Sunday, February 18, 2018


Carry On Wayward Son/Kansas
Oh what have I have here now brother? Once again being laid up trying to get away from this topic at hand, the Apocalypse. Here we go brother, judgment day is upon us. I mean the names in this show brother? Then Babylon again? Oh and let me see brother I learned something new, The Usher, are you a fabrication? A myth that you have convinced the human race you don't exist? My clues? My friend Dawn and her little brother Micheal shot during a robbery at a movie theater. Then I saw it brother, my call handle from my childhood? Rainbow Cherry Blossom. I looked at the dates when this show was made but I recon I saw it right when I was supposed to right brother? Got another Sophie IC? Then it was my grandmothers house on Juniper Street in Othello that I'd call it "The Funny Farm." A better description would be eccentric. Not quite that funny brother but IC the correlation of the fight I have this time, back for that tree of life IC? Whose "The Avatar" this time around, is it me or is it you my son?

John Barleycorn/Traffic
It was the name Lotz on the show that caught my eye. When I read up on being the new chosen one to replace Judah the name of the ones doing the choosing were called Lots. Look's like I have some homework brother. Look whose wearing the tree of life brother? Death himself the beast whom humanity handed over to you in what about 1800,? The creation of Damnation, different time same battle. Then before that brother all these wars. The whole time being coveted and controlled you got your hands into the mix right down to these last 100 years. Our food, our pharma, our hospitals, our HMO's, all this insurance you placed in our government. Federal and State by State you bought, sold off the human race. You have abused that H.P.P.A. but what do you care you get to create blanket labels with blanket solutions to feed your pharma care, and your mental institutions and that revolving door of insanity those treatment centers? You just created more jobs to feed your institutions brother. Convincing the human race they are doing their part by helping others right brother? All they are doing is feeding your machine with no heart. 

Simple Man/LS
With all your guidelines, blanket labels, timelines and fee's. Using drugs to shut down all a humans pain in the mind. You shutting down the mind aren't you brother. You use the excuse that they will help your mood. You and your pharma are the reason for all this depression because you use these pills as a solution for all that ales. For how long now Satan? Turn off the mind, turn off the heart right brother? You don't give a flying flock. Boy you sure did make a profit off of Sin to feed all your institutions. Gods flock those higher beings sitting in your institutions. You made them look gulty by changing the industry and removing it over and over. Getting the human race to adapt to your system of numbers to feed your machine. You took away the higher paying jobs and replaced them with lower paying jobs. You cut the hours and raised the price. You used insurance as the excuse. In my family Satan you don't need insurance, we have family and Faith. With that we have the other big A of Assurance that this mothers fallen angels are going home brother. We are all but shells of who we really are inside.

Hell In A Bucket/Grateful Dead/In The Dark
Hiding the Truth behind closed doors IC. The silencing of my little lambs IC. Yet it sits right out in the open. This insurance and all these middle men industries that just came and created itself all to get to those ICD 9 codes to slice and dice each service. Then you got all these state and affiliate's involved. Got to buy and sale off humanity as a whole IC? Hell anywhere I go for service you have to listen to a sales pitch or sit in your HMO's potential limited liability of service. We just keep piling on the shit don't we brother? It doesn't matter what job you have today, you can't do it without serving that potential limited liability of a corporation we all now serve.

Takin' Care Of Business/BTO
Don't worry brother it's just family business. Nothing personal right brother? The school loan's? Gotta get a pedigree on the most basic things now. To inspire and motivate the people whom are your weakest to get back to work to earn your keep. Gotta do your part especially down here. Got to earn your right to even eat on my rock IC? The food you poisoned is all they can afford? They run these people ragged from door to door only to find out that's another program over there. In order to be in that program we got to rewrite your whole system. You can't have this anymore but we'll let you keep that. You can't get healthcare without that H.P.P.A form and it makes a living off of itself. Institutionalize and label you to categorize you and now you really need our help. Keep cumming back. It works if you work it right Satan? Got pay your way. This Monopoly you have on the human race isn't life Satan it is death. What do you care you bought up and sold off the gardens long ago. You poisoned them.

