Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thot's Lately

I don't want to lose these thoughts so I'm just going to document them real quick they've been going over similarities of my life with my mother to the s*** that I jumped into Marrying Greg the similarities you know the games with my life running me ragged my mother I went through four cars by the time I got to this car and then she's constantly calling me threatening me that she's going to take this car she's going to you know like she has rights just always threatening me and just they're going through the similarities and then I marry a guy who actually takes the car and then who actually takes everything the rest of what I have and they're like just and I'm just fuming right now just going through this number two new paragraph

The other thing is how neither one of them could let me go both of them had to make me pay in some way and they're showing me not only how Zion Mary would make me pay but I was aware of her and her games it was how Greg made me pay every day in our marriage just for the basics just for heat just for groceries and you know demanding more and more and more and not getting credit for anything how he would just hang over me even at the end of my pregnancy telling me I have to finish painting this armor and he's standing over me telling me you have to open the store what a horrible mom you know how dare you not think of your baby and I'm like how dare you not think of the mother like he can't throw on a coat of paint and then I asked him to put the doors on and he can't even bother to put him on straight but he's standing over me and this was like the rest of my marriage you know I'm doing these projects and he's standing over me telling me I have to finish them and I'm not even getting credit for what I had to put into in the leg work for this office and you know anything that I asked for in my marriage anything no matter what it was can I we have our jasmine rice no can I plant you know large peapods in the garden no you know and he's just you're wasting money with a bag of lettuce but I want to sell it every night like I'm going to drive into Issaquah you know to go get six heads of romaine to save money and it was just asinine the nitpicking and but he couldn't start a job he didn't know how to start a job I had to learn how to you know do the sheetrock and the mudding and the taping which together was showing me I had to learn how to put in a yard and take out the boulders this guy wanted to save money and he wouldn't pay for lawn service to come and pick up the recycling for the lawn so I had to break it up and take it up to the dump he wouldn't pay for recycling so I had to take it up and the guy would just leave garbage f****** everywhere in my yard but you would nip it to f*** out of me in my home he didn't have heat issues food issues how clean my house is where I got my haircut then I worked out at the gym he had no f****** issues with anything that I did but once we got to this house he has issues with f****** everything and before we even opened this office I remember that's when my keys kept disappearing and I had four sets of keys and I found them all in his bag his empty bag was one t-shirt with unmailed bills and it's like f*** just when God said sabotage he wasn't f****** kidding this guy did everything he could do to make it hard and I literally got garbage and I was treated like garbage f*** just they're just going over this with me how much that my mom and Greg took for granted just constantly threatening me threatening me telling me how to be and there's sociopathic f****** games just to have control over something that never needed control but you big brother did not let me defend myself in order for me in my word to ever be truth again talk about destruction of character my clients and my office anybody knew that was hired
So I'm only just walking this last couple days trying to do everything I can do to keep my body going to do this video I mean I at least have to be able to stand without the dizziness and falling over and I don't want to hold on to my chest and I finally got through the shaky legs and room and the dizziness but the dizziness got worse and so I'm and I was still weak and I had to hold the walls and furniture to get into the bathroom I hate being like this cuz I'm afraid I'm going to fall in that bathroom and I did fall again it bruises all on my back because I fell between the toilet trying to sit on it but I missed and so yeah this this sucks nobody knows what I have speaking of I got to make an appointment thanks for the reminder bye