Monday, February 18, 2019

NWO timeline

U started this cross training to go on our resumes. It turns out your idea was to get twicw the amount of work out of one person. I should know I worked at boeing and Lockheed bot compainies I had to move the emgineer vault or file room. This was office space especially Lockheed. My children are no longer you flare for you corporate America.

Our temp jobs used o be good jobs to get your foot in the door anywhere. Hands on experience was the key. You corporate America has turned everything into an education. Not smart enuf for you anymore?

You think I don't see the process of your one world order. That is just one of the trojan horses that is here in the land of freedom wiping out freedom.

It seems that you big brother and corporate America think that Gods flock is your garden to industrialize.

The signing of the HIPPA spirituality and emotions.You literally allowed the depressors from the 20's to depress the human body today.

You abused your power as a school system, you went ahead and passed these laws because you were in charge of immunizations

This was when our computer systems were supposed to shut down, and instead in the school system you already had it set up to diagnose my indigo children, ADHD. You patronized the parents and we weren't allowed to ask a question about our own children.

You were also counseling the children of divorced parents.
We couldn't transfer our children out of a class
My daughter couldn't have red highlights in her hair like her mommies
Now you want to diagnose 12 year olds for depression.

Was this also the year that you corporate america passed laws that we weren't allowed to defend ourselves in the work.

Our children were being taught to pass a test. All this homework. You dictated our time at home with our children.

You control the ingress and egress on the streets that have schools. You don't get to have that kind of control.

We couldn't cheer for our children at sports events, because the system says so.

It was also around this time or just after that you dropped the 20 something an hour jobs down to 8 bucks. My mother worked for AG as a cherry picker.

My neighbor across the street was a manager at taco time making 20 something an hour and after the owner died, (I met him at BBWA) his son dropped all the wages down to 8 bucks an hour.

Look how long it took you to get back up to 15 bucks an hour and still allot of people aren't making that. You even gave yourself a 7 year amortization for pay raises about 7 years ago? You want to tell me how all this adds up to making a living?

I am a watcher and my paws moments was these things
The signing of the HIPPA
Driving by group death at a time when they were writing for the same antibiotic 3 times before the doctors could write for a fourth. All at a time when parents were both having to work to pay the bills.
This poisonous apple of an insurance.

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