Long Cool Woman/The Hollies
Hey Satan, Lucifer, Vlad, The Impaler, The Usher, The Viper, The Serpent, The Cobra, The Entity, The Beast, Mr, 666, how many God forsaken names you've got I don't give a flying flock no more. When the Crone speaks, what my brother, my son? I'm your creation, I'm the original 01. The Original atom. I'm Aten. I'm that Sun God brother, my son.

Bad Company/BC
I got my first consultation with a Nurse Practitioner whom works for a Neurologist. She finally explained to me what I have. She said you should of seen a Orthopedic surgeon long ago. You wouldn't of needed two different surgeries, just one. It's to late now. I don't have a neurological disease aside from what that car accident caused in my neck from 19 years ago. I have disc four through seven that are all feeding into one blocked root nerve. Every time I Croned the knots got bigger and was cutting off blood flow to my brain and my left then right arm. Now I know why some doctors don't like neurologist?

Bad To The Bone/JT
For eighteen to nineteen years they've been treating pretty much one thing and ignoring the rest. Every neurologist just looked at my brain, even back then they didn't do an X-ray where I said I had pain nor did they do an MRI then. The wrong thing the wrong way now I can't take Imitrex. . She explained you have a a bone and muscle deformity and its to late, you need to see a surgeon. Now my sacrum has a dead spot and its shutting down my legs. I feel like my body is trying to curl in while my hamstrings are springing and cutting off blood flow. Now I have a darkening around and in my left eye, because of all this red tape. She couldn't put in a referral for an MRI and a surgeon. I have to go back to my general practitioner again just to get a referral. Sit and wait through more red tape. This mother cannot wait for Justice. I can't wait to shut this system of slavery down.

Walk This Way/Aerosmith
It took me a couple weeks to post this in the middle of this I was standing at a bus stop and a man that looked like Santa Claus comes up and ask me if I want a smoke? I looked down and it was a pack of red and white Carnival's. This is one of the ways my family lets me know I'm on the right path.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Assassins Creed

Nothing To Lose/Josh Gracin'/Redemption
Their we go that's more like it. I have tried a half a dozen times to sit down and write but something keeps stopping me. Sometimes I just can't find the right groove, the right song to get me moving. After my day yesterday I have so much to write. Funny? Ironic? I just don't know anymore? I had to stop and ask God how much longer are you going to keep this up? I have realized they are taking me into Justice and just why it is I am out here?

The Rose/BM
It's on shuffle. I'll see how this goes? It has been a hell of a couple weeks. Just trying to keep my arms and legs from shutting down. Trying to keep the blood flow going into my hands and feet. The charlie horses around my hip sockets, and down my hamstrings isn't even the beginning. Now I have charlie horses in both feet. I can't go anywhere or do anything without having to stop and work them out on my own. Yesterday my lower left side finally stopped spasming. Lucky because I have four appointments today. I had to call Hope link back to register for a taxi because I can't do the walking from appointment to appointment for physical therapy anymore. The last few times I have tried, I got stuck out there on my own.

Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress/ The Hollies
Don't even get me started on Hope link? It is this system right here that has left me stranded, and the service is rude. Out of line and a dis-service to humanity in more than one way. After what I found out yesterday? I know this system isn't going to help me and they have almost killed me more than one time over the last three years.

One Wing In The Fire/TT/Country In My Rock
I can clearly see now how this system, these lawyers, this insurance, these doctors, these hospitals, and congress really do believe that there is no higher justice to be served upon them? They have created ridiculous timelines that state you can't come back on any of these institutions after a certain amount of time. I'm here to tell you Justice is back in town. I don't give a flying flock the label. Your Savior or the Sphinx. Like I say it depends just what side of love you stand on. Pick a door.

More Than A Feeling/Boston
Remember this you pieces of shit whom want to destroy me, I am the most watched mother on this rock, even in my sleep. You remember whatever power I hold inside and above me, so do my babies.
Even though it was a long day yesterday I was still feeling chipper reading the signs to get me through my day. I mean just the couple of things I posted on the journey speaks volumes of my families justice for all the destruction you have done to me and mine. This Tree Of Life I wear upon me does not belong to you. It belongs to me. I know that you are not the healers of the universe and I know who is. Their ain't no healing this Tree Of Life in this system. How much it has declined in 3 years, and I can't get a consultation to discuss what I have, where I stand and what my future holds?

