Thursday, September 3, 2020


 Time For Me To Fly/REO

How true that is. I'm so ready to fly. 2 get this over with. They've taken me back to the rainbow, the Rose, and the heart. My first baby bird's nest. Tandem computer's. A co-worker brought me back a book. A gold baby bird's nest with a blue cracked egg and gold stars. Literally taken me back thru the people named star's in my lifetime. The who's what's when and where's. 

The 2nd bird's nest was when I discovered this piece of shit man I married couldn't even pick a CHristmas tree. I'm put on full time bed rest and to save 10 bucks he took me up logging roads. He thot it would be fun too. Fun 4 who? My screaming 2 little dog's or his very pregnant wife. The back of it had been growing up against tree's and it was baron, yet there was one baby bird's nest. I felt myself cry inside and angry at the same time. What's done is done. I let it go as I usually did. Not to ruin once again what was supposed to be a beautiful moment. Our first Christmas tree, our first child in the biggest fixer upper you've ever seen. My 3rd was outside my storage by a field. I still have it.

Just A Dream/CU

I wish. It's all those dreams. I remember in2 my early childhood those dreams. Then the fall and my 1st wet dream standing in a grocery store aisle by the dill pickles. I'm at the nd and my arms spread like a 5 star, I orgasimed. That was just the beginning of those. When I was a child I saw the movie, entity. At first I thot not bad having some1 make love 2U in your sleep. A invisible man. Then he got aggressive, violent and it turned to rape. She couldn't get rid of him. He followed her everywhere raping her in front of her children. Leaving marks.


Then it was happening to me. Hell I could barely walk. My leg's were shaking. They were so weak and tired. I couldn't walk away from this feeling. This need to orgasm and it wouldn't go away until I got in bed and finished the session. Either the entity or the invisible man did. I was never raped ot hurt. Behind in time. Having 2 skip the shower b4 I get to work, an errand or appointment. Then now that I know now in hindsight. I am his sister, his daughter, his WIFE. Flock me on that one. the other 3 of who I am and the beings up there they put me thru. His mother as well. Who wouldn't want 2 touch your wife. YOur soulmate, your heart.

Happy Does/KC

I watched a documentary on Robin WIlliams last night. Got taken back 2 eight grade my bright yellow trouser's, paradise shirt, and Mork From Orc Suspenders. #8 in the Angel's 101. What I named this blog. After the angels. Why can't I follow the angels. God's 1st daughter. The Davinci Code daughter. Santa Clara became St. Clair. I exist. Sunnyvale, Mtn. View, I got Rosaesha out of the blue that I let the sun take it away.

Home Cumming Queen/KB

Why Rob Ishi was let go? The 1 agreement that Greg came back 2. I told Greg he doesn't like women. He saw it 4himself and agreed. Greg actually followed thru and released him as our friend. We loved him (well I. Greg is a black heart. No empathy, Doesn't C pain. A charming liar. A educated cute jokester. A naturopathic poisonous piece of shit.) Isn't that it. We were both in agreement when I rented a room out 2 him assisting these apartment's. We got a discount so I gave him a discount. His sister sent him money every month for living expenses. A maintenance man came over and I opened the lid to the pot. A big old floating brown log. A number 2. I was so embarrassed. No matter what I said I looked guilty. No one else was home 2 blame. Rob Ishi laughed. Greg and I didn't. We both thot rude and un-cooth. Yes I know shit happens. Always 2 me. On this journey I find out their is a curse on this families name. My God Damned prayer's from the heart. Curse or  BLESSING? i KNOW HOW OTHER RECEIVER'S 2 THE LIGHT FEEL'S. DAMNED IF U DO. DAMNED If U DON'T.


Last night I was outside looking up at the planet's and the star's with my Star Walk II. I was taking photo's of my family in those constellation's thinking about the history and mythology I've been thru. I hit the search, the eye glass with a compass and it moved South. It stopped on the Southern Cross. I thot about Constantine going from being a pagan 2 a Christian. This is the cross he must've seen. When I looked up Pagan. It was about balance, the moon. The Christian fish on the back of car's represents the woman's vagina. In paganism the woman is worshiped bcuz she gives birth. She gives life. She feeds her children. She feed's the heart, the mind, the stomach and soul. Truly she can't breed and give new life without the father's seed. I hit the search going North and it stopped on the Crown. I didn't know there was a crown in those star's. Like a Bell going off in my mind there I am looking at the beginning of the story line. The Rose Line is written is even written in the star's. Destiny for what's 2 cum.

2 Out Of 3 Ain't Bad/ML

Oh this song. Take's me back to all my twin's on this rock and the heaven's. Literally Earthworks park at the Gateway. Those 2 ring's I saw later I saw 3. It was the day I asked " Dad where R U in all this all I feel is my brother. Where R U? U showed up in my dream about Jim. U wanted 2 have a conversation. I wondered why U didn't cum 2 me in a dream, like U did B4? Now I know why what he saw. U dressed as James Dean. It was your timeline in this life. The Rebel. The cliff, the cabin, your home and on the table it was the book U wanted him 2C and me 2 know about. It was called "62 Years Of Misery." Sean didn't even know your age. All he knew was your name. Not how U died.


