Saturday, June 10, 2023

Keep Clam

I mean calm. Mickey Mouse Michael Mikey, Hey let's ask Mikey He'll Eat Anything that Mikey. Life Cereal Hers hearx hearx what it will do. Due due fo dooo for due doo. Dodod0 bird Mikey. Fi Fee Fi eye Fo Fum what's that I smell? 
I taint playing with zu. U no more. 
Fool fool me once fool me twice what du do due U C in God's House. My needs my wants my Levi's my bluesz in and out energy in energy out balance and purge the emotion purge the pain. My Sacrum my lower back Chakras 2 and 3 level of pain out of balance everytime we walk away from our children. Why the 🌈 z why the blues blues why the meth balance C ing people as animals in behaviors there ups and downs therere art there food and drink all the while a judge making an accusation telling U U R lying when your not. It creates a fear or anxiety and all these blue's clues and rules all around us. The house of 💙 s is me but I didn't choose the color of my door. 

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