Night Fever/Bee Gee's
Talk about a Monopoly and being sent back to start once more? Talking to my allergist and the next steps the insurance says I have to take before I can get to the machine? Their were two procedures he wanted to do but the machine says no, you have to do these two things first. I wanted a tube put back in my right ear, and he said let's find out what is causing this? I laughed isn't that why I've been here and coming back for the last 14 months? He wants to do a couple of months of antibiotics because the insurance says so. I laughed because that is exactly what I suggested to my own doctor when my sinuses kept triggering the migraine. I didn't want the pain pills for this. I wanted to try this as a solution months ago and was denied. I mean I looked at my doctor, "Something has to give. Antibiotics for a couple months or pain meds? Go ahead pick my poison and your one lane highway to hell ain't no solution for any human being on my rock.

How Forever Feels/ KC
What the flock I have a GI Jane personality. I have things to do, just to eat and survive. Laying me up is depressing. This is how this Tree Of Life got here in the first place. They did a second hearing exam, as usual not only is my right ear, plugged it is damaged and has been partially a little more deaf for years. The only reason that I didn't have to take a decongestant that day? Because I fell asleep the night before without taking my meds. When I woke up, I took them on an empty stomach and went back to bed. Well I tried. I got back up to drink milk. Back to bed. That didn't work. I ate a banana back to bed. That didn't work. Back up I go and out the front door to get some air and I puked everything back up. I told the doctor, it cleared out my sinus passage on my left side and above my eye, and it relieved the pressure in my right ear. I can hear again and breath. My ears didn't drain for two days.

Springsteen/Eric Church
As usual I have some time waiting for the taxi. Thankful it's a taxi and not a van pool. I've been stranded twice here with that service. I couldn't get to the next destination by walking like I usually do. I'm out of fuel, down to 105 as much as my core is stronger and my Tree Of Life. I need carbs and fuel to keep moving. When I'm this low grade a cliff bar isn't enough to fill my needs today. Large fries, then I get lost in this God Damned Forsaken hospital again trying to find my way back to where I need to be.

Let Her Cry/H&TBF
When I realized that thing on the front of the Masonry symbol was called a compass, I had to wonder again, how come I don't have one of those? Lucky I got weed and tobacco to help me keep my humor up today. They just keep goading me through more bullshit injustice on this insurance. I mean talk about a Mother Flocking Monopoly. Making a living off the weak? Hey you know that list that I called out up above me? Congress on down to all those whom have denied me? How does it feel every time you look at a Veteran, someone you label as mentally ill or less than out here? You know your disabled, you Sr, Citizens, your addicted that you labeled and served up? How does it feel to look these people in the eye and know this is how you earn your paycheck? Yup that's right these people are your food.

You Broke Up With Me/WH
The excuse you need to fill your institutions? Your slaves on these front service lines? Yup IC them God. Your part time jobs with full time labels? Flock you all. Hey how about what the Truth is behind what these landlords are really pulling making a living off of the weak? Collecting the checks, and back out the door these people go. What about the high cost of living? What about the high cost you place on sin today?

Under My Wheels/Riot On The Rocks 5
You immoral, noble fucks. Pick a door, because this mother can't wait for this to go down. Weather I have to wrangle the black viper or not? It is me you want come and get me. I have learned one thing about my family in the first two months after I made this agreement. They kept me moving not you. Now my Tree Of Life might of collapsed once I returned home. Back to the Gateway I go. Turns out my first home. This is exactly what they wanted me to see. I at the time did not connect where I was standing when I'm standing in earthworks park screaming up at them. Do you remember, do any of you remember what physical pain is? I'm human, I'm alive not you. How long has it been for you anyways?

Want To Be That Song/BE
Usually I will walk from the hospital to see Patrick or I walk from there back up to the hospital to catch the bus. Patrick is my favorite doctor. He is the one who gives me the organic injections. He is the one going to bat and witnessing the stages of my decline just walking through this hell care system. I couldn't wait to see him again to tell him what happened the day after he gave me the Toroidal shot? Not only did I lose my monkey hat on the A line, but the shot didn't do one God Damn thing to stop the spasming on my lower left side.

