Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Keys To The Kingdom Of Hell

You know God when I l look at all the shit I have taken for someone else's behavior under my roof all because someone else held those keys to my house, the rage, the anger, the abuse, the injustice of all I tolerated for so long with each man for someone else's issues and poison. Sweet justice is mine. Michael's cousin and boss using the word nigger like it's  nothing in my house. Oh the freedom and slavery just with this one issue and word alone and all the injustice and disservice.  I mean I am appalled on one hand, that they are happy, I mean the black people who's history and color of the skin represents slavery. I mean come on God we all know the darker you are the more of a slave thou were. Even the sisters aren't black enuf for their man. I mean come on God a white forefather who was a president wrote the constitution warned of this entity and just happens to be related to all these now African Americans, now they're proud of the slavery to be a lil' white after all. Without white you have no color people. God Damnitt God you did it again figured out a way to write, while I'm on my workout bike. I warned you. 😊

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