Thursday, May 23, 2019

Other Names For Truth

Women's Liber
Mentally Ill
Addicted (Scarlet Letter A)
Conspiracy Theorist
On myperiod
(mention God in court your a zealot. It says in God we trust behind court house benches yet their ain't no truth in this system)

Judges of Sin
Your not the most virtuous lot to be judging sin.
Their won't be any buying of indulgences either. Like I told my mother in 9th grade you can't buy my love. What hapen's Greg when you put a price on LOVE? She becomes your possession. That is all I was to you. A possession. You wanted more bang for your buck and you knew I was the Jack of all trades when you married me. The only two truthful things you ever said to me was that if I didn't agree with you that you'd just come in and take it. After I lived in chains in my marriage. I had to borrow money from my uncle to file for divorce because in a 90 day period you you let this man and Mary Cochran Stone set me up and destroy my good character. All to remove my name off of my four bank accounts and 3 businesses. IC we don't allow someone to practice their civil liberties in court today. U didn't take are of your white collar5 crime up there nor did you take care of it down here. Our court systems are based on insurance and whose gonna pay for someone else's education.

Greg what did I say to you when you came up to visit me and bring me corn chips to eat. U tried again to guilt me over my children. I told you that this is my spiritual journey and to stay out of it. What did you do Greg? U sent Mary Stone up there to follow me and take pictures of me praying. Then she called the police twice. Had this system did their job twenty years ago wewouldn't be here today. IC you lawyers and law makers have given yourselves a high self worth. You've passed so many blanket laws industrializing the human race with this scarlet letter A. What else did I say to you Greg? Nothing grows without love and light. Guess who I am Gregory Allen? I'm love and light. I am this diamond in the rough. I am the living stone. Guess whom my brother was in this lifetime? Now is he my brother,? My father? My husband or my son? I know one thing that he is? He's a Libra. He's back for justice and freedom.

No Kiley when I said that these two people are not God's flock? You said we are all his children. We are up to a point but not come judgement day.

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