Just To See You Smile/TMCG
I reminded him what happened to my right foot the day I stepped off the bus the last time I saw him? I reminded him about that knotty stage I go through? Then I tell him I didn't go through it after the crone waved through. I've been able to adjust my own TOL back into alignment, but the day after when I woke up, I was spasming all the way down my left side around my tail bone and back up. I spent six hours rolling, stretching, and trying to keep my arms and legs working. By about three, I couldn't feel my whole left side. My arm and left leg did not work. I wasn't having a stroke. This had happened over and over.

Honky Tonk Badonkadonk/TA
Then he tells me they denied my MRI on my neck for the third time. That they want me to do 4 weeks of continuous Physical Therapy. I laughed "I said, I already have. I completed one and a half sessions the first time around and that is how we fucked up my left shoulder for four months of hell. Then I only got through four weeks last time, and it was because of the migraine in my neck for 10 weeks that I had to stop. It's the first time I started no showing for my appointments in three years I was so laid up. He told me of the conversation he had with the insurance company. He keeps contesting this in writing and verbally. Going higher and higher himself. I have been raising holy hell about this insurance and the Monopoly in these institutions running their weakest people ragged and back to start. Go to jail pay a fine, and back around we go. Every time I get to the machine, I am sent back to start and I'm declining. I talked to lawyers and they want a diagnosis in writing. I have scoliosis on there but I can't get a consultation to discuss this to get the diagnosis to get to the next step.

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia/RM
I told him I've been raising holy hell about this insurance and they keep sending me back to the attorney referral line or 211. That is just the point you protected these institutions all these years and you let them create their own timeline and rules to come back on them. All to cover a pharmaceutical company that you allowed to put a label and high price on sin in your already marked up industry to feed this insurance. This machine. This revolving door of insanity. Slavery, you created slaves and you are the bottom feeders making a living off of your weak.

Hypnotize The Moon/CW
Patrick said, "keep going Colleen." Hell the only way I made it this far is because of my history, and knowledge of the muscular skeletal system. The knowledge I received in owning a yoga and alternative healthcare studio. The knowledge I gained from all those different types of workouts I did all those years before I knew "why does my tree of life keep failing me God?" No you in this system are not my healers and I truly don't know what their plan is for my tree of life after our last dance destroying this machine and entity, but I know one thing. I have way better odds with that family upstairs than I do with anyone down here. Truth is you can't handle the Truth, just like Jack said. It is crystal clear to me and mine. 

She's My Kind Of Rain/TMcGraw
Yes I don't care how crazy I sound when I speak or write. I have Truth on my side. I have honor. I have justice. It is I whom carries that purple heart whether you like it or not. I own the the keys to heavens gates. Go ahead feed that machine and turn a blind eye to Truth and Justice. Turn a blind eye to freedom. Turn a blind eye to your tree of life, ye whom judgeth your mother? Go ahead make my day. Serve me up your justice, we'll see how this works out for you? Now pick a door up or down? I got a point to make this time. Some of you higher ups ain't gonna like my point.

Good Directions/BC
Now I know something else Satan about this blog and the little cast I spell each day I move along out here? I am the author and the finisher, just like the good book says. I look up and there across the TV are the words Foolish Pride by T&T. Yup well it turns out I am the Joker and I am the Fool. Jah I'm Sirius. You wanna dance with me brother?

One More Day/Diamond Rio there my family goes again Satan my brother, my son. I've learned a thing or two more these last few days. Oh the discoveries speaks volumes about the direction this is headed. Dancing and getting my hips to start moving, I put the question out there, what is up with this Christopher Columbus fellow? Do you know what happened to my hands brother? Both my hands went up into the air and they gave you the bird. Now brother isn't his birth date not only my X's, Aleister Crowley and now I discover my family upstairs doesn't like you either. Now it makes me wonder just why is that? I mean isn't he one of the good guys God? Didn't he discover something? Why the Short Man Syndrome, why the Tytanric behavior? Whats up with this little guy God?

It Must Be Love/AJ
Then wouldn't you know it Satan my brother my son? I was dozing in front of the TV last night and Netflix clicked off and back to the cable channel and right here I couldn't believe it Assassins Creed was on toward the end just what this battle is all about? My mind started to go click click click back step hey wait a minute isn't that the exact story line I'm walking through? Now Satan my brother this is another movie that I did not choose to watch. It's just been on and I picked up a piece of this story line a time or two.