U showed up with your arm around my brother as a child. Another 10 and 12 discussion on this journey. He was dressed as a native. The loin cloth. In his right hand a rope with a rock. Later it was David and Goliath. Then I understood my commitment. How could I not, when I found out 2 weeks after this agreement from Michael's demon. The black wolf telling me he wanted to tear off my children's head's and deliver them 2 me in a box. I've been back 2 that black wolf in my childhood. Castle Rock and the hells angels looking in my 2 cousins bedroom window, but I saw a wolf.

I'll Fly Away/AJ

My reminder 2 why I made this agreement, first family, then it got closer in. My 2 Sunflowers. Alex and Kiley. My phone ding's and it's a message from Alex wanting my signature 2 go out of the country. I jumped up off this bench, my arm's in the air yelling, "no fucking way." C the sum X's the higher they go the lower I go. Blasphemous lil ole me. Everything She Does Is Magic.

Spirit In The Sky/NG

As I was taking photo's I took note of the telescope, science. C ing thing's microscopically. Cassiopeia with a wand, yet it turn's out she's a Greek queen called ????????. From the start they kept taking me back to Greece and the Netherland's. Norway and the Viking's. The hammer Thor. Then Odin on American God's. Shadow Moon. Lucille Ball and technology to make U a star and 2 fight our futuristic war's. Jack's house the name of the bar. I felt like him. Like the chain's were off. I was out of the box. Sweeny Todd. The Gateway. Todd Rd. Intersects with Washington. Intersects with Lincoln. Titus Street. The Canyon. All around me sign's. An orphanage and another house of blue. Lil' Orphan Annie learns to survive and became Annie Oakley. With 2 dancing feet and a Lil' Shiva inside me.

4 What's It's Worth/BS

Time 4 A New Day Time $ a New Dawn. That Rainbow and Rose. Knowledge is key Wisdom is power. I've found that rainbow and Wisdom written in every walk of life. No greater Wisdom than Truth. Some time's U have 2 drop your children low to raise them high some day. Yes some of U take Truth and lies 2 far. A flip side to everything. It had been dawning on me that one of these constellation's has chain's. One carries a snake. I'm taking photo's of the one's that caught my eye. I might not of known what sect anything of these being's came from. Not even the timeline in history. It's mind blowing that I'm the 1 connecting it. 

Thank U/LZ

I met JJ. Jimmie Jane is her name. I aborted my first and last. Yes Greg was there by my side. Not for the rest of my pregnancies. Not the almost miscarriages on either one. Alex 4 months. Out of the blue. I knew those braxton Hicks weren't contractions. Sure enuf full time bed rest. I get punched in the arm and told I can do it. He did not acknowledge. I have discovered that it wasn't just that I had to ask people to cum over and help Greg. Teach Greg. The Truth is it was literally anything I asked him personally. He only got on taking the initiative of putting in a wood stove, or when I switched to propane. It was the heat. He had issues with the most basic necessitates and he put a price on everything. I lived on credit bcuz that's all he saw in me. His lil money tree that he literally industrialized.

I met JJ walking back 2 my base camp. I knew instantly who it was. It was JJ. I wanted my own lil blue J. My own lil birdy who I always felt close by as a child and thru my life. My cousins name Jeremy James. Family name is JJ. I noticed going thru the constellations all those birds in the stars. learning where their is a life their is a soul and God own's the souls not man. Not Machine. Certainly not the 2 entities. The 2 B ing's he/she hates. The clue's? My nickname and Big Ben. It all ties in together 2 make us 1 family under 1 God to stand together.  One heart, we stand with courage, we stand strong in peace, serenity and prayer, whatever that prayer may be. What ever emotion U may feel feel it. U R stronger in your emotions. Purge that anger on the entity. Satan's greatest joke is to convince U he doesn't exist.

Bat Out Of Hell/ML

I figured out long ago that Kiley's Irish twin is Elijah Todd. I wanted to my brother 2 have a peaceful name. Knock knock book of Enoch. I found out about this Midnight Friday the 13th. My daughters 21st b-day. She's at the airport sitting in a bar alone waiting to get on a plane 2 Thailand. I'd been writing about the elephant's in conjunction with Alex. Her first day in Thailand she was playing with baby elephant's. On Banned from the Bible U can find this storyline and this storyline has to do with all these shows on vigilantes. Such as Batman, Robin, Aqua Man, Super Woman, The Rock. On and on we go.

Sweet Home Alabama/LS

My question is why haven't I met Rose? When I met J.J. I fell to my knee, arm's open wide bawling. I felt it with Gwen's grandparent's. The same thing happened. When the man in my dream's that I'd only seen the back of him. On my left knee. Red Rock Road. The old and young Native man B-hind me. Ive cum 2 discover the mountain with the broken heart is me, Right along with the Bleeding Heart's. JC show's up on my left with the man with the Bruno beard. I have no idea if I'm the Rose or if their is another Rose in history I don't know about?

Just Got Started Lovin' U/JO

I felt in the beginning like some1 out there has a club. It's Hercules Zeus' bastard son. A half breed. He also released Prometheus from the rock. I'm B-ing made to pay 4 heat since we God that bassackward, backward's L. shaped house. 2 Discover that I married that black cloud? My first conversation about that black cloud was with Shari. Hell no their was no balance anywhere in that marriage. I knew long B4 that he was not an honorable man. He was no white knight in shining Armour. He's that charming serpent. All over again. U got me to put the weapon in my hand. Hell U served it up and couldn't stop the party. From beginning to end it was like night and day. Living with a completely different person. Everything was a lie.