New Kid In Town/Eagles