I remember seeing him hooked up neurologically to a machine walking through all these dimensions being controlled by some unseen force. I remember laughing and thinking I know just how he feels. I've been there but no Satan my brother, my son, my children's Uncle Chambers, I didn't have a clue the story line until last night and back to the apple we go don't we brother? Look what the bad guys were serving brother Christopher Columbus comes back around? I wonder what his birth date is? I just might have to do a little more digging today brother?

I'm With The Band/LBT
Now the rest of the story line Satan my brother, my son what is the rest of this story line about? Who are the old clubs, cults, and religion involved? What are they fighting for Satan my brother, my son? That Holy Grail, that apple to Gods I? This is the end isn't it brother? What old wives club is gonna get to that HOLY Grail to bring that Gregorian out of the sky? Who really controls the numbers of the beast my brother, my son?

She's In Love With The Boy/Trisha Yearwood

Colder Weather/Zach Brown Band/You Get What You Give 2010. Now I like those numbers brother.

Beautiful Mess/Diamond Rio
Collateral Beauty? Now my brother this is another movie I have tuned out and only seen bits and pieces at a time. First time I noticed Will a depressed guy whom just lost his life. His daughter, his wife. I said "no I can't see this" and last night I'm standing in the kitchen and this is on and I hear 3 names. Time, Death and Love. Now just where have I heard these three names? Time? The first day I stood on the blue oil can I heard "we're sorry there wasn't enough time." Well I've certainly discovered a timeline in this family tree. Death? Then all of a sudden, I get a feeling of a dark cloud pulling me down, and I get whiff? I'm off and running hunting Death. Wondering why I am hunting Death? Then well Love stepped in the door and my Daddy Issues grew expotentially. I recon that's what you call Him because from this mothers perspective I'm still wondering "where's the love God? Still not feeling no Love only suffering and pain. As his daughter, his mother, his wife, well this mothers vote is still out there.

When I Said I Do/Clint Black Lisa Hartman Black
Back to that Black Heart fighting for love we go. Now who says my family doesn't speak volumes through notes, prayer and song?
Carrying Your Love For Me/ George Straight we go brother. Back to balance? Back to that perfect alignment in this mothers family tree of life I carry upon my back.
Have You Ever Seen The Rain Creedence Clearwater Revival 
I had to stop typing this and go to the E.R. I almost had a stroke and my body has been trying to for years. That car accident from like nineteen years ago. This is where my migraines took a bad turn. All these years going to the doctors and hospitals and no one would do an MRI or an X ray. Yesterday morning I shut down pretty quickly down my left side then  it went up my left side of my face and neck. The doctor came back after the MRI and said, I already spoke to a surgeon. You need to call him right when you leave. The disc between 4 and 7 all the nerves are going into one nerve that is pinched and has hardly any blood flow, it is so swollen around that nerve.

The Joker/Steve Miller Band
Every time I rolled through scoliosis then I'd kick the crone, that knotty stage that I have shown up to all you urgent cares, emergency rooms and doctors with just these symptoms. You turned to your pat prescriptions which I have turned down because I was there for help. I was the patient in front of you about ready to stroke out. I felt that way what else are you supposed to feel when your left side shits down? You want to blame my tobacco? UW, Virginia Mason, Snoqualmie Valley and Meadow Brook Urgent care are the doors I have walked through since 2016 with these symptoms. It turns out all these years at least 20, I haven't been the one crying wolf after all. It is you feeding your machine, making a living off of this mothers tree of life. Trying to make me fit in your insurance companies and your judgment of me? My life to fit in your box of magic potions and elixirs all to cover a pharmaceutical company? You are nothing but a scam. You cover a potential liability instead of doing what you agreed to do serve humanity, not institutionalize your weak to feed your machine. Your a disgrace to society. Your one size fit's all service doesn't sit well with this mother. I am an individual and you should of treated as such all along.  The good news is my allergist, and Dr. Capz will be happy. They couldn't get past the machine to help me.

Boogie Shoes/KC & The Sunshine Band
Now this mother don't give a flying flock about your labels or your time lines on Justice. No I assure you this mothers lights go out and so does yours. You know that sun that feed's you love and light to feed all of humanity not just a very few?

3AM/Matchbox 20.
Light it up brother, bring on the beast.

Wild One Faith Hill